
NameAnnals of Botany Company; 1903-
Dates and PlacesRegistered as a company in 1903
BiographyProducers of the ANNALS OF BOTANY plant journal, which was first published in 1887. Became a registered company in 1903.

Botanist Isaac Bayley Balfour was appointed Chairman in 1903 and led the company until 1912. Dukinfield Henry Scott followed him as Chairman. He had served as Vice-Chairman of the company since 1903 and remained in post until his death in 1934. The loss of the founding members of the journal led to a period of change. The journal re-started as a new series in 1937, in response to increased competition from younger journals.

Between 1887 and 1978 the journal was issued at irregular intervals, dependent on the supply of suitable articles for inclusion. The journal has been published monthly since 1979. Oxford University Press publish the journal on behalf of the company.

In 2009, the Company launched a second title AoB PLANTS, an online-only, open-access plant biology journal
RulesInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) 2nd edition - ICA 2004 ISBN 2-9521932-2-3

National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997
SourceK Wilson 'The Origin of the Annals of Botany' ANNALS OF BOTANY ns 42 (1978); Michael B Jackson 'One hundred and twenty-five years of the Annals of Botany. Part 1: the first 50 years (1887-1936)' ANNALS OF BOTANY ns 115 (2015);and website of the Annals of Botany Company (accessed 11 Jun 2015)
Archives associated with this name record
Reference TitleDate
AOB/3/3'Annals of Botany Part 2: the years 1937 to 2012'2016
AOB/3/1'Origins of the Annals of Botany'1978
AOB/2Financial Accounts1888-1919
AOB/2/2Annals of Botany Production Costsc.1902-Mar 1912
AOB/3/2'Annals of Botany Part 1: the First 50 Years'2015
AOB/2/1Annals Accounts 1888-1919Mar 1888-Mar 1919
AOB/1Correspondence and Minutes1885-1977
AOB/3/4'Ten years of AoB PLANTS the open access journal for plant scientists: inception and progress since 2009'2019
AOB/1/6'Annals of Botany Correspondence for 1911'Jan 1911-May 1912
AOB/1/4'A. B. Company Minutes 1904-1931'Nov 1904-1977
AOB/1/2'Annals of Botany Minutes & Agendas 1888-1903'Apr 1888-Feb 1903
AOBAnnals of Botany Papers1885-2015
AOB/1/1'Annals of Botany Minute Book 1885-1897'1885-c.1943
AOB/1/3'Annals of Botany Correspondence 1899 Jan & Feb'9 Feb 1898-28 Feb 1899
AOB/1/5'Annals of Botany 1905-1911 Correspondence & Minutes'Jan 1905-Dec 1910
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