Ref NoMS/237a
TitleCorrespondence of Alexander MacLeay and William Sharp MacLeay: A-J
AdminHistoryAlexander MacLeay FRS FLS, was an entomologist (principally interested in lepidopterology) and a colonial statesman in Australia. He was born on June 24 1767 in Ross-shire, Scotland and died in Sydney on June 18 1848. MacLeay became a fellow of the Linnean Society in 1794, and was secretary from 1798-1825. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1809. MacLeay was Colonial Secretary of New South Wales 1825-37, and first Speaker of the Legislative Council 1843-46, and First President of the Australian Museum at Sydney, founded in 1836. Robert Brown named the genus Macleaya, (Bocconia), belonging to the poppy family, after MacLeay. He possessed a fine collection of insects and by 1825 it was said to be the best of any private individual.

William Sharp MacLeay, eldest son of Alexander MacLeay, was a scholar and naturalist, born on 21 July 1792 in London and died in Sydney on 26 January 1865. In 1818 he became secretary to the board for liquidating British claims in France on the peace of 1815; commissary judge in Havana, 1830-1837; went to New South Wales, 1839, where he enlarged his father's entomological collection. His chief work was Horae Entomologicae, propounding the circular or quintary system of classification.
DescriptionThe MacLeay correspondence and MSS consist of letters received by Alexander MacLeay (A.M.) and William Sharp MacLeay (W.S.M.), with the bulk of the letters being dated prior to 1825.

Correspondence has been arranged in alphabetical order, by the surname of the correspondent, and includes the place of writing and date (where known), with a summary of the letter subject. The language of the letter is also indicated and can be found in shorthand in square brackets at the end of each summary.

ACLAND, Sir Thomas D., to A.M.
1. 1825 May. Introduces Mr Cleeve who was shortly sailing for N.S.W.

AERTZ, De Wyndt.
1a. No date. Entomology. [Fr.]

ALDERETE, Manuel de, to A.M.
2. 1830 Dec 14. Invitation to visit. [Sp.]

AUSTRALIAN CLUB. [Elizabeth Bay] Draft letter from A.M. to Secretary.
3. 1845 July 30. Resigning membership; gives reason.

BALLARD, Thomas, to A.M.
4. 1825 July. Regrets could not send more seeds.

BANKS, Sir Joseph, to A.M.
5. No date. [London] Enquires about vessels touching Cadiz; re a specimen of Buprestis splendida taken from a deal writing table.
6. No date. About a "villein" [animal or insect? Ed.] that destroys fir trees.
7. No date. Asks if a present of orange trees from Palermo has arrived in London.
8. No date. A.M. to forward enclosed to M. Journeau, a prisoner of war.
9. No date. About Mr. Podwick. and the transport of sheep.
10. 1809 Oct 15. Withdraws his recommendation of certain Norwegians who had broken their parole; transport of sheep.
11. 1812 Jun 8. Encloses letter for Mr McKenzie; French prisoners.

BACKHOUSE, James, to A.M.
12. 1837 Aug 22. [Hobart Town] Sends Eucalypti and other plants; refers to Colonial Penal Discipline; a list of plants is appended.
13. 1843 Nov 20. Lists contents of a box of plants sent to A.M..

14. 1817 Feb 8. To A.M. Entomology. [Fr.]
15. 1818 Feb 19. To W.S.M. Entomology. [Fr.]
16. 1818 Apr 21. To W.S.M. Entomology. [Fr.]
17. 1818 Apr 21. To W.S.M. Entomology. [Fr.]
18. 1820 Aug 11. To W.S.M. Entomology. [Fr.]
19. 1820 Dec 3. To W.S.M. Entomology. [Fr.]

BARKER, Rt. Rev. Frederick, Bishop of Sidney [Sydney], to W.M.
20. 1856 Mar 14. [Sydney] Encloses circular about school for clergymen's daughters; about clergymen's daughters.

BARNARD, Edward, to A.M.
21. 1824 Dec 25. [London] About house for A.M. in Sydney if he accepts appointment.

BARTELS, Dr Charles, to W.S.M.
22. 1832 Oct 30. [St. Petersburgh] Sends box of insects; suggests that W.S.M. despatches per contra species from Brazil and Cape of Good Hope.

BATHURST, Earl, to A.M.
23. 1825 Jan 5. [Cirencester] Agrees to delay in A.M.'s departure for New South Wales; will not appoint W.S.M. to an office there.
24. 1824 Dec 28. [Attached to letter No. 24] From A.M. to Bathurst, accepting position in New South Wales.

BESSER, Prof. W., to W.S.M.
25. 1822 Jun 26. Entomology. [Ge.]
26. 1823 Apr 13. Entomology. [Ge.]
27. 1823 June 3. Entomology. [Ge.]

BEST, Fielding, to A.M.
28. 1802 Dec 1. [Fynney] Suggests names to support his application for Fellowship to the Linn.
29. 1802 Dec 6. [A.M. to Best, Fielding] Cannot find anybody in the Linn to support his application.
30. 1803 Jan 3. Mr Martin of Buxton will not set his name to support any application to the Linn.; suggests other names.

BIDEN, Capt. Charles, to A.M.
31. 1825 Apr 9. [Gravesend] The "messing" of Mr Rose, Assistant Surgeon on the Princess Charlotte.

31a. 1815 Sep 19. [Turin] To W.M. Entomology. [Fr.]
32. 1815 Sep 10. To A.M. Entomology. [Fr.] Attached an advertisement by Michel Perotti in French and Italian.
33. 1820 Jul 19. To A.M. Entomology. [Fr.]
34. 1815 Sep 10. To W.S.M. Entomology. [Fr.]
35. 1816 Feb 5. To W.S.M. Entomology. [Fr.]

36. 1825 May 2. [Paris] Dissertation on the natural history of a certain country. [Fr.]

BOWRINC (?), E.M., to W.S.M.
37. 1844 Feb 17. [Ravensworth] Sends insects and fossil stones.

BOYLE, Hon. C., to A.M.
38. 1825 Jan 8. Vacant post in the Navy Office.
39. 1825 Mar 18. Appointment of Surgeon to the ship in which A.M. will be travelling.

BRIÉBISSON, Alphonse de, to A.M. and W.S.M.
40. 1817 Jan 1. Entomology. [Fr.]
41. 1817 Jan 27. Entomology. [Fr.]
42. 1817 Apr 28. Entomology. [Fr.]
43. 1817 Apr 28. Entomology. [Fr.]
44. 1817 Oct 27. Entomology. [Fr.]
45. 1818 Feb 13. Entomology. [Fr.]
46. 1820 May 10. Entomology. [Fr.]
47. 1820 Jul 19. Entomology. [Fr.]
48. 1820 Aug 26. Entomology. [Fr.]
49. 1820 Sep 18. Entomology. [Fr.]
50. 1820 Sep 26. Entomology. [Fr.]
51. 1821 Feb 24. Entomology. [Fr.]
52. 1821. Apr 8. Entomology. [Fr.]
53. 1821 May 14. Entomology, [Fr.]
54. 1821 May 16. Entomology. [Fr.]
55. 1821 Jul 13. Entomology. [Fr.]
56. 1821 Sep 10. Entomology. [Fr.]
57. 1821 Sep 28. Entomology. [Fr.]
58. 1822 Feb 3. Entomology. [Fr.]
59. 1822 Sep 10. Entomology. [Fr.]
60. 1823 Jan 1. Entomology. [Fr.]
61. 1823 Feb 20. Entomology. [Fr.]
62. 1824 Jan. 4. Entomology. [Fr.]
63. 1824 May 19. Entomology. [Fr.]
64. 1824 Aug 21. Entomology. [Fr.]
65. No date. Entomology. [Fr.]
66. No date. Entomology. [Fr.]
67. No date. Entomology. [Fr.]

68. 1843 Jan 20. [London] See BUCKLAND, Dean.

BRONTLOOZE & Co., to A.M.S. (?)
69. 1854 May 9. About despatch of cases of wine. [Fr.]

BROWN, Robert..
70. 1840 Jan 16. [London] To A.M. Introduces Mr John Lyall and Mr Charles Lyall; also Mr. Marsh; engraving of A.M.'s portrait.

71. 1840 Jan 20 [London] To W.S.M. W.S.M.'s accident on board ship; engraving of A.M.'.s portrait; testimonial candelebrum; asks for New Holland plants, woods and fossil woods.

BUCKLAND, Dean, to W.M.
72. 1843 Jan 26 [Oxford] Prof. Owen's report on Mastodon's Remains sent home by Thomas Mitchell; Bicheno's move to V.D. Land; letter from W.J. Broderip to Buckland dated 1843 Jan 20 [No. 68] about the examination of bones by Prof. Owen; also extract from letter by Owen to Buckland.

BUCKLE, John W., to A.M.
73. 1824 Jun 15. Seeks £200 due to him.

74. 1824 Jul 27. Acknowledges receipt of £200.

75. 1823 Mar 31. No communication from MacLeay; suggests that problem now be resolved.
76. 1823 May 12. About dividends due.

CAMPBELL, Charles, to A.M.
77. 1846 May 13. Expresses esteem; wrote for Colonial newspapers under signature "Kappa".

CANTOR, Theodore, to W.S.M.
78. 1839 May 13. [London] Confirms appointment as Asst Surgeon in Bengal; his drawings and MSS bought by Radcliffe Library for £100.
79. 1845 Apr 5. [Singapore] Declining health; in charge of eight hospitals; no time for scientific work; entomology.

CARLISLE, Bishop of, to A.M. (see GOODENOUGH).
80. 1811 Mar 11. [London] Cannot attend Council Meeting; requests that champagne be sent to him any day at 10.30 a.m.
81. 1817 Jan 25. [London] Against purchasing Rudge's collection. Marsham's debt to the Linn.
82. 1817 Feb 17 [London] Objects strongly to application by Horticulturalists for use of the Linn. Rooms.
83. 1821 jUN 6. [London] Saw Sir Humphrey Davy who did not think the President of the Linn. could at the moment be addded to the list of Trustees.

CHAPMAN, Abel, to A.M.
84. 1825 Feb 10. [Woodford] Invites A.M. to his home before he leaves England; includes letter from Mrs. Rebecca Chapman.

CHEVROLET, Aug., to A.M.
85. 1824 Sep 24. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]
86. 1824 Nov 2. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]

87. 1823 Dec 21. Sad about death of Dr Clark; drawing of Viscount Palmerston.

CLARKE, W.B., to W.S.M.
88. 1843 Nov 14. [Paramatta] Fossils in Australian coal.
89. 1844 Mar 4. [Paramatta] Fossils in Australian coal.
90. 1844 Apr 12. [Paramatta] Fossils in Australian coal.
91. 1844 Apr 15. [Paramatta] A fossil fish.
92. 1844 May 29. [Paramatta] A fossil fish.
93. 1852 Nov 20. A new form of Cephalopod; survey of a goldfield.
94. 1859 Jul 11. [St. Leonards] Introducing Dr. Gygard (?), a Swiss, with good knowledge of Mineralogy.
95. No date. [St. Leonards] About re-printing a letter.
96. No date. [Part of a letter].

COOTE, Richard H.
97. 1825 Jun 6. About delay in vacating the house in Queen Square, Westminster.

CULLUM, Sir Thomas C., to A.M.
98. 1825 Feb 27. [Bury] Best wishes to A.M. and for his departure abroad.

CUNNINGHAM, Allan, to A.M.
99. No date. Acknowledges receipt of package; sending to Miss M. specimens of Neottia Australis with roots covered in earth.

100. 1825 Apr 17. [Stockholm] Entomology. [Fr.]
101. 1825 Dec 25. [Stockholm] Entomology. [Fr.]

DARWIN, Charles, to W.S.M.
102. 1839 May 29. [London] Bearer of letter is Syms Covington, his servant who accompanied him in H.M.S. Beagle and who is emigrating to Australia; Andrew Smith's arrival at Rio; hopes W.S.M.'s voyage ended prosperously.

103. 1810 Jun 20. [Codstone] About the hay crop; regrets A.M. is leaving Codstone; invites A.M. to visit him.

DEHAAN, Dr. Willem, to W.S.M.
104. 1831 Sep 20. [Leyden] Comments on Horoe Entomologicoe; W.S.M.'s draft reply.
105. No date. His work on Crustacae.
106. No date. Explanation of the figures of Linnaeas.

DE JEAN, Comte P.F.M.A., to W.J.S.
107. 1818 Sep 19. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]
108. 1821 Dec 20. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]
109. 1837 Dec 13. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]
110. 1837 Dec 30. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]

DENISON, Sir William, to A.M.
111. No date. A.M. invited to dinner.
112. 1854 Aug 7. Sending a projection of three curves according to which the chambers of guns have been bored out.

DENISON, Sir William, to A.M.
111. No date. A.M. invited to dinner.
112. 1854 Aug 7. Sending a projection of three curves according to which the chambers of guns have been bored out.

DENNY, Henry, to W.S.M.
113. 1838 Jan 24. [Leeds] Thanks W.S.M. for help with book prospectus; changing his situation.
114. 1840 Jan 2. [Leeds] Entomology.
115. 1840 Jan 13. [Leeds] Asks for payment for two copies of Parasitic Insects; entomology.

DuCane, Capt. C., R.N., to W.S.M.
116. 1837 May 7. [Southampton] Ravages of a small marine worm on a piece of Baltic Fir.
117. 1837 May 20. [Southampton] Entomology.
118. 1839 Oct 8. [London] Lavae of the small crab; draft reply by W.S.M. [to DuCane?].
118a. 1837 WSM to Du Cane.

119. No date. [Vienna] [Ge.]


FITTON, William Henry.
120. 1825 Jul 22. To A.M. [London] Grateful for asistance with Ordnance Board; good wishes for his journey.
121. 1838 Oct 5. To W.S.M. (Envelope only) Farewell message.
122. 1842 Nov 25. To W.S.M. [London] Chatter.

123. 1824 Sep 24. Entomology [Fr.]

FRAY-FORSOMEZ, Ladel Rialeso.
124. No date. (Part of letter.)

GALT, John, to A.M.
125. 1825 Jan 5. Recommends Mr. Alexander Still, "an old but very unfortunate friend".

GEBLER, Dr. Frederic.
126. 1819 Dec 10. To W.M. Entomology.
127. 1820 Dec 6. To A.M. Entomology.
128. 1823 Jun 27. To A.M. Entomology [Fr.]

GIPPS, Sir George, to A.M.
129. 1846 May 20. Regrets A.M.'s resignation as Speaker of the Legislation Council.

GOODENOUCH, Rev. Samuel, Bishop of Carlisle, to A.M. (see CARLISLE).
130. 1805 Dec 15. Description of public schools; recommends A.M.'s son for Westminster.
131. 1807 Jan 6. Various payments that need to be made at Westminster School.
132. 1811 Apr 19. Invites A.M. to dinner; wishes to pay for champagne.
133. 1811 May 24. Insists on paying for the wine.
134. 1813 Nov 22. Mrs. Penny's happiness; Hopes that Bonaparte, "villain of the world", is done for.
135. 1818 Mar 10. [London] Requests that A.M. asks Mr. Marsham to sign a Power of Attorney.

GRANT, C. (afterwards Lord Glenelg), to A.M.
136. No date. Asks A.M. to call on him.
137. 1824 Mar 4. Asks A.M. to call on him.

GRAY, Dr. John Edward, to W.S.M.
138. 1841 Jun 18. Introduces Dr. Pratt; chatter.
139. 1844 Mar 15. [London] Entomology; chatter; fears that the Zoological Society is sinking.

140. No date. [Kew] Insects being shipped through the favour of Mr. Bickley.
141. 1844 Mar 15. (Part only) Sending Himalayan Pine seeds; also Roxburgh's Cryptogamia.
142. No date. (Part only) Nomenclature and Wallich's views; theory of development in plants.

143. 1833 Aug 30. [Paris] Entomology.

144. 1858 Sep 15. [London] Books sent to W.S.M.; Office in New Zealand House being finally closed.
145. 1859 Jan 10. [London] Repaying loan.

HOARE, Rev. C.J., to A.M.
146. 1825 Feb 3. Capt. and Mrs. Fanshaw wish to buy Tilbustin Lodge, Godstone.
147. 1825 Jun 16. [Godstone] Capt. Fanshaw uncertain of the position; A.M.'s agents lagging.
148. 1829 Apr 11. [Godstone] Introduces Archdeacon Broughton; religion in England; Duke of Wellington; Ireland; Russia; war.

HOARE, George M.
149. No date. Grateful for help; invitation to dinner.

HOME, Sir Everard, to W.S.M.
150. No date. [London] Obtaining specimens of the kangaroo.
151. 1845 Jul. [H.M.S. North Star, Sydney] Will see M. again before leaving for China; Capt. FitzRoy; Col. Despard.

HOOKER, Sir William J., to A.M.
152. 1818 Aug 7. [Halesworth] "Poor Girling"; recommends Dr. Robert Hull for hospital at New Sydney; sending box of nectarines from his garden.
153. 1821 Jan 1. [Glasgow] Duties and emoluments of the naturalist at the B.M. and proposal to apply for the post; asks for A.M.'s opinion.
154. 1821 Dec 5. [Glasgow] About the position at the B.M.; wishes to devote the larger part of his life to Nat. Hist.
155. 1822 Jan 9. [Glasgow] Will not apply for B.M. position; professorship at Cambridge.
156. 1822 Jan 20. [Glasgow] Still considering B.M. postion; seeks recommendations from A.M. and Brown; asks if Kirby stilll a candidate.
157. 1822 Jan 25. [Glasgow] Will not apply for B.M. position; Cambridge professorship.
157a. 1823 Apr 6. [Yarmouth] Seeks access to drawings of East India plants in India House.
158. 1823 Aug 16. [Glasgow] Asks A.M. to visit Glasgow; recommends young man (not named) for a medical post.
159. 1824 Aug 25. [Glasgow] Asks if the Linn, will complete Dr. Hamilton's commentaries; heard from Dr. Gillies that the Consul General of Peru had invited him to explore interior of Peru and asks if A.M., Brown and Hooker thought him suitable for the task.
160. 1832 July 4. [Glasgow] Mr. Cunningham appointed to Sydney Botanic Garden; met with a sister of "poor Fraser".
161. 1845 Mar 31. [Kew] Curatorship of the Sydney Botanic Garden and a new appointment. [Kew] More about the Curatorship.
162. 1845 Sep 1. [Kew] More about the Curatorship.
163. No date. Introduces Mr. Booth, an American botanist, who is working on the Flora of New England States: asks help of W.S.M. in Paris on behalf of Booth.
164. No date. [Glasgow] B.M. post; extract of letter from W. Turner about same; [and A.M.'s draft answer].
164a. WSM to Hooker.

165. No date. Encloses summary of species that together compile a Flora of Tasmania.

HOPE, Frederick William, to W.S.M.
166. 1843 Feb 21. Entomology.

HORSFIELD, Thomas, to W.S.M.
167. 1831 Aug 30. [London] Entomology.
168. 1836 Aug 29. Entomology.

HOWITT, S., to W.S.M.
169. 1844 Jul 29. [Melbourne] Entomology.

170. 1820 May 23. [London] Box of insects and letters on the way from Moscow.
171. 1821 Jan 23. [London] Encloses two vols Meigen: Classification of Diptera, value £1.5.6.

HUXLEY, Thomas H., to W.J.M.
172. 1850 Dec 25. [London] Describes voyage home via New Zealand and the Falklands; Owen; Sir John Herschel.

INNES, J., to A.M.
173. 1825 Feb 18. Best wishes for Australian appointment; seeks advice on a matter concerning himself and Mr J.A. Calder.

JACKSON, R.B., to A.M.
174. No date. Encloses sealed letter; bearer is a "confidential negro".

JONES, D., to W.S.M.
175. 1857 Aug 18. Objects to gate below the entrance to Mr Brown's ground being closed.

JURINE, Prof., to W.S.M.
176. 1818 Mar 20. [Geneva] Entomology [Fr.]
177. 1819 May 1. [Geneva] Entomology [Fr.]
178. 1819 Aug 27. [Geneva] Entomology [Fr.]
179. 1819 Aug 28. [Geneva] Entomology [Fr.]

JURINE, S. [later JURINE TRIAYRE], to W.S.M. (other than No. 180).
180. 1819 Feb 5. To Dufresne. [Paris] Entomology.
181. 1816 Jul 15. [Paris] Entomology.
182. 1819 Feb 20. [Paris] Entomology.
183. 1820 Feb 22. [Paris] Entomology.
184. 1820 Mar 20. [Paris] Entomology.
185. 1820 Apr 6. [Paris] Entomology.
186. 1820 Aug 8. [Paris] Entomology.
187. 1820 Aug 30. [Paris] Entomology.
188. 1821 Apr 12. [Paris] Entomology.
189. 1821 Apr 26. [Paris] Entomology.
190. 1821 May 26 [Paris] Entomology.
191. 1822 Feb 22. [Geneva] Entomology.
192. 1823 Jan 20. [Paris] Entomology.
193. 1823 Mar 22. [Paris] Entomology.
Extent1 (of 3) boxes
NotesThe letters prior to 1825 include several written to Alexander MacLeay on his departure to Australia; many letters from distinguished entomologists; and some of a more private nature from several leading Fellows of the Linnean Society. The letters dated after 1825 are from friends in Australia, including seven letters from Rev W.B. Clarke, some political; and from scientific friends in England, among which are letters from Charles Darwin, 1839 (1), T.H. Huxley, 1850 (1), W. Griffith, James Backhouse, Theodore Cantor, Dr J.E. Gray, Sir James Stirling, Rev William Kirby, etc. The MSS comprise some by W.S. MacLeay in various states of completion and a few by other people; none by Alexander MacLeay. [Note by A. Savage who compiled the list. Ed.]

Please note, some letters are not in order and are held in a seperate slightly large folder in the same box.
AcquisitionManuscripts and correspondence of Alexander MacLeay were donated to the Linnean Society by his son, Sir George MacLeay, in 1886. Papers of Dr William Sharp MacLeay (the eldest son of Alexander MacLeay) were donated to the Linnean Society by the executors of the late Sir George MacLeay (William's younger brother) in 1891.
Creator NameMacLeay, Alexander & William Sharp [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay]
GB/110/1/95Macleay; Alexander (1767-1848); entomologist and civil servant in Australia1767-1848
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