Ref NoMS/237b
TitleCorrespondence of Alexander MacLeay and William Sharp MacLeay: K
AdminHistoryAlexander MacLeay FRS FLS, was an entomologist (principally interested in lepidopterology) and a colonial statesman in Australia. He was born on June 24th 1767 in Ross-shire, Scotland and died in Sydney on June 18th 1848. MacLeay became a fellow of the Linnean Society in 1794, and was secretary from 1798-1825. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1809. MacLeay was Colonial Secretary of New South Wales 1825-37, and first Speaker of the Legislative Council 1843-46, and First President of the Australian Museum at Sydney, founded in 1836. Robert Brown named the genus Macleaya, (Bocconia), belonging to the poppy family, after MacLeay. He possessed a fine collection of insects and by 1825 it was said to be the best of any private individual.

William Sharp MacLeay, eldest son of Alexander MacLeay, was a scholar and naturalist, born on 21 July 1792 in London and died in Sydney on 26 January 1865. In 1818 he became secretary to the board for liquidating British claims in France on the peace of 1815; commissary judge in Havana, 1830-1837; went to New South Wales, 1839, where he enlarged his father's entomological collection. His chief work was Horae Entomologicae, propounding the circular or quintary system of classification.
DescriptionThe MacLeay correspondence and MSS consist of letters received by Alexander MacLeay (A.M.) and William Sharp MacLeay (W.S.M.), with the bulk of the letters being dated prior to 1825.

Correspondence has been arranged in alphabetical order, by the surname of the correspondent, and includes the place of writing and date (where known), with a summary of the letter subject. The language of the letter is also indicated and can be found in shorthand in square brackets at the end of each summary.

KEITH, P., to A.M.
1. 1818 Feb 11. [Ashford] Apologizes for misrepresenting Knight's hypothesis in Transactions.

KIRBY, Rev William, to A.M.
2. 1799 Dec 2. [Barham] Asks for six copies of his paper on insects that prey on timber.
3. 1801 Jun 10. [Barham] Latreilie's box and contents arrived safely; Latreille.
4. 1801 Oct 14. [Barham] Will sell Sphinx from Surinam to Donovan for £1.1.0; enquires about Leonard Neve or Le Neve; the Peace.
5. 1801 Nov 4. [Barham] Cure for hooping cough; entomology.
6. 1801 Dec 15. [Barham] Obliged to Latreille for remembering him; Leonard Le Neve.
7. 1803 Mar 17. [Barham] Criticizes Fabricius; Latreille; unwell, possibly with influenza.
8. 1805 Jan 31. [Barham] Entomology.
9. 1805 Feb 23. [Barham] Entomology; almost angry that A.M. helps Donovan, Lewin and others when he ought to give the world something of himself.
10. 1805 Nov 9. [Barham] Entomology; seeks portrait of Lord Nelson; Nelson's victory; list enclosed of specimens of Coieoptera in Cyllenhal's collection.
11. 1805 Nov 19. [Barham] Monograph on Apion; death of Lt. R. Green on Royal Sovereign.
12. 1806 Jan 10. [Barham] Asks help to obtain gratuity for Lt. Green's mother; his paper.
13. 1806 Mar 4. [Barham] Not heard from A.M.; sending insects from Cyllenhal's collection.
14. 1806 Mar 29. [Barham] Truly concerned he has not heard from A.M.; Apion paper.
15. 1806 Apr 14. [Barham] Entomology.
16. 1806 Aug 10. [Barham] Going on "pedestrian excursion" along Suffolk coast; Apion paper.
17. 1806 Sep 19. [Barham] Sending a leveret; excursion ended through illness; Spence's 200 mile walking tour in the north.
18. 1806 Sep 29. [Barham] No longer receives the Times; perhaps A.M. can help.
19. 1806 Nov 17. [Barham] Grateful for receipt of newspaper; may purchase a gig; sad about Latreille's circumstances, present and future.
20. 1807 Jan 21. [Barham] Entomology; rumours about defeat of the French and recapture of Buenos Ayres.
21. 1807 Apr 6. [Barham] Latreille, "poor fellow"; politics.
22. 1807 Jun 13. [Barham] Returns proofs of corrected paper; politics.
23. 1807 Jun 21. [Barham] Has not received proofs of Avion paper; encloses col. drawings.
24. 1807 Jul 1. [Barham] Apion paper.
25. 1807 Jul 4. [Barham] Apion paper; letter from Spence who would "give the world" a pamphlet on Political Economy.
26. 1807 Jul 8. [Barham] Apion paper; has only one specimen of Apion Fagi, taken from Linne's original collection, could not chance any accident to it.
27. 1807 Jul 17. [Barham] Apion paper.
28. 1807 Jul 28. [Holme] Drawing of Apion Liminii attached; entomology.
29. 1807 Aug 6. [Holme] Proofs not received; entomology.
30. 1807 Aug 12. [Holme] Nothing entomological occurred at Dersingham on way to Lynn.
31. 1807 Aug 23. [Barham] Arrived home safely; looking over box of insects sent by Spence.
32. 1807 Sep 18. [Barham] Walford's paper on wireworm is based on a false supposition.
33. 1807 Sep 21. [Barham Walford's paper; obtaining a Living for "poor Revett Sheppard".
34. 1807 Oct 10. [Barham] Asks for proofs to be hastened; wishes to send copy of Apion to Sweden before the Baltic is frozen; politics.
35. 1808 Sep 10. [Barham Explains long silence; enquires about a prisoner-of-war at Arras.
36. 1808 Oct 29. [Barham] Is considering an entomological co-partnership with Spence, to begin with an Introduction to the Study of Entomology and end with a Synopsis of British Insects.
37. 1808 Dec 29. [Barham] Sending a turkey.
38. 1809 Mar 6. [Barham] Chatter; the Kirby and Spence project.
39. 1809 Jun 2 3. [Barham] Hopes he can stay with A.M.; his brother-in-law Capt. Dominicus
40. 1809 Jul 5. [Barham] His visit to A.M.; the Kirby and Spence project.
41. 1809 Jul 25. [Farleigh] Will visit A.M. on Aug 23; concerned about Marsham's health.
42. 1809 Nov 20. [Barham] Has received box containing insects from Brazil.
43. 1810 Mar 28. [Barham] Sorry to hear of A.M.'s illness; invites A.M. and W.S.M. to Barham; asks if Miss MacLeay can supply outline drawing.
44. 1810 July 3. [Barham] Longs to see fourth volume of Latreille's Genera; introduces a naval surgeon, Mr Fowell, who is interested in entomology.
45. 1810 Aug 25. [Barham] Entomology; seeks to pay A.M. for Latreille's Genera.
46. 1810 Oct 13. [Barham] Entomology.
47. 1810 Nov 7. [Barham] Sends three parcels, one for Soc. of Amateurs at Lisle, one for Latreille, one for Walckenaer, all for A.M. to please forward.
48. 1811 Jan 29. [Barham] His cara sposa accuses A.M. of being deficient in gallantry to ladies; defends A.M.; Courier newspaper.
49. 1811 Feb 14. [Barham] Sending Linn. Soc. paper; Brown to ensure drawing is undamaged.
50. 1811 Apr 2. [Barham] Has not heard about his paper on Strepsiptera.
51. 1811 Apr 27. [Barham] Happy that Marshal Massena has been expelled from Portugal by Lord Wellington.
52. 1811 Sep 27. [Norwich] Brazil insects seized by Customs; very critical of Lamark's "most infamous and at the same time absurd attempts at all but atheism".
53. 1811 Nov 11. [Barham] Sorry to hear of A.M.'s illness.
54. 1811 Dec 17. [Barham] Entomological science programme undertaken by Kirby and Spence.
55. 1812 Oct 29. [Barham] Education Society; Linn. Soc. paper.
56. 1812 Nov 8. [Barham] Linn. Soc. paper.
57. 1812 Nov 19. [Barham] Returns proof of paper.
58. 1812 Dec 11. [Norwich] Linn. Soc. paper; Kirby and Spence book.
59. 1813 Jan 2. [Barham] Will return proofs; introduces William Hillyard; Encloses a letter from J. Jelly recommending Hiliyard [? spelling of name].
60. 1813 Feb 23. [Barham] Linn. Soc. paper.
61. 1813 Mar 12. [Barham] Thinks there is a misunderstanding with A.M.; entomology.
62. 1813 Mar 20. [Barham] Glad misunderstanding can be cleared up; entomology.
63. 1813 May 10. [Barham] Robert Capon, who A.M. helped to liberate from a French prison, has been kidnapped by the Press Gang and taken on board the Pigmy Schooner, asks A.M. to help release him.
64. 1813 Nov 1. [Barham] Recommends Miss P. Beck to be governess to A.M.'s children; progress of Kirby and Spence.
65. 1813 Nov 22. [Ipswich] Sending brace of pheasants; Spence unwell.
66. 1813 Nov 29. [Ipswich] Recommends John Rolls for employment.
67. 1813 Dec 28. [Barham] Sending turkey; death of his mother-in-law, Mrs Ripper; Kirby and Spence; Miss Beck.
68. 1814 Jan 19. [Barham] Kirby and Spence's dispute with Wilkin.
69. 1814 Feb 11. [Barham] Kirby and Spence, business arrangements and copyright.
70. 1814 Oct 7. [Barham] Concerned by A.M.'s family loss; Mrs Kirby still very weak.
71. 1814 Oct 23. [Barham] Twelve copies of paper received but without the necessary plates.
72. 1814 Dec 6. [Barham] Mrs Kirby's illness; Kirby and Spence.
73. 1814 Dec 21. [Barham] Death of Mrs Kirby; grieved to hear of A.M.'s illness.
74. 1814 Dec 28. [Barham] Sending turkey; affected by his great loss.
75. 1815 Feb 6. [E. Farleigh] Returns corrected proof; health not good; "Insects, which have been too much an idol set up in my heart, & other worldly things lose their hold upon me."
76. 1815 Mar 3. [Brentford] Sends copy of letter from Bromley to Capt. Haverfield which describes enormous column of black-winged ants extending on the water from the Medway to the sea.
77. 1815 Mar 20. [Barham] Sends box of plants; annoyed that Spence misquoted from Paley's Nat. Theology.
78. 1815 Mar 28. [Barham] Linn. Soc. paper; better in health; Bonaparte.
79. 1815 Mar 31. [Barham] Linn. Soc. paper; still uncomfortable about Spence's misquotation.
80. 1815 Apr 6. [Barham] More about Spence's misquotation; Shakespeare cited re the shards.
81. 1815 Apr 13. [Sudbury] Linn. Soc. paper; will soon return list of plants; shard born.
82. 1815 Apr 19. [Barham] Encloses A.M.'s list of desiderata; will mention A.M. in preface to Kirby and Spence.
83. 1815 Apr 29. [Norwich] Seeks advice on Dedication to Joseph Banks in Kirby and Spence.
84. 1815 May 3. [Norwich] Encloses title page and preface of Kirby and Spence.
85. 1815 May 8. [Norwich] Concerned about Spence's citation from History of Selborne.
86. 1815 May 9. [Norwich] Asks about shoal of cockchafers in the Severn mentioned by A.M..
87. 1815 Jun 12. [Brentford] Thinks £1.1.0 for Vol. 1 (540 pp), too much and will interfere with sales; asks A.M.'s opinion.
88. 1815 Jun 20. [Barham] Asks A.M. to send him the paper containing the advertisement.
89. 1815 Jun 27. [Barham] Hopes it is not too much for A.M. to send papers; the war.
90. 1815 Aug 20. [Barham] Has not heard from Spence since he left England.
91. 1815 Oct 6. [Barham] Sorry to hear about Marsham's troubles; personal finance.
92. 1815 Nov 7. [Barham] Sending the plants.
93. 1815 Nov 23. [Cambridge] Has applied for Cambridge Botanical Professorship.
94. 1815 Dec 28. [Barham] Sending a turkey; sad about A.M.'s illness; Smith; Marsham.
95. 1816 Jan 25. [Cambridge] Professorship possibly a hoax; information about Professorship and Readership; Marsham.
96. 1816 Jan 30. [Norwich] Candidates for the Cambridge Professorship.
97. 1816 Mar 20. [Barham] New edition required for Kirby and Spence's Introduction to Entomology, A.M. asked for advice.
98. 1816 Apr 1. [Barham] Mr. James Sealey wishes to be Associate of the Linn.
99. 1816 Apr 15. [Barham] Anxious to hear from A.M.; making a collection of willows.
100. 1816 Apr 29. [Barham] Anxious about illness of A.M.'s daughter; Transport Office; second edition of Kirby and Spence.
101. 1816 Oct 13. [Barham] Sending a brace of pheasants; married again; wife fond of plants.
102. 1816 Dec 12. [Barham] Has bought books at Wilkins's sale; would like to see A.M.'s Bohemian and Hungarian insects.
103. 1817 Jan 6. [Barham] Government should be generous with A.M.'s pension; Linn, dinner.
104. 1817 Jan 13. [Barham] Pleased that A.M. is continuing in office; chatter.
105. 1817 Jan 31. [Barham] Asks if A.M. knows how insects defend themselves.
106. 1817 Feb 7. [Barham] Asks again about insects defending themselves.
107. 1817 Mar 10. [Barham] Insects walking on glass, against gravity.
108. 1817 Mar 20. [Barham] Encloses the last part of his contribution to the second volume.
109. 1817 Mar 25. [Barham] Concerned that A.M. is about to retire.
110. 1817 Mar 29. [Barham] How A.M. should return parcels transmitted by Spence; chatter.
111. 1817 May 16. [Barham] Will probably visit Paris; suggests A.M. proposes him for FRS.
112. 1817 Jun 14. [Dieppe] Arrived Dieppe after being sea-sick; his first letter in French.
113. 1817 Jun 25. [Paris] Meets with Latreille and Dufresne; visits Mus. Nat. Hist; chatter.
114. 1817 Jul 21. [Barham] Asks A.M. to purchase for him at sale of Francillon Duplicates.
115. 1817 Aug 14. [Barham] Entomology.
116. 1817 Aug 18. [Barham] Chatter
117. 1817 Sep 24. [Barham] Arrived back safely; entomology.
118. 1817 Oct 3. [Barham] Entomology.
119. 1817 Oct 11. [Barham] Dr King, son of a friend, has applied for Assistant Physician post at St. Thomas's Hospital; asks A.M. to help; Linn. Soc. plates.
120. 1817 Oct 16. [Barham] Dr King failed in his application; entomology.
121. 1817 Oct 27. [Barham] Entomology; Linn. Soc. plates.
122. 1817 Nov. 2. [Barham] Will soon send Century of Insects; Linn. Soc. plates.
123. 1817 Nov 7. [Barham] Entomology.
124. 1817 Nov 8. [Barham] Royal family; entomology.
125. 1817 Nov 12. [Barham] Asks A.M. to buy some South American Insects at auction; Linn. Soc. paper.
126. 1817 Nov 17. [Barham] Entomology.
127. 1817 Nov 27. [Barham] Finances of the Kirby and Spence publication; seal of secrecy, "Cheragus Sheppardi....has had a sad lapse with the wife of another man."
128. 1817 Nov 30. [Barham] Sending first plate for Century of Insects; preaches about sin.
129. 1817 Dec 8. [Barham] Chatter.
130. 1817 Dec 18. [Barham] Letters to Mrs Kirby not received; entomology.
131. 1817 Dec 26. [Barham] Sending turkey; lists names who might recommend him for FRS.
132. 1818 Jan 16. [Norwich] Chatter; asks about poor Savigny.
134. 1818 Feb 3. [Barham] Drawings and MSS; insects; Hooker will sign recommendation for FRS; Spence unwell.
135. 1818 Feb 9. [Barham] Thanks A.M. for the roses that arrived safely.
136. 1818 Feb 12. [Barham] Division of insects between purchasers of Francillon cabinet; criticises Cuvier.
137. 1818 Mar 1. [Barham] Drawings and plates; Spence still unwell; believes Sheppard will never again be guilty of the like offence.
138. 1818 Mar 6. [Barham] Would go a long way to prevent the Francillon collection leaving the country.
139. 1818 Mar 16. [Barham] Chatter; Spence no better.
140. 1818 April 29. [Barham] Asks when the sale of Francillon cabinet is likely to take place.
141. 1818 May 11. [Barham] Anxious about date of arrival of Latreille and Cuvier; received first sheet of sale catalogue from Curtis.
142. 1818 Jun 23. [London] Has bought the larvae of Bracy Clarke; left them with A.M.
143. 1818 Jun 25. [Barham] Chatter.
144. 1818 Jul 9. [Barham] Severely critical of Vindication of the University of Cambridge from the Reflections of Sir James E. Smith; thinks a verdict of felo de se might be brought against him.
145. 1818 Jul 13. [Barham] Linn. Soc. papers.
146. 1818 Dec 22. [Barham] Turkey to Marsham; misunderstanding with Dr Leach over names.
147. 1818 Dec 31. [Barham] More about misunderstanding with Dr Leach.
148. 1819 Jan 29. [Barham] Plans for the immediate future; not heard from Dr Leach; is publishing Lillies of the Field and Acanthus in Churchman's Remembrancer.
149. 1819 May 10. [Barham] Has prepared Spence's MSS for Kirby and Spence ready for publication.
150. 1819 Aug 2. [Barham] Found additional errata in his paper in Linn. Trans.
151. 1819 Aug 27. [Barham] A.M. invited to visit Bareham; Spence too ill to be consulted.
152. 1819 Sep 18. [Barham] The insects he bought at the Marsham sale.
153. 1819 Dec 24. [Barham] Marsham's death; chatter.
154. 1820 Jan 13. [Barham] Sad about the illness of the Dear Invalid; chatter.
155. 1820 Feb 8. [Bury] Death of Miss Johanna MacLeay; has sent box to Brown.
156. 1820 Jul 4. [Barham] Sending "a pair of Portraits of 2 Varmin Killers that you are acquainted with".
157. 1820 Sep 24. [Barham] Illness of Leach; Spence suffering from the same cause.
158. 1821 Dec 27. [Barham] Sending a turkey; congratulates A.M. on the manner in which his son, William Sharp, is becoming eminent in entomology; discusses contents of volumes.
159. 1822 Feb 26. [London] Hopes A.M. can help in obtaining pension for Mr Robinson Kittoe.
160. 1822 Mar 20. [Barham] Observations on A.M.'s corrections of MSS.
161. 1822 Jun 22. [Barham] Introduces Mr Drake who is considering emigation to America.
162. 1823 Mar 9. [Barham] Grateful for present of roses; Linn. Soc. papers.
163. 1823 Mar 31. [Barham] Entomology.
164. 1825 Jan 7. [Barham] Congratulations on A.M.'s appointment as Colonial Secretary in N. Holland; wishes he could accompany him.
165. 1825 Feb 8. [Barham] "If now you could get me appointed Bishop of Australia it might be some temptation for me to link my fate and fortune with yours...but as that is not likely I trust we shall meet in that better world of which this is only a figure."
166. 1839 Aug 1. [London] Concerned about A.M.'s removed from Colonial Secretaryship; introduces Mr Robert Martin.

Correspondence from 1817 to 1830 deals principally with matters entomological. The personal relationship so closely associated with Kirby's letters to Alexander MacLeay is seldom seen in the letters to William.

KIRBY, Rev. William to W.S. MacLeay
167. 1817 Mar 26. [Barham] Preparing second vol. of Introduction to Entomology, the Museum MacLeyanum ought to be described, preferably by W.S.M.
168. 1817 Jul 9. [London] About his visit to Paris and the journey home through France.
169. 1817 Aug 14. [Barham] Asks W.S.M to procure Invertabrate Animals. Paris visit.
170. 1817 Sep 27. [Barham] Entomology.
171. 1817 Dec 10. [Barham] Hopes W.S.M. will persuade his father (A.M.) to visit Barham.
172. 1818 Aug 25. [Barham] Spence still too ill for any work.
173. 1818 Oct 16. [Barham] Entomology. (Draft reply with letter)
174. 1818 Oct 30. [Barham] Entomological nomenclature (sketches in letter).
175. 1818 Nov 4. [Barham] Entomology.
176. 1819 Sep 21. [Alderton] Entomology.
177. 1819 Sep 22. [Alderton] Entomology (sketches in letter).
178. 1819 Sep 27. [Barham] Entomology.
179. 1819 Oct 9. [Barham] Entomology.
180. 1819 Oct 10. [Barham] Entomology; has asked A.M. if copies of plates can be coloured.
181. 1819 Oct 12. [Barham] Entomology.
182. 1819 Oct 19. [Barham] Entomology.
183. 1819 Oct 25. [Barham] Entomology.
184. 1819 Oct 29. [Barham] Entomology (sketches in letter); concerned about health of Miss Johanna; invites W.S.M. and Bonelli to visit him.
185. 1819 Nov 15. [Barham] Entomology.
186. 1820 Mar 8. [Barham] Sad about the deaths of Miss Johanna and Ritchie; entomology.
187. 1820 Mar 16. [Barham] Lamarck's philosophy; approves of Dejeans's advice that W.S.M. should write a monograph; consultation of A.M.'s Cabinet in Norwich would introduce entomologists to the Linnean.
188. 1820 Apr 11. [Barham] Asks about A.M. and if he has returned from the north.
189. 1820 Apr 12. [Barham] Sending copies of Century of Insects and Brown's Insects, with errata, for Latreille, Dufresne and Savigny; will W.S.M. please forward.
190. 1820 May 16. [Barham] Asks W.S.M. to send him Vols. 34, 35 and 36 of Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle; entomology.
191. 1820 May 22. [Barham] Sorry to hear about W.S.M.'s accident; entomology.
192. 1820 Jun 6. [Barham] Asks about W.S.M.'s injured leg; entomology.
193. 1820 Jun 10. [Barham] Entomology (sketches in letter).
194. 1820 Jun 19. [Barham] Entomology (sketches in letter).
195. 1920 Jun 30. [Barham] Entomology.
196. 1820 Jul 4. [Barham] Apologizes for bad memory due to knock on head at Cambridge.
197. 1820 Jul 7. [Barham] Entomology.
198. 1820 Aug 12. [Barham] About subscription to monument for Joseph Banks; asks W.S.M. to inform A.M. of the death of Peter Lathbury, FLS; entomology (sketches in letter).
199. 1820 Oct 13. [Barham] About illness of Leach and Spence; entomology.
200. 1820 Nov 4. [Norwich] Death of Ritchie; Leach's friends anxious to hear about him.
201. 1820 Nov 20. [Barham] No specimen of Appendigaster in Linn. Cabinet; when Smith purchased cabinet there was in it a specimen labelled Appendigaster but not by Linne.
202. No date. (Top of letter torn away.) [Barham]
203. No date. 1821 Jan 30. [Barham] Entomology.
204. 1821 Mar 8. [Barham] Entomology.
205. 1821 Mar 14. [Barham] About his Geography of Insects.
206. 1821 Mar 21. [Barham] Asks about entomo-geographical queries.
207. 1821 Apr 9. [Barham] Entomological classification.
208. 1821 Apr 29. [Barham] Entomology.
209. 1821 May 28. [Barham] Lamarck's absurd system; poor opinion of Lamarck's philosophy; W.S.M.'s quinary system.
210. 1821 Jul 26. [Barham] Sir Humphrey Davy and his subscription for the statue of Banks.
211. 1821 Aug 20. [Barham] Entomology.
212. 1821 Oct 18. [Barham] Entomology.
213. 1821 Oct 26. [Barham] About his Geography of insects; thinks little of Sir H. Davy's inaugural presidential address.
214. 1821 Nov 19. [Barham] Refers to Brown's cautious approach.
215. 1821 Dec 1. [Barham] Entomology.
216. 1821 Dec 12. [Barham] Sorry about misunderstanding with W.S.M.; the Linnaeus letters published by Sir James Smith.
217. 1821 Dec 17. [Barham] Entomology.
218. 1822 Jan 4. [Barham] Entomology.
219. 1822 Jan 14. [Barham] Herold's History of the Development of Butterflies Anatomically and Physiologically Considered.
220. 1822 Feb 1. [Barham] Criticises Spence's untidy MS; congratulates W.S.M. on being elected to French Institute; Sheppard has been dangerously ill.
221. 1822 Feb 18. [Barham] Cambridge Botanical Professorship.
222. 1822 Mar 4. [Barham] Botanical Professorship; illness of Dr Leach.
223. 1822 Mar 6. [Barham] Concerned at W.S.M.'s proposed attack on Kirby's entymological opinions.
224. 1822 Mar 25. [Barham] Did not plagiarize passage by W.S.M.; urges W.S.M. to join party to examine Linne's insects; Henslow a candidate for Clarke's Chair which leaves Kirby nearly without a rival.
225. 1822 Mar 26. [Barham] Asks W.S.M. to thank A.M. for plants which arrived safely; entomology (sketch in letter).
226. 1822 Jun 4. [Barham] Invites W.S.M. to visit Bareham.
227. 1822 Oct 24. [Barham] Sending a Linn. Soc. paper; plants to be forwarded to A.M.
228. 1822 Nov 12. [Barham] Asks W.S.M. to thank A.M. for "princely collection of plants from Godstone; will trespass upon W.S.M.'s hospitality for a few days.
229. 1822 Dec 18. [Barham] Entomology.
230. 1823 Jan 18. [Barham] Sad to hear of Susan's illness; entomology.
231. 1823 Feb 27. [Barham] Entomology; Mrs Kirby sends regards to A.M.
232. 1823 Apr 29. [Barham] French and English entomologists; Zoological Club.
233. 1823 Jun 14. [Barham] Regrets that Council is so dilatory in deciding whether or not the Zoological Club can hold meetings on Linn. Soc. premises.
234. 1823 Jul 3. [Barham] Hopes A.S.M. will send box containing insects bought at sale; no decision yet about Zoological Club and Linn. Soc. premises.
235. 1823 Aug 25. [Barham] Box of insects not yet received; entomology.
236. 1823 Nov 19. [Barham] Will be in London to attend meeting of the Zoological Club.
237. 1824 Jan 11. [Barham] Entomology and theology.
238. 1824 Mar 30. [Barham] Has completed his third volume which includes anatomy of the external crust of insects; British butterflies.
239. 1824 Jun 7. [Barham] "Our Callie neighbours always endeavour to put an extinguisher over the discoveries of naturalists of other nations"; using the microscope is causing eye inflammation; asks after A.M.
240. 1824 Aug 26. [Barham] Has not written because nothing particular to communicate.
241. 1824 Oct 11. [Barham] Suffering from "Malady of the Season" but getting better.
242. 1824 Nov 17. [Barham] Hopes W.S.M. can help with appontment of Dr F. Hawkins to a vacancy at Middlesex Hospital.
243. 1824 Dec 6. [Barham] Entomology; writing from a public house where he is receiving his tithes.
244. 1825 Feb 12. [Barham] A.M.'s appointment abroad; entomology.
245. 1825 Mar 8. [Barham] Entomology.
246. 1825 Mar 11. [Barham] Entomology; asks after A.M.
247. 1825 Mar 25. [Barham] Sad both MacLeays are leaving England; zoologists will suffer.
248. 1825 May 18 [Barham] Wishes to pay for insects received - £3.15.6.
249. 1825 Aug 28. [Barham] A.M.'s voyage; sympathizes with W.S.M's painful separation from his father.
250. 1825 Sep 3. [Barham] Errata to Vol. 3.
251. 1825 Sep 22. [Barham] Instructions given to send W.S.M. sheets of Vol. 4 as and when printed.
252. 1826 Feb 2. [Barham] Vol. 4 of Introduction to Entomology being sent to W.S.M.; Zoological Society; death of Prof. Peck; Rev L. Guilding.
253. 1827 Mar 19. [Barham] Flattered by W.S.M.'s opinion of Vol. 4; Zoological Society.
254. 1830 Jun 14. [Brentford] Offended by letter from W.S.M; is preparing for press Fauna Boreali - Americana and will criticize some of W.S.M.'s opinions "in such a spirit as becomes a Christian Philosopher."

[Note attached to Savage's list: The following letters from W. Kirby to Alexander and to William S. MacLeay have been removed and placed in the Zoological Club file:
To Alex. McLeay [MacLeay]: Litho copy of letter of 24 March 1823, proposing the formation of the Zoological Club; 27 March 1823; 4 April 1823; 18 April 1823.
To W.S. MacLeay: 30 July 1822; 12 Sept. 1822; 5 Oct. 1822; 14 Oct. 1822; 4 Nov. 1822; 5 Dec. 1822; 10 Dec. 1822; 12 Dec. 1822. Ed.]

KING, Philip S., to [?]
255. No date. Asks for name of butterfly (one wing enclosed).

KING, Robert L., to [?]
256. 1857 Dec 31. Resigning from Museum; still studying Eucalyptus (sketch).

KIRK, J., to A.M.
257. 1825 May 10. [Wick] Good wishes from the inhabitants of Wick and Pulteney on A.M's departure.

KITBEE, Henry T., to A.M. departure.
258. 1830 Nov 4. [London] Politics; statement of accounts.

KLUG, Prof. F., to W.S.M.
259. 1821 Apr 24. [Berlin] Entomology. [Fr.]
260. 1821 Sep 1. [Berlin] Entomology. [Fr.]
261. 1822 Jun 27. [Berlin] Entomology. [Fr.]
262. 1822 Dec 20. [Berlin] Entomology. [Fr.]

KNOX, Edward, to W.S.M.
263. 1856 May 7. [Sydney] Acknowledges receipt of £30 to Church Building Fund.
Extent2 (of 3) boxes
NotesThe letters prior to 1825 include several written to Alexander MacLeay on his departure to Australia; many letters from distinguished entomologists; and some of a more private nature from several leading Fellows of the Linnean Society. The letters dated after 1825 are from friends in Australia, including seven letters from Rev W.B. Clarke, some political; and from scientific friends in England, among which are letters from Charles Darwin, 1839 (1), T.H. Huxley, 1850 (1), W. Griffith, James Backhouse, Theodore Cantor, Dr J.E. Gray, Sir James Stirling, Rev William Kirby, etc. The MSS comprise some by W.S. MacLeay in various states of completion and a few by other people; none by Alexander MacLeay. [Note by A. Savage who compiled the list. Ed.]
AcquisitionManuscripts and correspondence of Alexander MacLeay were donated to the Linnean Society by his son, Sir George MacLeay, in 1886. Papers of Dr William Sharp MacLeay (the eldest son of Alexander MacLeay) were donated to the Linnean Society by the executors of the late Sir George MacLeay (William's younger brother) in 1891..
Creator NameMacLeay, Alexander & William Sharp [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay]
GB/110/1/95Macleay; Alexander (1767-1848); entomologist and civil servant in Australia1767-1848
GB/110/1/129Kirby; William (1759-1850); entomologist and naturalist1759-1850
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