
Ref NoMCR/15/3/13
Alt Ref NoMR/670
geographical classification 15.4
TitleJamaica: Forestry
DescriptionManuscript and typescript letters and reports, printed documents, and press cuttings with a printed map of Jamaica as part of the Report upon the Forests of Jamaica, 1886, by E.D.M Hooper (f46). Volume includes information regarding deforestation, exchange of plants, the conservation of Crown forests, the creation of a Forest Department, and the new Imperial College of Tropical Agriculture in Trinidad.

Includes letters to William Hooker, Joseph Hooker, and David Prain; with letters from William Thiselton-Dyer, William Fawcett, Leslie Probyn, David Prain, and Arthur Hill. Correspondence with the Colonial Office, the Imperial Bureau of Mycology, and the West India Committee. Includes newspaper cuttings from THE TIMES.

Volume contains the following index:

-- Afforestation Law 1927 --

-- Deforestation in Jamaica --

-- Forestry Officer --

-- Hooper, E D M (Report on Forests of Jamaica) --

-- Mahogany seed --

-- Pithecolobium Saman --

-- ''Timbers of Jamaica'' W Harris --

-- King Coconuts from Ceylon --

-- Sir A W Hill, comments to Colonial Office on forestry and soil erosion --

-- Sir A W Hill [?Do.] Bananas --

-- H C Shekell --

-- H W Moon, report on M Reid's Cedar Plantation, Tobago, 1922 --

-- Cyprus, Farmers and Forests (''Times'' article, 1926) --
Date24 Dec 1858-30 May 1928
FormatManuscript papers
Press cuttings
Published documents
Collection TitleMiscellaneous Reports
Extent1 volume
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