Ref NoMS/271
TitleCorrespondence of William Swainson: D - K
AdminHistoryWilliam Swainson (1789-1855), FLS FRS, naturalist and scientific illustrator was the oldest son of John Timothy Swainson, a founder Fellow of the Linnean Society. William travelled to Sicily, Malta, Greece and mainland Italy where he collected large numbers of specimens. In 1815, he brought his specimen collection to England and became a Fellow of the Linnean Society. Swainson travelled to Brazil with Koster, 1816-1818, and amassed another collection of birds. His published works include Zoological Illustrations (1820-3), eleven volumes in Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaediam and three volumes in Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library. He adopted a quinary system based on the circular system of William Sharp MacLeay [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay]. In 1837 he emigrated to New Zealand and died there.
DescriptionCorrespondence is numbered and arranged in alphabetical order by sender. A dash appears where the summary of the letter is either unknown/unrecorded/illegible.


213. DAVY. Sir Humphrey., to Swainson, London, dated 9.4.1822. Referring to S's candidature for Leach's post.
214. DILLWYN. Lewis Weston., to Swainson, Penllergaer, dated 7.3.1822. On synonymy of various shells. Solander's MS names are now in common use.
215. DILLWYN. L.W., to Swainson, Penllergaer, dated 22.5.1822. On synonymy of various shells. Solander's MS names are now in common use.
216. DILLWYN. L.W., to Swainson, Penllergaer, No date. On synonymy of various shells. Solander's MS names are now in common use.
217. DON. David., to Swainson, London, dated 19.10.1829. -
218. DONOVAN. Edward., to Swainson Jr., London, dated 24.9.1806. Mentions some of his desiderata on Mediterranean fishes which S might supply.
219. DONOVAN. E., to Swainson Jr., London, dated 29.9.1806. Mentions some of his desiderata on Mediterranean fishes which S might supply.
220. DONOVAN. E., to Swainson, London, dated 24.9.1816. Declines S's Mediterranean fishes; himself collecting on the South Coast.
221. DONOVAN. E., to Swainson, London, dated 22.11.1820. Unable greatly to assist S.
222. DONOVAN. E., to Swainson, London, dated 18.1.1829. -
223. DOUBLEDAY. Edward., to Swainson, London, dated 8.7.1840. About his American entomol. collecting.
224. DOUBLEDAY. E., to Swainson, London, dated 20.7.1840. Sends S a box of Lepidoptera.
225. DRUMMOND. James., to Swainson, Swan River, dated 1.11.1837. Notes on some birds of the Swan River; cost of collecting.
226. DRUMMOND. Thomas., to Swainson, Belfast, dated 1.2.1831. Preparations for a collecting expedition.
227. DUNCAN. James., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated 20.5.1840. Desires information for biography of Naturalists.
228. DUNCAN. J., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated 5.6.1840. About Papilio ripheus.
229. DUNCAN. J., to Swainson, Edinburgh, No date. Writes with and for S.
230. DUVAUCEL. Sophie. (Cuvier's step-daughter), to Mrs. Swainson, Paris, dated 19.1.1830. Descriptive of Cuvier's activity. (In French)


231. EDMONSTON. C., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 7.8.1819. On Humming birds.
232. ELLIOTT. Stephen., to Swainson, Charleston, dated 14.1.1823. Referring to exchanges of shells and plants.
233. ELLIOTT. S., to Swainson, Charleston, dated 10.6.1824. Referring to exchanges of shells and plants.
234. ENGEL. G.H., to Swainson, Hamburg, dated 21.7.1820. Brazillian birds are a drug on the market.
235. EWING. T.J., to Swainson, Hobart, dated 9.12.1837. On Tasmanian birds.


236. FALCONER. D., to Swainson, Carloume, dated 29.3.1828. On the cultivation of Irises.
237. FERUSSAC. Andre Etienne Justin Pascal Joseph Francois D'Audebard. Baron de., to Guilding, Paris, dated 10.7.1827. Addressed to Guilding; desires shells and drawings. from the West Indies. (In French).
238. FIELD. Barron., to Swainson, Paris, dated 13.10.1825. Describes Lacepede's funeral which he attended. Sericulus chrysocephauls. Sworiolus regens. Gaim-Jardin des Plantes inferior to Kew. Attends a meeting of the Institute.
239. FIELD. B., to Swainson, London, dated 31.8.1826. F removes to Liverpool.
240. FIELD. B., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 10.1.1827. Personal.
241. FIELD. B., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 1.12.1828. Alludes to a financial misfortune in Mrs. S's family. Enlarges upon the advancement of Zoology in England through Vigor's establishment of a Zoological Garden; and refers to the Ray commemoration by the Linnean Society and to the new series of the Zoological Illustrations.
242. FIELD. B., to Swainson, London, dated 21.1.1829. Removes to Gibraltar-the Zoological Garden has made Zoology fashionable in London. and Exeter 'Change extinct-the Medico-botanical Society and R. Brown.
243. FIELD. B., to Swainson, Gibraltar, dated 3..8.1834. Removes to Gibraltar-the Zoological Garden has made Zoology fashionable in London. and Exeter 'Change extinct-the Medico-botanical Society and R. Brown.
244. FINCH. Augusta Sophia. Lady Aylesford, to Swainson, Kenmore, No date. "Loxia fusca"-"Quaker-birds".
245. FINDLAY. R., to Swainson, Easterhill., dated 20.10.1840. About S's preparations for settling in New Zealand.
246. FORSHALL. Rev. Josiah., to Swainson, London, dated 15.5.1839. The Trustees decline the purchase of S's collections.
247. FOSTER. J.. Jr., to Swainson, Athens, dated 26.11.1811. Directions for S's journey in Greece.
248. FOSTER. J.. Jr., to Swainson, Athens, dated 16.4.1819. -
249. FOSTER. J.. Jr., to Swainson, Athens, dated 11.11.1819. Sketch of statue.
250. FOSTER. J.. Jr., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 26 January, year unknown .-
251. FOSTER. J.. Jr., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 9.12.1823. -
252. SWAINSON, to Francillon, Palermo, dated 20.7.1813. A letter from S offering Sicilian Insects and making enquiries about Abbot.
253. FRANCILLON. J., to Swainson, London, dated 6.10.1813. Reply to S's letter; has some of Abbot's insects in stock. which S declines to buy.
254. FRANCILLON. J., to Swainson, London, dated 15.4.1816. F declines to be intermediary between S and Abbot who is honest in all his dealings.
255. FRANKLIN. Sir John., to Swainson, London, dated 28.7.1828. Directions for admission to the Museum of the Hudson Bay Co. About Richardson's birds.
256. FRY. E.W., to Swainson, Rio de Janeiro, dated 20.2.1819. About S's Brazillian servant.
257. FRY. E.W., to Swainson, Rio de Janeiro, dated 14.8.1819. -
258. FRY. E.W., to Swainson, Rio de Janeiro, dated 31.5.1820. About money matters.


259. GLADSTONE. D., to Swainson, London, dated 5.3.1821. The Society of Travellers.
260. GLEIG. Rev. George Robert., to Swainson, Wingham, dated 4.8.1830. Offer to S to write Entomology for Colburne's National Library.
261. GOODALL. Dr. Joseph., to Swainson, Eton, dated 3.3.1822. About S's candidature for the British Museum-G would prefer G. Sowerby.
262. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 23.1.1823. On various British species of shells-Patella chalandi.
263. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 1.6.1825. On synonymy of British shells-reference to Dillwyn.
264. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Windsor, dated 23.10.1827. A long letter on non-classical names in Conchology.
265. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 11.11.1828. -
266. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 28.4.1829. Composes generic names from the Greek for S's use.
267. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 6.7.1829. Reports a visit from Ferussac.
268. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 23.7.1829. Corrects generic names for S.
269. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 3.8.1829. Corrects generic names for S.
270. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 11.8.1829. Corrects generic names for S.
271. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 18.8.1829. -
272. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 19.10.1829. Points out to S that his works abound in linguistic errors. and begs him to let him see his MSS before they go to the printer.
273. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 14.11.1829. On the same subject.
274. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, London, dated 25.2.1830. G is close upon 70 years of age.
275. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, London, dated 27.6.1830. Sends S a list of blunders in 'Illustrations'.
276. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, London, dated 27.6.1830. List of corrections. with no.275.
277. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, London?, dated 5.8.1830. Offers again his help in this matter.
278. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 27.11.1833. -
279. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 12.11.1838. Offers his help in other respects.
280. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated 20.11.1838. Offers his help in other respects.
281. GOODALL. Dr. J., to Swainson, Eton, dated ..3.1839. Is not reconciled to S's expatriation.
282. GOULD. John., to Swainson, London, dated 12.12.1830. Exchanges publications with S. and sends him birds on loan or for sale.
283. GOULD. John., to Swainson, London, dated 20..4.1834. -
284. GOULD. John., to Swainson, London, dated 21.1.1837. Sends S his Synopsis of Australian Birds.
285. GRANT. J.W., to Swainson, Calcutta, dated 4.2.1839. Promise to collect Insects for S.
286. GRANT. J.W., to Griffith, Calcutta, No date. -
287. GRAPEL., to Swainson, London, No date. -
288. GRAPEL., to Swainson, London, dated 27.11.1818. -
289. GRAVES. G., to Swainson, Walworth, dated 3.10.1811. Reply to S's wish to exchange British for Sicilian plants; is engaged in writing a book on British Birds.
290. SWAINSON., to Graves, No origin, dated 25.1.1812. List of plant species [copy].
291. GRAVES. George., to Swainson, Peckham, dated 23.11.1820. -
292. GRAVES. George., to Swainson, Peckham, dated 27.11.1820. -
293. GRAVES. George., to Swainson, Peckham, dated 13.12.1821. -
294. GRAVES. George., to Swainson, Peckham, dated 31.7.1821. -
295. GRAY. George Robert., to Swainson, London, dated 20.8.1830. Lends S a book.
296. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath?, dated 11.7.1828. Will show S the Sicilian fish presented by the latter to the Museum.
297. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath, dated 30.8.1829. Has returned from his Continental tour-is engaged on Cypraediae. and would be glad to examine those in S's collection-after completion of thier arrangementthe duplicates in the British Museum will be either sold or exchanged by the Trustees.
298. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath?, dated 5.10.1829. Result of G's examination of S's Cowries.
299. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath, dated 11.11.1829. About exchange of books.
300. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath, dated 23.6.1830. A friendly communication on various matters. G. R. Gray first mentioned.
301. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath?, dated 5.8.1830. Cuvier in London. G goes again to the Continent.
302. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath?, dated 22.11.1830. -
303. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath, dated 3.12.1830. S has drawn plates for G who demurs to his charges.
304. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, London, dated 24.1.1831. About the same matter.
305. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath, dated 23.3.1831. Joins S in attacking Vigors and Zoological Society.
306. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, London, dated 28.6.1831. -
307. GRAY. John Edward., to Swainson, Blackheath?, dated 11.10.1831. Proposes a new arrangement of Raptores. widely different from Vigors's.
308. GREGSON. Matthew., to Swainson, London, dated 7.7.1821. Presents S with some shells.
308a. GREGSON., No date. Address panel.
309. GRIFFITH. Edward., to Swainson, London, dated 27.7.1830. Accepts S's apology.
310. GUILDING. Rev. Lansdown., no indication of intended recipient, No origin, No date. Autobiographical notes; expenses of an undergraduate at Oxford.
311. GUILDING. Rev. L., to Swainson, St Vincent, dated 27.9.1824. Notes on West Indian collections and exchanges-mentions the series of drawings on which he is engaged for a Pomona occidentalis by W. Hooker.
311a. ??, to Guilding, No origin, No date. Address panel.
312. GUILDING. Rev. L., to Swainson, St. Vincent, dated 4.9.1828. On St. Vincent Humming-birds and Ferns.
313. GUILDING. Rev. L., to Swainson, No origin, dated 3.7.1829. List of drawings which G could execute.
314. GUILDING. Rev. L., to Swainson, St. Vincent, dated 28.7.1829. Exchanges specimens with S.-Is afraid that his paper and drawings of the Insects of the Sugar-cane will suffer during publication. Appended are original notes on the term Pupa; and on poisonous fish.
315. GUILDING. Rev. L., to ??, No origin, No date. Descriptive account [pupa].
316. GUILDING. Rev. L., to ??, No origin, No date. Descriptive account [fish].


317. HALDEMANN. Samuel Stehman, to Swainson, Pennsylvania, dated 15.9.1840. Asks whether S will sell him part of his Mollusca. himself bringing out a work on Limniades. about which he gives miscellaneous information.-Strong charges against Audubon who is not personally esteemed in America.-Critical remarks on S's Malacology in Cabin. Cyclop.-Quiscalus purpuratus. Sw. is the male of Q. versicolor.-Thelidomus a larva-case.
318. HARDWICKE. Thomas., to Swainson, London, dated 21.10.1827. A reply to S.-Difficulty of access to Nepal.-Has sent his entomological collection to the Linnean Society. where unfortunately Alexander McLeay has access to them.
319. HARDWICKE. T., to Swainson, London, dated 21.11.1827. -
320. HARDWICKE. T., to Swainson, London, dated 24.12.1833. Subscribes to S's works.-Seems to be dissatisfied with the progress made by Gray with Illustr. Ind. Zoology; S seems to be ready to act as a substitute.
321. HARDWICKE. T., to Swainson, London, dated 21.1.1834. Has arranged with Gray about his difficulties. so that S's help is not required.
322. HARDWICKE. T., to Swainson, London, dated 22.1.1834. Has arranged with Gray about his difficulties. so that S's help is not required.
323. HARDWICKE. T., to Swainson, London, dated 27.1.1834. Has arranged with Gray about his difficulties. so that S's help is not required.
324. HARDWICKE. T., to Swainson, London, dated 1.2.1834. Has arranged with Gray about his difficulties. so that S's help is not required.
325. HARLAN. Richard., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 20.10.1832. About Ward. one of S's collectors-Audubon industrious and proud-about exchanges of publications with the Academy-their present foreign secretary unsatisfactory.
326. HAWORTH. Adrian Hardy., to Swainson, ??, dated 17.10.1821. -
327. HAWORTH. A.H., to Swainson, Chelsea, dated 12.2.1827. About his 'Lepidoptera Britannica'-has a large herbarium-never received anything from Rafinesque in return for his consignments.
328. HAWORTH. A.H., to Swainson, Chelsea, dated 4.8.1827. Has no faith in MacLeay's [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay] circles. "nor do I know of anyone who has. except Vigors and yourself".
329. HAWORTH. A.H., to Swainson, Chelsea, dated 26.9.1827. About foreign works on Diptera. and his own collection of Lepidoptera.
330. HAWORTH. A.H., to Swainson, Chelsea, dated 28.11.1828. His dichotomous system.
331. HAWORTH. A.H., to Swainson, Chelsea, dated 30.12.1828. His dichotomous system.
332. HAWORTH. A.H., to Swainson, Chelsea, dated 24.1.1829. His dichotomous system.
333. HAYNES. Miss W., to Swainson, Warwick, dated 18.5.1827. -
334. HAYNES. Miss W., to Mrs. Swainson, Warwick?, dated 1.12.1827. -
335. HAYNES. Miss W., to Swainson, Warwick, dated 4.1.1828. -
336. HAYNES. Miss W., to Swainson, Warwick?, No date. -
337. HENRY. William., to Swainson, Manchester, dated 2/12/21. Formation of Natural History Society.
338. HENRY. W., to Swainson, Manchester, dated 21.10.1827. Manchester Museum declines purchase of specimens offered by S.
339. HENSLOW. Prof. John Stevens., to Swainson, Cambridge, dated 20.9.1826. Regarding Philosoph. Society and Jenyns.
340. HENSLOW. Prof. J. S., to Swainson, Cambridge, dated 30.5.1828. Regarding himself-invitation to S.
341. HERMINIER. G., to Guilding, Guadeloupe, dated 31.1.1813. Addressed to Guilding. In French.
342a/c 12. HERMINIER. G., to Lochead, Guadeloupe, dated 2.9.1813. Addressed to W. Lockhead. Superint. Botan. Garden. St. Vincent; treats of the mineralogy of volcanic products and of the geological history of the Gulf of Mexico and the Antilles. In French.
343. HERMINIER. G., to Swainson, Guadeloupe, dated 8.7.1814. Addressed to Guilding - has sent to President fo the Royal Society a memoir on geological changes in Guadeloupe. In French.
344. HERMINIER. G., to Swainson, Guadeloupe, dated 2.8.1816. Has not heard from Sir Joseph Bank about his memoir; has sent one to the Geological Society "on the primitive condition of the Antilles"-Chemical notes. In French.
345a?b 4. HERMINIER. G., to Lochead, Guadeloupe, dated 2.9.1813. Translation of 342c.
346. HERMINIER. G., to Swainson, Guadeloupe, dated 19.9.1819. Addressed to Guilding (?). About seeds sent by him. In French.
347. HERSCHEL. Sir John., to Swainson, Colnbrook, dated 14.2.1839. Thanks for a copy of the 'Statistical Zoology of Great Britain'.
348. HOALBROOKE. T., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 7.6.1814. Thanks from the Liverpool Botanical Garden for seeds.
349. HODGSON. C., to Swainson, Canterbury, dated 15.5.1840. About publishing his son's drawings.
350. HOGG. J., to Swainson, London, dated 7.12.1839. Sends S a copy of his paper on Amphibia.
351. HOLL. William., to Swainson, London, dated 27.12.1837. Reply to a proposal regarding the 'Naturalist'.
352. HOME. Sir Everard., to Swainson, London, dated 3.1.1829. Thanks for a copy of Zool. Illustr.
353. HOOKER. Sir William Jackson., to Swainson, Halesworth, dated 3.10.1816. Thanks for Mediterranean Cryptogams; nothing new among them-has abandoned Entomology.
354. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Halesworth, dated 27.1.1817. Sends list of Cryptogams-advises and encourages S in making collections.
355. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 25.11.1821. Has had to abandon 'Exotic Botany' for want of artists.
356. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 7.12.1822. Deplores S's failure with the British Museum-his own action in the matter-has still a hankering after Zoology-asks for S's Brazil duplicates of plants.
357. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 27.11.1823. On the discontinuance of Zool. Illustr.-the castigation of the British Museum - his own present works - repeats request for S's Brazil plants.
358. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 9.5.1824. The same request.
359. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 21.5.1824. The same request.
360. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 14.7.1824. The same request.
361. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 25.8.1824. Referring to Guilding.
362. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 6.11.1824. Cannot name plants for private collection.
363. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 23.1.1825. Wants books to send to Guilding.
364. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 22.2.1825. -
365. Mrs. HOOKER, to Burchell, London, dated 25.2.1825. -
366ab. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 15.12.1825. Brazillian Botany has recently made such progress that special interest in S's collection is diminished.
367. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 16.8.1826. Has at length obtained S's plants which. however. are much injured by Moths.
368. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 4.11.1827. Illegible.
369. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, London, dated 18.11.1827. Illegible.
370. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 6.12.1827. About Geograph. Zoolog. and Botan. Cyclopaedias - Loudon is ignorant of Botany.
371. HOOKER. W.J., to Richard, Glasgow, dated 26.8.1828. Letter of introduction. In French.
372. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 3.1.1831. S not a good correspondent-about his collection of plants sent to H.
373. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 9.3.1831. About Drummond (a collector).
374. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 12.7.1839. Joseph goes with the Antarctic Expedition. About New Zealand (selected by S for emigration).
375. HOOKER. W.J., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 19.10.1839. Joseph goes with the Antarctic Expedition. About New Zealand (selected by S for emigration).
376. HOPE. Frederic William., to Swainson, London, dated 16.3.1828. About his own method of collecting and study.
377. HOPE. F.W., to Swainson, London, dated 9.5.1828. Presents S with some Lepidoptera.
378. HOPE. F.W., to Swainson, London, dated 18.10.1830. Will not employ any more collectors.
379. HORSFIELD. Thomas., to Swainson, London, No date. -
380. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 9.10.1820. The entomological collections at the India House. Gaertnera.
381. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 8.10.18??. Referring to miscellaneous. unimportant matters. The collection of specimens and drawings at the India House. for which S has applied. are already otherwise engaged.
382. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 17.11.18??. Referring to miscellaneous. unimportant matters. The collection of specimens and drawings at the India House. for which S has applied. are already otherwise engaged.
383. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 29.1.18??. Referring to miscellaneous. unimportant matters. The collection of specimens and drawings at the India House. for which S has applied. are already otherwise engaged.
384. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, No date. Referring to miscellaneous. unimportant matters. The collection of specimens and drawings at the India House. for which S has applied. are already otherwise engaged.
385. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, No date. Referring to miscellaneous. unimportant matters. The collection of specimens and drawings at the India House. for which S has applied. are already otherwise engaged.
386. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, No date. Referring to miscellaneous. unimportant matters. The collection of specimens and drawings at the India House. for which S has applied. are already otherwise engaged.
387. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, No date. Referring to miscellaneous. unimportant matters. The collection of specimens and drawings at the India House. for which S has applied. are already otherwise engaged.
388. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 14.11.1820. About the naming of an Indian Sitta. Leach's health.
389. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 28.11.1820. About the naming of an Indian Sitta.Leach's health.
390. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 21.12.1820. The nomenclature of Kingfishers.
391. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 19.5.1822. A misunderstanding between S and H about Insects and Books borrowed from the former. with a letter from S. Includes copy of WS's.
392. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 30.5.1823. A misunderstanding between S and H about Insects and Books borrowed from the former. with a letter from S. Includes copy of WS's.
393. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 3.1.1824. -
394. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 20.6.1829. Exchange of publications.
395. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 16.7.1829. Includes copy of WS's.
396. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 22.7.1829. Referring to miscellaneous matters in which H differs from S. On W. MacLeay [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay].
397. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 5.10.1830. Proposes to visit S.
398. HORSFIELD. T., to Swainson, London, dated 12.3.1831. About duplicates in the India Museum.
399. HOWITT., to Swainson, Somers Town, No date. About a lost drawing.
400. HUMPHREY. George., to Swainson, London, dated 22.9.1806. Wishes to obtain Argonauta with the animal.
401. HUMPHREY. G., to Swainson, London, dated 22.9.1824. -
402. HUNTER. W.P., to Swainson, Walthamstow, dated 30.9.1830. Proposes to translate Azara. About a Voyage of Discovery intended to be undertaken by "Buckingham".
403. HUNTER. W.P., to Swainson, Cambridge, dated 6.10.1830. Proposes to translate Azara. About a Voyage of Discovery intended to be undertaken by "Buckingham".


404. JAMESON. Robert., to Swainson, London, dated 5.10.1819. Referring to a notice of Neuwied's travels.
405. JAMESON. Robert., to Swainson, London, dated 8.3.1820. Referring to the publication of a paper by S.
406. JAMESON. Robert., to Swainson, London, dated 1.8.1820. J. Wilson.
407. JAMESON. Robert., to Swainson, London, dated 7.2.1821. As to Leach's successor.
408. JARDINE. Sir William., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 10.1.1827. On Lanius. Tachyphonus. Sericulus.
409. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 1.3.1827. About a variety of ornitological matter.
410. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 8.3.1827. About a variety of ornitological matter. Plus printed item.
411. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 24.4.1827. About a variety of ornitological matter.
412. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 6.4.1829. About a variety of ornitological matter.
412a. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 6.4.1829. List of genera.
413. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 4.8.1829. About A. Smith's African travels; he sends 700 birds to J.A Madeira collection of birds.
414. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 16.7.1830. Has purchased a series of North American birds of S. Miscellaneous ornithological matters.
414a. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 16.7.1830. List of birds.
415. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 4.8.1830. Invites S to a meeting at Edinburgh.-About the collector Drummond.
416. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 27.8.1830. The same subject.-About Phoenicura.
417. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 7.9.1830. Referring to the arrangement of his edition of Wilson's N. America. Ornithol.
418. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 17.10.1830. Referring to the arrangement of his edition of Wilson's N. America. Ornithol.
419. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 15.11.1830. Referring to the arrangement of his edition of Wilson's N. America. Ornithol.
420. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 19.2.1831. On a great variety of ornithol. matters.
421. JARDINE. W., to Swainson, Lockerby, dated 22.4.1831. On a great variety of ornithol. matters.
422. JAY. Dr J., to Swainson, New York, dated 1.9.1835. Exchange of shells.


423. KIDD. J., to Swainson, Oxford, dated 18.10.1827. Cannot dissect animals for S., recommends Ogle.
424. KING. Phillip. Capt. R.N., to Swainson, London, dated 1.1.1831. Declines S's offer to draw the plates for his work.
425. KING. P., to Swainson, London, dated 21.1.1831. -
426. KIRBY. William., to Swainson, Barham, dated 7.2.1827. Does not profess to know Lepidoptera sufficiently to judge of S's system.
427. KLUG. Prof. Friedrich., to Merrill, Berlin, dated 21.11.1816. Thanks for consignment of Insects. sends Chysids in return. In German.
427a. KLUG. F., to Merrill, Berlin, dated 21.11.1816. Translation of 427.
428. KLUG. F., to Swainson, Berlin, dated 24.4.1820. Exchange of Coleoptera. In French.
429. KLUG. F., to Swainson, Berlin, dated 10.7.1820. Exchange of Coleoptera. In French.
430. KLUG. F., to Swainson, Berlin, dated 21.11.1830. Exchange of Coleoptera. In French.
431. KÖNIG. Charles., to Swainson, London, dated 29.9.1820. Reply to S's enquiries about Leach's health.
432. KÖNIG. Charles., to Swainson, London, dated 28.5.1822. Referring to S's testimonials accompanying his candidature.
433. KÖNIG. Charles., to Swainson, London, dated 5.5.1824. Subscription for Mrs Bowdich.
Extent1 volume
Creator NameSwainson, William
GB/110/1/453Swainson; William (1789-1855); naturalist and artist1789-1855
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