
NameOliver; Daniel (1830-1916); English botanist
Dates and Placesb.6 Feb 1830, Newcastle upon Tyne; d.21 Dec 1916, Kew, Surrey
HistoryDaniel Oliver developed an interest in natural history from an early age and published his first work on this subject in 1874, in THE PHYTOLOGIST. He was elected to the Edinburgh Botanical Society in 1851, and the Linnean Society in 1853 and also lectured, during at this time, in botany at Durham Medical School. In 1858, he was invited to join the staff of the herbarium at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew and was later appointed keeper of the herbarium and library. He held this position until his retirement in 1890 and worked closely with botanical collections sent to Kew from all over the world. He also worked collaboratively with Charles Darwin, conducting experiments on insectivorous plants, and upon Darwin's recommendation, he was appointed to the professorship of botany at University College, London in 1860. He retained this position until his death. In 1861, Oliver became one of the editors of the NATURAL HISTORY REVIEW, and was later elected to the Royal Society of London in 1863.
RulesInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) 2nd edition - ICA 2004 ISBN 2-9521932-2-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997
VIAF: 66580052
Archives associated with this name record
Reference TitleDate
MCR/4/3/2Hong Kong: Botanic Gardens: Miscellaneous Reports22 Oct 1863-4 Jul 1891
MCR/4/2/10China: Index Florae SinensisMay 1878-9 Jan 1906
MCR/4/3/3Hong Kong: Botanic Gardens1891-28 Feb 1901
MCR/4/2/9China: Hance10 Nov 1882-16 Aug 1889
MCR/2/6/1Afghanistan: Botanical Exploration16 Sep 1879- 17 Sep 1888
MCR/4/2/3China: Economic Products11 Mar 1867-14 May 1904
MCR/4/2/11China: Plant collections, cultural products etc. 5 Oct 1853-31 Aug 1914
MCR/10/3/4West Tropical Africa: Eucalyptus8 Dec 1873-21 Dec 1900
MCR/4/2/5China: Foods, Medicines and WoodsJun 1858-8 Jan 1914
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