Ref NoMS/138
TitleSulle Cicerchie - Ottaviano Targioni-Tozzetti
AdminHistoryOttaviano Targioni Tozzetti (1755 - 1826) was an Italian physician and botanist.

Tozzetti was born on 10 February 1755 in Florence to Giovanni Targioni Tozzetti. He graduated in medicine at the University of Pisa in 1772 and in the same year obtained permission to practice the profession of physician. Following the death of his father, he taught botany at the Hospital of Santa Maria Nuova in 1783 , while at the same time leading the experimental garden.

After the abolition of the botanical chair at Archisphere in 1793 , he took the teaching of the same discipline to the Royal Museum of Physics and Natural History , whose botanical garden was then directed by Attilio Zuccagni, and from 1802 he held the chair at the University of Pisa. Having been commissioned in 1799 to teach farming lessons in 1801, he assumed took on direction of the Georgofili Academy of Agriculture, assuming his final title in 1806. He was also passionate about mineralogy and greatly expanded the collection of his father.

Tozzetti married Vittoria Campana, sister of the doctor and Ferrara scientist, Antonio Campana. They had two sons, Antonio and John. Tozzetti died in Pisa on 6 May 1826.
DescriptionBound manuscript entitled 'Sulle Cicerchie: Memoria Letta nell'adunanza dell'Accademia dei Georgofili di Firenze il di 3 di Agosto 1785 dal Dott' [Translation: On the Cicerchie: Memoirs read at the Georgofili Academy of Florence on August 3, 1785] by Ottaviano Targioni-Tozzetti, relating to a type of legume or pea.

Inscribed 'J.E. Smith, ex dono amicissimi D.Ottaviani Targioni Tozzetti, Florentiae'.
Extent1 bound volume
NotesBound with 138a
Creator NameTargioni-Tozzetti, Ottaviano
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