Description | Manucript and typescript letters and reports, printed documents and illustrations, relating to Indian rubber [natural rubber]. Includes papers regarding rubber cultivation and trade in the Gold Coast [Ghana], including Landolphia owariensis, Landolphia florida, Hevea brasiliensis and Landolphia Thollori. Volume includes information regarding sending seeds and specimens, including to the Kew Museum. Includes letters to Joseph Hooker, Thiselton-Dyer and Prain, and letters and memorandums from Thiselton-Dyer, Stapf, Oliver, Hillier, and Prain, and correspondence with the Colonial Office.
Volume is arranged in the following sections:
-- Economics --
---- Yoruba indigo, Landolphia owariensis etc. ---- (Ff1-21) Includes papers regarding botanical specimens from the River Volta district sent by Alfred Maloney.
---- Rubber in Sefwhi and Wam, Ficus [elastica], Kickxia, Carpodimis, etc. ---- (Ff22-48) Includes report by Captain C H Armitage, with accompanying illustrations labelled as follows:
- Method of Climbing Rubber Tree - Branch of "Female Funtum" Tree - Branch of "Nyediia'' Tree (Long leafed variety) - Branch of Nyediia (Round leafed variety) - Branch of Male Funtum - Branch of a Dekoro or Tekoro Vine - Branch of Aman Vine - Branch of ''Sindura'' Tree - Branch of Akan Plant - A Shoot of the ''Edra'' or ''Bodda'' Vine.
---- Rubber Company; Rubber Districts ---- (Ff49-75) Papers regarding The British India-Rubber and Exploration Company, Limited, with map of 'Appabomah'; and reports on rubber districts, and on seeds sent to Kew.
-- Excoecaria Grahamii -- (F76).
-- Funtumia -- (Ff77-) Papers regarding Funtumia elastica, extracting rubber from leaves, and rubber and cola cultivation.
-- Landolphia florida, Landolphia owariensis -- (Ff89-143) Includes papers regarding the India Rubber Trade at Lagos, and following extract:
- Thomas Christy, THE AFRICAN RUBBER TREE (LANDOLPHIA FLORIDA) [with printed illustration].
---- Thompson's report of his tour ---- (Ff115-130) Papers regarding tour of Assistant Inspector Charles W Thompson [of the Gold Coast Constabulary].
---- White Rubber, Land. owariensis ---- (Ff131-132) Papers regarding Landolphia owariensis, including explanation of Indigenous names 'Abóntóre' and 'Kiakia'.
---- Root rubber, L. Thollori ---- (Ff133-) Papers regarding Landolphia Thollonii [with printed illustrations] and article titled THE 'TAPPING' OF RUBBER TREES. -- Rubber obtained under cultivation --
---- Parà rubber, Hevea -- (Ff144-201) Includes:
- REPORTS ON RUBBER IN THE GOLD COAST AND SIERRA LEONE (London: Darling and Son for His Majesty's Stationery Office, 1904)
- W H Johnson, [Head Curator of the Botanic Stations in the Gold Coast] REPORT ON THE CULTIVATION OF RUBBER, COCOA, AND OTHER AGRICULTURAL PRODUCTS IN CEYLON (London: Waterlow and Sons Limited, 1903).
---- Beta machine ---- (Ff202-207) Papers regarding Beta rubber machine for separating rubber from the water parts of the latex of rubber plants.
-- Preservation of native areas; training of natives, etc. -- (Ff208-212).