
NameLondon; Linnean Society; 1788-.
BiographyThe Linnean Society is the world's oldest active biological society. It was founded in 1788 by Sir James Edward Smith and takes its name from the Swedish naturalist, Carl Linnaeus, whose botanical, zoological and library collections are preserved by the society. It provides a rich research base for taxonomy, as well as a forum for the discussion and advancement of the life sciences. It aims to encourage and communicate scientific advances forged by the fusing of of new research with its historical collection.
RulesInternational Standard Archival Authority Record for Corporate Bodies, Persons and Families - ISAAR(CPF) 2nd edition - ICA 2004 ISBN 2-9521932-2-3
National Council on Archives, Rules for the Construction of Personal, Place and Corporate Names, 1997
Source (accessed 01/10/2019)
Archives associated with this name record
Reference TitleDate
MCR/4/2/10China: Index Florae SinensisMay 1878-9 Jan 1906
MCR/2/6/1Afghanistan: Botanical Exploration16 Sep 1879- 17 Sep 1888
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