Ref NoMS/237c
TitleCorrespondence of Alexander MacLeay and William Sharp MacLeay: L-Z
AdminHistoryAlexander MacLeay FRS FLS, was an entomologist (principally interested in lepidopterology) and a colonial statesman in Australia. He was born on June 24th 1767 in Ross-shire, Scotland and died in Sydney on June 18th 1848. MacLeay became a fellow of the Linnean Society in 1794, and was secretary from 1798-1825. He became a Fellow of the Royal Society in 1809. MacLeay was Colonial Secretary of New South Wales 1825-37, and first Speaker of the Legislative Council 1843-46, and First President of the Australian Museum at Sydney, founded in 1836. Robert Brown named the genus Macleaya, (Bocconia), belonging to the poppy family, after MacLeay. He possessed a fine collection of insects and by 1825 it was said to be the best of any private individual.

William Sharp MacLeay, eldest son of Alexander MacLeay, was a scholar and naturalist, born on 21 July 1792 in London and died in Sydney on 26 January 1865. In 1818 he became secretary to the board for liquidating British claims in France on the peace of 1815; commissary judge in Havana, 1830-1837; went to New South Wales, 1839, where he enlarged his father's entomological collection. His chief work was Horae Entomologicae, propounding the circular or quintary system of classification.
DescriptionThe MacLeay correspondence and MSS consist of letters received by Alexander MacLeay (A.M.) and William Sharp MacLeay (W.S.M.), with the bulk of the letters being dated prior to 1825.

Correspondence has been arranged in alphabetical order, by the surname of the correspondent, and includes the place of writing and date (where known), with a summary of the letter subject. The language of the letter is also indicated and can be found in shorthand in square brackets at the end of each summary.

LAFRENAYE, Baron Frederic de, to W.S.M.
1. 1818 Aug 9. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
2. 1819 Jan 8. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
3. 1820 Jul 29. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]
4. 1820 Sep 16. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
5. 1821 May 4. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
6. 1821 Oct 13. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
7. 1822 Feb 2. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
8. 1822 May 5. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
9. 1822 Aug 16. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
10. 1822 Sep 2. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]
11. 1823 Feb 17. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
12. 1824 Jun 3. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]
13. - Jun 27. Entomology. [Fr.]
14. - Jul 3. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]
15. - Jul 4. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]
16. - Dec 10. [Falaise] Entomology. [Fr.]

LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke, to A.M.
16a. 1811 Jun 21. [London] A.M. invited to visit in first week of July; the war.
16b. 1811 Jun 30. [London] Happy that A.M. accepts invitation; hopes Hooker will also come.
17. 1811 Jul 27. [London] Hopes A.M. and Hooker returned safely; Dalrymple cargo; insects from Trinidad.
18. 1811 Sep 3. [London] His grandfather Peter seems to have been friendly with Linnaeus; chatter; entomology.
19. 1811 Oct 3. [Stourhead] Has invited the Bishop of Salisbury to become a Fellow.
20. 1812 Jun 9. [London] Seeds; no lack of corn.
21. 1815 Jun 9. [London] No letter received from Pavon in Madrid; Lady Elizabeth and insects
21a.1815 Aug 4. [London] Chatter; thanks God that "the Monster is in Safe Custody".
22. 1815 Aug 7. [London] J. Hillare drawing plants; Napoleon on Elba; Bishop of Salisbury; The History of an Old Wigg and the Linn. Soc.
23. 1815 Aug 26. - Letters received from Pavon but no Cargoes; Lord and Lady Bath on horseback; Dickson; Anderson; Staunton; Burchell.
24. 1815 Sep 14. [London] No business connections between Sir John Hunter and Pavon; Pavon surely the author of one of the most celebrated works that ever appeared.
25. 1815 Oct 16. [London] Smith "has been living with many of the Noblesse"; sorry about Pavon misunderstanding; affairs in Spain will turn out a loss.
26. 1816 Jul 21. [London] Two cases of insects sent to A.M.; Pavon.
27. 1816 Jul 27. [London] Spanish treasures arrived safely; Lord Bath gives his daughter to Mr Campbell.
28. 1816 Aug 13. [London] Cargos arrived; Diploma from the Madrid Academy lost in Lord Castlereagh's office; Willesby; Hobhouse; Henderson.
29. 1816 Nov 11. [London] Pavon paid £140 for chests before they were delivered; garden plants; not well; has not heard from Burchell.
30. 1816 Nov 12. [London] Strongly recommends the young man referred to by A.M..
31. 1817 Oct 1. [London] Spanish cargo beyond expectations; works by Humbolt [Humboldt?], Ellis, Abel and Congo to appear in November.
32. 1818 Jul 2. [London] Received box containing letters about the Spanish cargos.
33. 1818 Jul 19. [London] Lady Elizabeth and insects; Lord Aylesford invents a machine to kill Coleoptera.
34. 1818 Jul 28. [WhiteKnights] Lord Blandford's garden.
35. - Aug 10. [London] Chatter; Prince Regent has acepted offer.
36. - Mar 12. [London] Chatter.
37. 1825 Jun. [London] Feelings "never more hurt" by letter from Sir James Smith and A.M.

LAWRENCE, Sir Thomas, to A.M.
38. 1825 Apr 7. [London] Suggesting appointment for A.M. to sit for portrait.
39. 1825 Apr 18. [London] Suggesting appointment for A.M. to sit for portrait.
40. 1825 Apr 21. [London] Suggesting appointment for A.M. to sit for portrait.
41. 1825 Jun 16. [London] Suggesting appointment for A.M. to sit for portrait.
42. 1825 Jun 19. [London] Suggesting appointment for A.M. to sit for portrait.

LATREILLE, Pierre Andre, to W.S
43. 1820 May 20. Sending entomological specimens. [Fr.]
44. 1820 Dec 12. [Barham] Letter from Kirby to Latreille on entomology.] [Fr.]

LEACH, William Elford, to A.M.
45. 1811 Sep 16. [Edinburgh] Entomology; willing to purchase all A.M.'s neuroptera if A.M. is willing to sell.
46. 1811 Dec 10. [Edinburgh] Has bought collection of coins for A.M.; prices.
47. 1813 Jul 24. [Edinburgh] Has suggested to the Mayor of Exeter the creation of a library and museum of Nat. Hist., Antiquities and Fine Arts.
48. 1813 Jul 30. [Woodland] Has heard of the death of Dr Shaw and has applied to Sir Joseph Banks for the vacant post; asks A.M. to recommend him.
49. 1813 - - Appointed to the vacant post; thanks A.M. for his help.
50. 1814 Jan 19. - Entomology; chatter.
51. 1816 Oct 20. [Ashburton] Entomology; delighted with the north coast of Cornwall.
52. 1816 Nov 9. [Ashburton] Details of the Wilkins sale; British shells; has obtained the rose-coloured thrush killed near Kingsbridge and the Woodchat Shrike killed near Dawlish; Latreille; asks for a Shetland pony.
53. 1817 Feb 19 [London] Entomology.
54. 1818 Feb 16. [Paris] Entomology.
55. 1818 Mar 15. [Paris] Will purchase insects (named) from Francillon's collection.
56. - - - Entomology.
56a. - - [Br. Museum] [Leach to Sir W. H. Hooker] Entomology.

LITHGOW, William, to W.S.M.
57. 1859 Jan 31. [St.Leonard's Lodge] Montalembert's pamphlet.

LOCH, James, to A.M.
58. 1825 Jan 9. [Castle Howard] Thinks the infant Empire of N.S. Wales will be improved by the presence of A.M. but what is to become of Caithness in his absence?

LOWE, Sir R., to [?]
59. - - - [Part of letter] Terminating his connection with the Times.

McARTHUR, Dr Duncan, to A.M.
60. 1825 Jan 7. [Deal] Best wishes to A.M. on his being appointed Colonial Secretary.
61. 1825 Feb 14. [Deal] Sheep to New Holland; Sir Thomas Mantell; Sir James Smith's bust.
62. 1825 Aug 10. [Deal] Affection of the larynx; has been bled, leeched and blistered.

To McArthur, James, from W.S.M.
63. - - - Draft letter criticising McArthur's politics and for defending "a drivelling dreaming drone...Lord Glenely", and Sir George Gipps.

McARTHUR, John, to [?]
64. - - Land granted to emigrants.
65. - May 13. Invites A.M. and son to visit him; "Upright Ridges of the Land".

66. 1840 Mar 12. Entomology; Canton; Griffith.
67. 1840 Sep 29. [Calcutta] Entomology; sending three bottles containing insects; Griffith; Canton; leaches; indigo.

McCRAE, Dr. F., to A.M.
68. 1841 Feb 22. Medical advice for A.M.'s nephew; will operate on Jane Macpherson.

MacKAY, Major Colin C., to A.M.
69. 1825 Mar 4. Thanks A.M. for plants.

McLEAY, Alexander, to R. Taylor
70. 1824 Jan 22. [London] Sir James Smith's literary titles.

MacLEAY, Mrs. Eliza to W.S.M
71. - -[Sydney] [First four pages only of letter] An account of the MacLeays early doings in Australia.
72. 1837 Jul 31. [Sydney] Shameful treatment of A.M. by the Govt.; death of Miss Fanny MacLeay; engraving of Sir Thomas Laurence's portrait of A.M.
73. 1825 Jan 27. [Ipswich] A.M.'s appointment and journey to New South Wales.

MALTBY, the Rt. Rev Edward, Bishop of Durham, to W.S.M.
74. - Feb 11. Politics.

MANTELL, Sir Thomas, to A.M.
75. 1825 Jan 7 [Dover] Sad to hear of A.M.'s departure to Australia.

MARSHAM, Thomas, to A.M.
76. 1801 Jan 29. Asks A.M. to visit him; entomology.
77. 1801 May 27. Gives extract from letter received from Kirby.
78. 1801 Sep 3. [Swansea] Travelling by coach and description of various stopping places.
79. 1801 Nov 11. [London] Entomology.
80. 1801 Nov 30. [London] Grateful to A.M. for his help.
80a. 1801 Dec 2. [London] Attorney General has arranged a meeting to discuss Charter.
80b. 1801 Dec 21. [London] Entomology; forgot to quote Martin's English Entomology.
81. 1801 Dec 23. [London] Entomology.
82. 1801 Dec 29. Entomology.
83. 1801 Dec 30. Entomology; no objection to the title of Trans. Lin. Soc.
84. 1801 Dec 31. Entomology; Dr. Pulteney's legacy of £200 to the Society.
85. 1802 Jan 6. Entomology, [includes a letter from A.M. to T. Marsh dated Jan 6, 1802, annotated by Marsham.]
85a. 1806 Jul 20. [London] Death of a friend; immediate plans for the future.
86. 1808 Jan 10. Arrangements to sell £200 W.I.D. stock.
87. 1810 Sep 28. [Cheshunt] Painful death of his sister; elder sister composed after 8 leeches had been placed on her forehead and she had bled plentifully; he has suffered from a fit of the stone and a swollen face.
87a. 1810 Nov 30. [London] Personal.
88. 1811 Apr 16. [London] Offers to act as sponsor to one or both of A.M.'s boys.
89. 1813 Oct 10. Introduces Mr Laurence who hopes A.M. can procure the release of M. Couran, a prisoner-of-war at Alresford; does not know why his old friends have forsaken him.
89a. 1814 Jun 3. [London] Mr Bean and St. Paul's School; a new house for the Linn. [Includes a letter from James Moss dated 30 May 1814 about the house in Gerrard St.]
89b. 1814 Jul 12. [London] Asks A.M. to lend him money; lease for Gerrard St. house signed.
90. 1814 Dec 12. [London] Family dissension. [Includes copies of family letters; also three letters from Miss M.A. Marsham to A.M. dated Dec. 12, 16 and 29, all on family matters.]
91. 1814 Dec 29. [London] Personal; his only friends are the Bishop of Carlisle, Mr Jones and A.M.
92. 1815 Mar 2. [London] In financial distress; Asks A.M. for loan of £500.
93. 1815 Mar 9. [London] Asks A.M. to draw on him in two months for £200.
94. 1815 May 10. [London] Is grateful to A.M. [Note by A.M. "2 Mos. dated from 11 May. £200 due July 11/14"]
95. 1815 May 13. [London] Financial difficulties.
96. 1815 May 16. [London] Finance.
96a. 1815 Jun 9. [London] Finance; asks A.M. to burn letter.
96b. 1815 Jun 10. [London] Will not attend Council Meeting; will resign after debt has been paid.
97. 1815 Jul 14. [London] In financial despair.
98. 1815 Jul 15. [London] Finance.
99. 1815 Jul 15. [London] More financial difficulties; wishes to borrow more from A.M.
99a. 1815 Jul 19. [London] Has not injured the Linn, although he may for a time have used Soc. money which was lying idle.
99b. 1815 Aug 24. [London] Financial difficulty; "will submit with painful resignation to the Divine Will".
100. 1815 Sep 6. [London] Has been seriously ill; in financial despair.
101. 1815 Sep 8. [London] Still ill; because of finance he has no rest night or day.
102. 1815 Sep 9. [London] Weak from illness; family chat.
103. 1815 Sep 11. [London] Finance. [Enclosed is letter by T. Hughes Anderson to Marsham explaining why Bill was refused.]
104. 1815 Sep 13. [London] More financial difficulties.
105. 1815 Oct 18. [London] Encloses Note for £150 as requested by A.M.
106. 1815 Dec 14. [London] Will do everything he can to raise money to pay A.M.'s Bill.
107. 1816 Jan 11. [London] Impossible to raise any money at present.
108. 1816 Jan 12. [London] Hopes in a few months to pay £400 to the new Treasurer.
109. 1816 Feb 12. [London] In great financial distress and has had no rest night or day.
109a. 1816 Apr 20. [London] Will soon resign as Treasurer; distressed at being repulsed by the Bishop of Carlisle.
109b. 1816 May 6. [London] Formal notice of resignation at forthcoming Anniversary Meeting.
109c. 1816 May 21. [London] Debt larger than expected; hopes his successor will understand.
109d. 1816 May 24. [London] Hopes Council will accept payment in instalments.
109e. 1816 Nov 5. [London] [A.M. to T. Marsham] Council lays down conditions for recovery of debt.
109f. 1816 Nov 5. [London] Cannot obtain money; must take the consequences.
109g. 1817 Jan 4. [London] Asks Council for more time to pay.
110. 1817 Jan 20. [London] "My feelings have been hurt by the unjust and groundless suspicions that have been so rapidly circulated among the the prejudice of my Character. I have ever considered myself the Father of the Linnean Society..."
110a. 1817 Jan 27. [London] Does not fully understand the present position.
110b. 1817 Feb 17. [London] Has paid Mr Forster £50 as part of balance.
110c. 1817 Sep 18. [London] His friends, his finance, his illness.
110d. 1817 Oct 7.[London] Has lost his friends; asks A.M. to lend him £20.
110e.- -[London] Has sent A.M. £28.4.0.
110f. 1817 Dec 2. [London] The sale of his insects; finance.
111. 1818 Mar 12. [London] Visited by friend Kirby; what a difference between a Rector and a Bishop [of Carlisle]. "Enough of Spiritual Lords...they are not alike".
112. 181 Mar 27. [London] Will sell his Insects because he must have money; still feeling distress of body and mind.
112a. 1816 Jan 22. [London] Procedure for selling £400 shares in the name of the Linn. Soc.

MAYNE, William, to W.S.M.
113. 1859 Mar 10. [Sydney] Estimate for a hot house, £220.

MELLY, A., to W.S.M.
114. 1837 Dec 10. [Liverpool] Entomology.
115. 1838 Jan 5. [Liverpool] Entomology.
116. 1838 Jan 15. [Liverpool] Entomology.

MILLER, J.S, to A.M.
117. 1824 Dec 11. [Bristol] Specimens of beetle found during unwrapping of Egyptian Mummy.

MILNE, George, to A.M.
118. 1824 May 1. [London] Exchanging tulips for insects and spirits for books.

119. 1854 Jan 13. [Balade] Entomology. [Draft reply on letter]

MURCHISON, Sir Roderick, to W.S.M.
120. - - - Owen; Clark. [Last page only of letter]

NATTERER, Jean, to W.S.M.
121. 1816 Jan 8. [Vienna] Entomology. [Fr.]
122. 1816 Jun 15. [Vienna] Mr. Dahl's departure to the Carpathians; entomology. [Fr.]
123. 1816 Jun 26. [Vienna] Entomology. [Fr.]
124. 1816 Jul 12. [Vienna] Entomology. [Fr.]
125. 1816 Aug 14. [Vienna] Entomology. [Fr.]
126. 1816 Sep 13. [Vienna] Entomology. [Fr.]
127. 1816 Dec 18. [Vienna] Entomology. [Fr.]

O'CONNELL, Sir M., to A.M.
128. 1845 Aug 1. Procedure regarding a claim for a military pension.

OWEN, Richard, to W.S.M.
129. 1857 Nov 30. [B.M.] Entomology.

PANCHER, J.A.I., to A.M.
130. 1853 Jul 25. Offers to exchange plants. [Fr.]

PARRY, Sir E., to A.M.
131. 1833 Aug 12. [Port Stephens] Politics in reference to a petition for control of the convict population, [included is a copy of a letter from Parry to ?]

PHIN, Rev R., to A.M.
132. 1825 Apr 12. [Wick Manse] Congratulates A.M. on his appointment.
133. 1825 Apr 30. [Wick Manse] More about A.M.'s departure; illness of his brother.
134. 1825 Jun 25. [Wick Manse] A.M.'s brother much better.

ROSS, Sir James C., to W.S.M.
135.- - - Invites W.S.M. to accompany him on a trip.

SABINE, Joseph, to A.M.
136. 1823 Feb 14. [London] Entomology.
137. 1825 Jul 25. [London] A.M. invited to dinner.

SAINT-HILAIRE, Geoffrey, to W.S.M.
137a. 1822 Apr 30. [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]
137b. - - - [Paris] Entomology. [Fr.]

138. 1844 Feb 27. [Sydney] Encloses a sketch of insect discovered in Mexico. [Not enclosed]

SAVIGNY, J.C., to W.S.M.
139. 1820 Feb 1. [Paris] Entomology.
140. 1820 Dec 12. [Paris] Entomology; illness of Mr Leach.

SCHREIBERS, Charles de, to A.M.
141. 1815 Dec 30. [Vienna] Entomology. [Draft letter from W.S.M. to Schreibers attached]

SEEHAM, J.E., to W.S.M.
142. 1859 Jan 11. [Sydney] Hopes W.S.M. will accept silver salver instead of small clock.

143. 1819 Aug 17. [London] [Letter from W.S.M. to Serville, entomology]
144. 1819 Oct 1. [Paris] Entomology.
145. 1824 Feb 22. [Paris] Entomology.

SHELLEY, John, to [?]
146. - Date of Linnean Dinner.

147. 1838 Oct 19. [London] Entomology.
148. 1838 Oct 22. [London] Entomology.
149. 1839 Jun 20. [Sydney] Entomology.

SILBERMAN, Gust., to W.S.M.
150. 1824 Sep 20. [Strasbourg] Entomology.

SIMS, Dr. John, to A.M.
151. 1825 Mar 25. [London] Asks A.M. for information on certain plants.

SIMS, Phillip S., to A.M.
152. 1811 Aug 9. Asked by the Editor of the Sydney Herald to write an account of Ross's voyage.

SINCLAIR, George, to A.M.
153. 1825 Jan 21. [Edinburgh] Sad that A.M. is leaving England; politics; Dr Lister asks if A.M. can send him skulls of different tribes.
154. 1825 Feb 19. A.M.'s friends will miss him, as will the British Fishing Society; politics.
155. 1825 Jun 30. [Thurso Castle] Personal; recommends Joseph Burke for a post in New S. Wales.

SINCLAIR, John, to A.M.
156. 1825 Jan 30. [Edinburgh] Glad to hear of A.M.'s appointment; the Colony's great staple should be wine: recommends introduction of the Silver Rabbit into Australia; and the Carlisle Codlin Apple.
157. 1825 May 29. [Edinburgh] Politics; Caithness contest.

SINCLAIR, Williamina, to A.M.
158. 1825 Mar 27. [Dundee] Payment of £527.12.0.

SMITH, Anderson, to W.S.M.
159. 1838 Jan 16. [Chatham] Asks W.S.M. to help with publication.

SMITH, Andrew, to W.S.M.
160. 1843 Oct 22. [Fort Pitt] Introduces Dr. Dawson and hopes W.S.M. will give him advice.
161. 1848 Jan 31. [London] Chatter; reptiles.

SMITH, Julia, to W.S.M.
162. - - - Could not keep to visiting date because her friend has rheumatism.

SMITH, William, to A.M.
163. 1825 Aug 8. Whitby's report unpromising; Campbell's conduct "desperate, almost to Insanity".

SOWERBY, J.D.C., to A.M.
164.1847 Aug 11. [London] R. Botanic Society's garden; about the Sowerby family; Australian fossils; A.S.M. proposed as Member of R. Botanic Society.

SPARK, A.B., to W.S.M.
165. - - - Asks for draft on London for £87/3/6 at IV2 per cent.

SPENCE, William, to A.M.
166. 1806 Jul 22. [Hull] Entomology.
167. 1807 Jan 26. [Hull] Entomology.
168. 1809 Aug 22. [Hull] Entomology.
169. 1809 Sep 28. [Hull] Entomology.
170. 1810 Jul 12. [Hull] Entomology.
171. 1812 Apr 25. [Hull] Chatter; delighted Prince Regent has consented to become Patron.
172. 1813 May 8. [Hull] Linn. Trans.; Entomology.
173. 1813 Dec 21. [Hull] Entomology; celebrations at Hull; has thought of a scheme for annoying Napoleon, drop papers from balloons; Joseph Banks.
174. 1815 Jun 3. [Hull] Asks A.M. to procure a passport for him to go to Holland and Flanders.
175. 1815 Jun 13. [Hull] Thanks A.M. for passport; "...if Master Boney & Lord Well, will let me occupy a steeple & promise that no bullets shall reach me I shd. like to see a battle once in my life. There's a hero for you!...."
176. 1817 Mar 12. [Hull] Entomology; amused that his name will be immortalized; his Corn Bill pamphlet.
177. 1818 Jan 5. [Hull] Entomology and publications.
178. - - - Entomology; hopes to see A.M. soon.
179. - - - Regrets he cannot spend another evening with A.M.; entomology.

STAFFORD,The Marchioness of, to A.M.
180. 1825 Mar 12. A.M. and A.S.M. invited to dine.

STEPHEN, A., Lord Chief Justice of N.S.W., to A.M.
181. 1846 May 16. Pays respects on A.M.'s retirement as Speaker. [Included is draft reply by A.M.]

STIRLING Sir James, to A.M.
182. 1834 Dec 2. - Writes as old friend; chatter.
183. 1835 Mar 20. - Personal matters.

STRANG, William, to A.M.
184. 1817 Sep 15. [Orkney] Confirms that the White Owl has been seen in the Orkney.

SWAINSON, William, to A.M.
185. 1816 Jan 19. [Larkfield] Concerned that his friend Bivona cannot be elected Foreign Mem.
186. 1816 Apr 18.[Cheltenham] Entomology.
187. 1816 Aug 10. [Liverpool] Entomology.
188. 1816 Oct 2. [Windermere] Leaving for Pernambuco; seeks letters of introduction.
189. 1816 Oct 20. [Liverpool] Enquires after a Collector to accompany him.
190. 1816 Nov 8. [Liverpool] Seeks introductory letter from Sir Joseph Banks.
191. 1816 Nov 18. His brother Isaac Gabriel will accompany him; unsuccessful in obtaining a Collector.
192. 1820 Jun 19. [London] Requests permission of Council for access to Shells and Insects
193. 1820 Jul 3. Entomology.
194. 1822 Sep 20. Entomology.

SWARTZ, Olaf, to A.M.
195. 1813 Oct 14. [Stockholm] Collaboration between the Linn. Soc. and the Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.
196. 1814 Jun 6. A.M. elected Foreign Member, Royal Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.

TAYLOR, R., to A.M.
197. - - - Cost of printing volume £241.8.0.

THOMPSON, John Vaughan, to A.M.
198. 1829 Aug 17. [Cork] Sending A.M. Vol 2, Zoological Researches; description and sketch of his sea-dredging net.

199. 1813 Sep 10. [Upsala] Entomology. [Fr.]

200. 1824 Nov 2. [London] Entomology.
201. 1839 Sep 17. To W.S.M. Changes since he left the country; Ogilby appointed Secretary, Zool. Soc.; weight of office too much for Barlow; politics.

VILLENUEVA, El Conde de, to W.S.M.
202. 1830 Dec 1. [Havana] Entomology. [Sp.]

VOGHT, Baron, to A.M.
203. 1817 Jan 20. [Altona] Glad to hear Memoirs of the Linn. Soc. will be continued.

204. 1821 Feb 20. [Paris] Willing to pay 600 Frs. for Abbot's drawings. [Fr.] [Included is letter from Royer to W.S.M. explaining procedure if W.S.M. wishes to sell drawings on commission; draft to Walkenaer]

WATERHOUSE, George R., to W.S.M.
205. 1839 Dec 30. [London] Zoological Society and other zoological matters.

WESTWOOD, John O., to W.S.M.
205a. 1838 Jan 17. [London] Entomology. [Enclosed is draft reply by W.S.M.]

206. 1825 Jan 13. [Uxbridge] Asks if his two sons can see A.M.'s collection of insects.

WILLE, C.L.A., to [?]
207. 1817 Feb 25. [Dortmund] Entomology. [Ger.]

WILSON, Samuel, memorandum for D. Poole.
208. 1841 Dec 9. [Tahiti] Ready to give Mr. Stewart information on his researches into the Traditional History of the Polynesian Islands.

YARRELL, William, to W.S.M.
209. 1843 Aug 30. [London] Sends receipt for sale of books; books received; old members of the Linnean Club, Forster, Taylor, Bell, Bennett.

210. 1816 Jun 26. [Paris] [Draft letter by W.S.M. about purchase of insects from Dahl.]
211. 1816 Jul 22. [Draft letter by W.S.M.; insects received from Dahl for sale.]
212. 1816 Aug 2. [Paris] [Draft letter by W.S.M. about exchanging entomological specimens.
213. 1816 Aug 28. [Vienna] Entomology. [Latin]
214. 1816 Oct 14.- Entomology. [Latin]
215. 1816 Oct 14. [Paris] [Copy of letter in Latin, No. 214.]
216. - - - [Draft of letter by W.S.M.]
217. - - - [Draft of letter by W.S.M.]
Extent3 (of 3) boxes
NotesThe letters prior to 1825 include several written to Alexander MacLeay on his departure to Australia; many letters from distinguished entomologists; and some of a more private nature from several leading Fellows of the Linnean Society. The letters dated after 1825 are from friends in Australia, including seven letters from Rev W.B. Clarke, some political; and from scientific friends in England, among which are letters from Charles Darwin, 1839 (1), T.H. Huxley, 1850 (1), W. Griffith, James Backhouse, Theodore Cantor, Dr J.E. Gray, Sir James Stirling, Rev William Kirby, etc. The MSS comprise some by W.S. MacLeay in various states of completion and a few by other people; none by Alexander MacLeay. [Note by A. Savage who compiled the list. Ed.]
AcquisitionManuscripts and correspondence of Alexander MacLeay were donated to the Linnean Society by his son, Sir George MacLeay, in 1886. Papers of Dr William Sharp MacLeay (the eldest son of Alexander MacLeay) were donated to the Linnean Society by the executors of the late Sir George MacLeay (William's younger brother) in 1891.
Creator NameMacLeay, Alexander & William Sharp [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay]
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