Ref NoMS/272
TitleCorrespondence of William Swainson: L - P
AdminHistoryWilliam Swainson (1789-1855), FLS FRS, naturalist and scientific illustrator was the oldest son of John Timothy Swainson, a founder Fellow of the Linnean Society. William travelled to Sicily, Malta, Greece and mainland Italy where he collected large numbers of specimens. In 1815, he brought his specimen collection to England and became a Fellow of the Linnean Society. Swainson travelled to Brazil with Koster, 1816-1818, and amassed another collection of birds. His published works include Zoological Illustrations (1820-3), eleven volumes in Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaediam and three volumes in Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library. He adopted a quinary system based on the circular system of William Sharp MacLeay [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay]. In 1837 he emigrated to New Zealand and died there.
DescriptionCorrespondence is numbered and arranged in alphabetical order by sender. A dash appears where the summary of the letter is unknown/unrecorded/illegible.


434. DELAFRESNAYE, F. De., to Swainson, Falaise, dated 10.7.1837. On various birds. In French.
435. DELAFRESNAYE, F, De., to Swainson, Falaise, dated 29.3.1839. About tropical American Birds-is engaged on a Catalogue of Mexican Birds. In French.
435a. DELAFRESNAYE, F, De., to Swainson, Falaise, dated 29.3.1839. Translation of 435.
436. LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke., to Swainson, London, dated 11.1.1816. On botanical subjects-Bonpland-Burchell-Prof. Smith of Christiania.
437. LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke., to Swainson, Boyton House, dated 12.9.181-. On botanical subjects.
438. LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke., to Swainson, London, dated 19.9.181-. On botanical subjects.
439. LAMBERT, Aylmer Bourke., to Swainson, London, dated 5.12.1818. About the "Chili Pine".
440. LANDSEER, Thomas., to Swainson, London, dated 5.3.1827. £1 not too much for a vignette.
441. LANDSEER, Thomas., to Swainson, London, dated 25.4.1828. About drawings.
442. LANDSEER, Thomas., to Swainson, London, No date. About drawings.
443. LANGSDORFF, Georg.Heinrich von (Russian Consul-General)., to Swainson, Rio de Janeiro, No date. Assists S in Brazil..
444. LANGSDORFF, G. H., to Swainson, Rio de Janeiro, dated 5.1.1818. Commissions S to buy books for him.
445. LANGSDORFF, G. H., to Swainson, Rio de Janeiro?, dated 5.6.1818. Presents S with ferns and invites him.
446. LANGSDORFF, G. H., to Swainson, Rio de Janiero, dated 27.8.1818. Troubles about the servant and slave S left behind him.
447. LANGSDORFF, G. H., to Swainson, Rio de Janiero, dated 12.12.1818. On the same troubles-complains of S's silence-S owes L insects promised.
448. LANGSDORFF, G. H., to Swainson, Rio de Janiero, dated 18.2.1819. On personal matters.
449. LANGSDORFF, G. H., to Swainson, Rio de Janiero, dated 21.8.1819. On personal matters.
450. LANGSDORFF, G. H., to Swainson, Rio de Janiero, dated 21.8.1819. On personal matters.
450a. DISCKSON., to Langsdorff, Rio de Janiero, dated 21.8.1819. Receipt from Dickson.
451. LANGSDORFF, G. H., to Swainson, Rio de Janiero, dated 21.12.1819. News from travellers in Brazil.
452. LARDNER, Dionysius., to Swainson, London, dated 12.9.1833. Business arrangements about the 'Cabinet Cyclopaedia'-S stipulates for drawing the title vignettes. Plan and Prospectus of the Cyclopaedia prepared by S.
453. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 17.9.1833. Business arrangements about the 'Cabinet Cyclopaedia'-S stipulates for drawing the title vignettes. Plan and Prospectus of the Cyclopaedia prepared by S.
454. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 2.11.1833. Business arrangements about the 'Cabinet Cyclopaedia'-S stipulates for drawing the title vignettes. Plan and Prospectus of the Cyclopaedia prepared by S.
455. LARDNER, D., No location, No date. Cyclopedia plan.
456a/b. LARDNER, D., No location, No date. Prospectus for Nat. Hist, series.
456c. LONGMANS., to Swainson, No location, No date. Draft of agreement.
457. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 7.11.1833. S's anxiety about payments unreasonable.
458. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 9.11.1833. S's anxiety about payments unreasonable.
459. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 13.6.1834. Arrangements completed-about the first (preliminary) volume, for which S receives £200.
460. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 24.6.1834. Arrangements completed-about the first (preliminary) volume, for which S receives £200.
461. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 30.6.1834. Arrangements completed-about the first (preliminary) volume, for which S receives £200.
462. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 15.7.1834. Arrangements completed-about the first (preliminary) volume, for which S receives £200.
463. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 13.4.1836. S is hopelessly in arrears with his work, quarrels with L and L proposes further assistance (by G. R. Waterhouse).
464. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 25.6.1836. S is hopelessly in arrears with his work, quarrels with L and L proposes further assistance (by G. R. Waterhouse).
465. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 27.4.1837. S is hopelessly in arrears with his work, quarrels with L and L proposes further assistance (by G. R. Waterhouse).
466. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 3.5.1837. S is hopelessly in arrears with his work, quarrels with L and L proposes further assistance (by G. R. Waterhouse).
467. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 16.6.1837. S is hopelessly in arrears with his work, quarrels with L and L proposes further assistance (by G. R. Waterhouse).
468. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 16.11.1837. S is hopelessly in arrears with his work, quarrels with L and L proposes further assistance (by G. R. Waterhouse).
469. LARDNER, D., to Swainson, London, dated 10.1.1838. S is hopelessly in arrears with his work, quarrels with L and L proposes further assistance (by G. R. Waterhouse).
470. LATHAM, John., to Swainson, Winchester, dated 19.2.1828. Exchange of publications.
471. LATHAM, R., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 22.12.1819. Annual produce of sugar, cotton, and tobacco of Bahia.
472. LA TROBE, Charles Joseph., to Swainson, London, dated 28.2.1839. -
473. LEA, Isaac., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 10.5.1827. Sends shells to S.
474. LEA, I., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 15.10.1827. Referring to the great variability in freshwater shells.
475. LEA, I., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 4.4.1828. Short and formal.
476. LEA, I., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 5.3.1829. Complains of S's irregularity in correspondence-has the largest collection of river-shells, about 1500 species.
477. LEA, I., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 10.4.1829. On miscellaneous conchological matters-no sale for costly works in America-advises against S engaging in the description of the American species-has reviewed Arctic Expeditions.
478. LEA, I., to Swainson, Philadelphia, No date. List of catalogue items.
479. LEA, I., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 15.5.1829. On various conchological subjects.
480. LEA, I., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 19.6.1829. -
481. LEADBEATER, B., to Swainson, London, dated 26.2.1828. Abuse by a tradesman.
482. LEADBEATER, B., to Swainson, London, dated 17.3.1828. Abuse by a tradesman.
483. LE CONTE, Capt, John., to Swainson, New York, dated -.6.1827. Reply to S's application for specimens.
484. LE CONTE, J., to Swainson, New York, dated 25.8.1827. Reply to S's application for specimens.
485. LE CONTE, J., to Swainson, Paris, dated 11.5.1828. Has sent insects to S-high merits of Dejean's work- Harlan a very rash young man-cannot visit England.
486. LEE, Mrs Sarah., to Swainson, London, dated 1.7.1840. Biographical notes of her first husband, J. E Bowdich.
487. LEES, J.C., to Swainson, London, dated 20.11.1820. Reply to S's enquiry abut Leach's health.
488. LEES, J.C., to Swainson, London, dated 14.12.1828. -
489. LEMPIERE, T.J., to Swainson, Macquarrie H., dated 23.1.1829. Offers to collect for S-Has sent two Ornithorhynchi to England.
490. LEMPIERE, T.J., to Swainson, Hobart, dated 6.5.1830. Chiefly about his own private affairs.
491. LEMPIERE, T.J., to Swainson, Hobart, dated 6.8.1830. Sends a consignment to S; list enclosed (duly received by S).
491a. LEMPIERE, T.J., to Swainson, Hobart, dated 6.8.1830. List of case contents.
492. LEMPIERE, Mrs., to Swainson, Newport IOW, dated 9.4.1831. Letter from Mrs. L -her husband ill.
493. LEMPIERE, T.J., to Swainson, Port Arthur, dated 6.10.1836. Sends a consignment of Mammals, Birds, and Insecs.
494. LEMPIERE, T.J., to Swainson, Port Arthur, dated 14.1.1839. Collects fish for Dr. Richardson-influenza in Tasmania. Cost of living and prospects for S's son in the Colony.
495. LESSON, Rene Primevere., to Swainson, Paris, dated 28.9.1828. Promises birds collected by his brother.
496. LESSON, R. P., to Swainson, Paris, dated 2.10.1828. Sends S the Zoology of D'Urville's Voyage. In French.
497. LESSON, R. P., to Swainson, Paris, dated 9.10.1828. About Buphaga. In French.
498. LESSON, R. P., to Swainson, Paris, dated 16.1.1829. In French.
499. LESSON, R. P., to Swainson, Paris, dated 15.2.1829. Critical remarks on S made by L in the first ed of his Manual will disappear in the second-sends first part of his Humming-birds-about Psittacus isidori. In French.
500. LESSON, R. P., to Parkes, Paris, dated 16.2.1829. In French.
501. LESSON, R. P., to Swainson, Paris, dated 10.12.1829. On various Humming-birds-will send S birds from the 'Astrolabe'. In French.
502. LESSON, R. P., to Swainson, New Guinea?, dated 24.4.1830. Description of the habits of Birds of Paradise (translated for S).
503. LESSON, R. P., to Swainson, Paris, dated 10.5.1830. Sends some birds-about Vigors-Lesson's genera of Parrots. In French.
504. SWAINSON, to Lindley, -, dated 7.11.1827. Draft of a letter of S in which he urges that a systematic method, which is not equally applicable to Botany and Zoology, is valueless.
505. LINDLEY, Dr. John., to Swainson, London, dated 15.11.1827. Reply to a letter in which S tries to persuade him to introduce the numerical system into Botany-L declines.
506. LINDLEY, J., to Swainson, London, dated 28.5.1840. -
507. MCLEAY, as Secretary of the Linn. Soc., to Swainson, London, dated 21.4.1812. S elected an Associate.. . .
508. MCLEAY, as Secretary., to Swainson, London, dated 17.12.1816. S elected a Fellow.
509. MCLEAY, as Secretary., to Swainson, London, dated 16.4.1821. Official invitation to subscribe to a marble bust of Sir Joseph Banks.
510. MCLEAY, as Secretary., to Swainson, London, dated 6.5.1820. Thanks for present of Zool. Illustr.
511. BICHENO, as Secretary of the Linn.Soc., to Swainson, London, dated 12.6.1828. Official invitation to subscribe towards purchase of Linnean collections-S's excuse for not contributing. Printed matter.
512. BICHENO, as Secretary., to Swainson, London, dated 12.11.1828. With Swainson's draft reply.
513. Roy. Liverpool Inst., to -, -, No date. Memoir draft.
514. RICKMAN., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 7.12.1820. S elected a member.
514a. Literary Gaz. Ed., to -, -, dated 3.2.1827. Can in future accept only reviews of works which S has actually seen.
515. LIZARS, William Home., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated 23.12.1836. Transmits payment in respect of 1st volume of African birds.
516. LIZARS, W.H., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated 16.12.1837. Transmits payment in respect of 1st volume of African birds.
517. LIZARS, W.H., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated 25.1.1838. Remonstrates against S's overcharges for his contributions to the 'Naturalists' Library', also Jardine thinks them exorbitant.
518. LIZARS, W.H., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated 26.4.1838. Communicates extracts from Jardine's letters with the view of smoothing differences that have arisen between S and Jardine.
519. LIZARS, W.H., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated 19.5.1838. -
520. LIZARS, W.H., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated 19.5.1839. Progress of 'Naturalists' Library', includes printed page.
521. LODDIGES, George., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 17.11.1827. List of the Hummng-birds in his collection, which he desires to increase with the view of preparing an illustrated monograph.
522. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 6.5.1828. On the same subject.
523. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 28.5.1828. On the same subject.
524. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 8.11.1828. On the same subject.
525. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 20.11.1828. On the same subject.
526. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 5.8.1829. On the same subject.
527. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 3.9.1829. Burchell returning from Brazil-about R.A. Salisbury. Forwarded to Mrs Corrie.
528. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 4.9.1830. About the Leyden Museum-no dealers in Natural History in Holland or Belgium-exchange of Humming-birds.
529. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 20.9.1830. About Humming-birds and their arrangement.
530. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 20.4.1831. About Humming-birds and their arrangement.
531. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 2.7.1835. Schomburgk a good collection; condoles with S on the loss of his wife.
532. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 21.9.1837. Messages from Schomburgk-S dilatory.
533. LODDIGES, G., to Swainson, Hackney, dated 9.11.1838. Treatment of bubls from the Cape (Baron Ludwig).
534. LONGMAN & CO., to Swainson, London, dated 9.2.1830. Statements of accounts.
535. SWAINSON., to Longman, London, dated 3.7.1830. Statements of accounts.
536. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 13.3.1832. Statements of accounts.
537. SWAINSON., to Longman, London, dated 30.4.1832. Statements of accounts. On back of part funeral notice.
538. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, No date. Statements of accounts.
539. SWAINSON., to Longman, London, No date. Statements of accounts. On back of a draft
540. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, No date. Statements of accounts.
541. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, No date. Statements of accounts.
542. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, No date. Statements of accounts.
543. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 1.1.1833. Estimates of the extent of and author's payment for S's MS and drawings for Encyclopaedia and 'Cabient Cyclopaedia'. All these letters refer to negotiations between S, L, and Lardner as to the transferance of the Encyclopaedia of Zoology to Lardner's 'Cabinet Cyclopaedia'. S's high demands are not accepted, whereupon he breaks off negotiations.
544. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 28.3.1833. Ditto.
545. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 12.11.1833. Ditto.
546. LARDNER., to Longman, -, dated 8.11.1833. Ditto.
547. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 9.11.1833. Ditto.
548. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 15.11.1833. Ditto..
549. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 20.11.1833. Ditto..
550. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 21.11.1833. Ditto.
551. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 21.11.1833. Ditto..
552. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated -.11.1833. Ditto.
553. LONGMAN., to Longman, London, dated -.11.1833. Ditto.
554. SWAINSON., to Longman, London, dated 14.12.1833. Ditto.
555. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 16.12.1833. Ditto.
556. SWAINSON., to Longman, St Albans, dated 19.12.1833. Ditto.
557. SWAINSON., to Longman, St Albans, dated 6.1.1834. Letters from S to L making his last proposals, which were accepted by L.
558. SWAINSON., to Longman, St Albans, dated 17.1.1834. Letters from S to L making his last proposals, which were accepted by L. On back of fire office notice
559. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 20.1.1834. Letters from S to L making his last proposals, which were accepted by L.
560. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 24.1.1834. Letters from S to L making his last proposals, which were accepted by L.
561. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 31.1.1834. S engages in a volume for 'Encyclopaedia of Geography'.
562. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 1.2.1834. Prospectus of the same. Printed brochure.
563. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 8.2.1834. Refer to ordinary incidends during printing.
564. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 12.2.1834. Refer to ordinary incidends during printing.
565. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 22.2.1834. Refer to ordinary incidends during printing.
566. LONGMAN, TN., to Swainson, London, dated 4.3.183-. Refer to ordinary incidends during printing.
567. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 22.3.1834. Refer to ordinary incidends during printing.
568. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 17.4.1834. Refer to ordinary incidends during printing.
569. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 25.4.1834. Refer to ordinary incidends during printing.
570. SWAINSON., to Longman, St Albans, dated 19.7.1834. Refer to ordinary incidends during printing.
571. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 18.3.1837. -
572. LONGMAN, W., to Swainson, London, dated 3.5.1837. L urge the delivery of MS for the second Volume of Birds, long due.
573. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 17.8.1837. Increased demands for pay resisted by L.
574. LONGMAN., to Swainson, London, dated 24.4.1840. Pressing for completion of the 'Cabinet of Natural History' before S's departure.
575. LOUDON, John Claudius., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 5.11.1827. A reply to S, proposes that in return for S's contributions to L's Magazine, L would collect herbaceous plants for him; suggests a paper on Cockhafer.
576. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 12.11.1827. A reply to S, proposes that in return for S's contributions to L's Magazine, L would collect herbaceous plants for him; suggests a paper on Cockhafer.
577. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 8.4.1828. About Audubon.
578. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 10.10.1830. Accepts S's proposal to write a paper in vindication of certain French Naturalists (cfr. Loud. Mag. N. H. 1831).
579. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 5.3.1831. Business letters.
580. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 23.3.1831. Business letters.
581. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Dudley, dated 11.6.1831. Business letters.
582. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 13.7.1831. Business letters.
583. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 16.9.1831. Referring to the attack by a critic on S's article "Insects" in the Encyclop. of Argiculture.
584. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 23.9.1831. Referring to other controversies, in which S is engaged.
585. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 1.10.1831. Referring to other controversies, in which S is engaged.
586. LOUDON, J.C., to Longmans, Bayswater, dated 27.1.1834. Referring to an attack made by Dr. Rennie on S and L.
587. LOUDON, J.C., to Swainson, Bayswater, dated 9.2.1834. On the same matter-"the Magazine has more contributors than purchasers".
588. LOWNDES, William., to Swainson, London, dated 23.11.1818. About the difficulties atending the completion of Haworth's 'Lepidoptera'.
588a. LWWXWL[anon], to Swainson, Nottingham, dated 29.5.1840. Anonymous.


589. MACKRILL, W.J., to Bullock, Cape of Good Hope, dated 12.5.1819. Offers to collect in S Africa for the Bullock Museum.
590. MCCLELLAND, John., to Swainson, Calcutta, dated 8.11.1837. Sends his letter by Cantor; describes his collecting fishes and birds; has sent specimens and drawings to E. I. Comp.
591/a. MCCLELLAND, John., to Swainson, Calcutta, dated 29.10.1838. A long letter about his researches into the history and arrangement of Cyprinidae. Complains of the hostile spirit in which his labours are treated by his superiors who claim specimens and MSS; his adoption of circular systems is also viewed with disfavour.
592. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., to Swainson, London, dated 17.1.1816. About Orchid roots sent by S to Sir J. E. Smith.
593. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., to Swainson, London, dated 17.10.1816. About engaging a collector for S's journey to Brazil.
594. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., to Swainson, London, dated 22.2.1817. Sends letters of introduction to follow S. Recommends enquiry into the history of the Diamond beetle.
595. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., to Swainson, London, dated 27.2.1819. Francillon's sale of Insects.
596. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., to Swainson, London, dated 20.8.1819. Referring to S's relations to two of his Brazillian hosts.
597. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., to Swainson, London, dated 28.8.1819. Referring to S's relations to two of his Brazillian hosts.
598. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., to Swainson, London, dated 15.3.1821. Has not bought S's books.
599. SWAINSON, to McLeay [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., London, dated 18.2.1822. Copies of letters of S to M regarding the "Dr. Dickson" squabble in Rio.
600. SWAINSON, to McLeay [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., London, dated 6.3.1822. Copies of letters of S to M regarding the "Dr. Dickson" squabble in Rio.
601. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], A., to Swainson, London, dated 6.3.1822. Reply by M.
602. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], W., to Swainson, London, dated 30.8.1818. First letter from M to S whom he does not know personally; has just returned from France. About his father's entomological collection and contemporary entomology literature.
603. SWAINSON, to McLeay [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], W.S., St.Albans, dated -,7.1830. Draft of a letter of S to M. He remonstrates with M about having made an attack upon Fleming. No good comes from such attacks, he himself regretting his attack upon Gray to whom he is reconciled.
604. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], W., to Swainson, Havant, dated 27.11.1830. M's reply: will try to be "a good boy in future", and be back in England within a year to meet any demands that may be made upon him in the matter.
605. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], W., to Swainson, London, dated 8..3.1837. Offer of assistance, if S should visit the West Indies; wishes him to be reconciled to Vigors.
606. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], W., to Swainson, London, dated 31.5.1838. -
607. MCLEAY [also spelt MacLeay or M'Leay], W., to Swainson, London , dated 19.9.1838. Going to Australia.
608a/e. MANTELL, W.B. D., to -, -, No date. MS of "On the Botany of Tahiti", read before the Wellington Philosophical Society in 1870. This MS was found among S's papers after his death, and communicated by W.B.D Mantell. It is not in S's handwriting.
609. MARRYAT,F., to Swainson, Cape Town, dated 15.2. No date. On Crown-pigeons-specimens from St. Helena.
610. MARTIN, T. Secretary R.Institution., to Swainson, Liverpool . dated 15.3.1820. Thanks for assistance in this Museum.
611. MARTIN, T., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 23.1.1822. As to S's candidature in the British Museum.
612. MARTIN, T., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 2.4.1822. As to S's candidature in the British Museum.
613. MARTIN, T., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 12.2.1824. Recognition of S's services to te Institution.
614. MARTIN, T., to Swainson, Liverpool, No date. -
615. MATON, William George., to Swainson, London, dated 8.11.1816. Thanks for present of shells.
616. MATON, W.G., to Swainson, London, dated 25.1.1822. About a testimonial desired by S.
617. MATON, W.G., to Swainson, London, No date. -
618. MRS MAWE.., to Swainson, London, dated 8.9.1824. Wants S to buy a collection of shells for her.
619. MRS MAWE.., to Swainson, London, dated 12.2.1830. -
620. MICHELOTTI, Vittorio., to Swainson, Turin, dated 20.5.1838. Exchange of publications.
621. MICHELOTTI, V., to Swainson, Turin, dated 23.7.1839. Exchange of publications.
622. MILLER, J., to Swainson, Canterbury, dated 6 Nov 1829. About a General Mille's collection.
623. MUIRHEAD, L., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 17.2.1821. About ornithology articles which he writes for Brewster.
624. MUIRHEAD, L., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 10.3.1821. Some misunderstandings with S who, he hopes, will supply part of the promised illustrations.
625. MUIRHEAD, L., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 21.10.1821. Presses for contributions from S.
626. MUIRHEAD, L., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 11.11.1821. Presses for contributions from S.
627. MUIRHEAD, L., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 8.1.1822. Brewster cuts down the articles on Ornithology by one half; no more illustrations required.
628. MUIRHEAD, L., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 27.3.1822. About S's candidature.
629. MUIRHEAD, L., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 17.11.1822. 'Naturalist's Guide'.
630. MUIRHEAD, L., to Swainson, Glasgow, dated 29.12.1822. Introduces Dr. Rennie.
631. MURRAY, John., to Swainson, London, dated 7.12.1829. Business letters.
632. MURRAY, J., to Swainson, London, dated 17.12.1829. Business letters.
633. NATTERER, Johann.., to Swainson, Ypanema, dated 12.4.1819. Criticises several genera of Birds-personal news about himself.
634. NATTERER, J. , to Swainson, Santos, dated 3.5.1820. Sends S some birds-wants books in return.
635. NAUDI, C., to Swainson, Malta, dated 14.7.1807. -
636. NAUDI, C., to Swainson, Malta, dated 18.9.1807. Sends S Coleoptera.
637. NAUDI, C., to Swainson, Malta, dated 15.8.1808. On some insects. In Italian.
638. NUTTALL, J. A bird stuffer, to Swainson, Heywood, dated 23.7.1819. -
639. NUTTALL, J., to Swainson, Heywood, dated 4.8.1819. -
640. NUTTALL, J., to Swainson, Heywood, dated 20.11.1819. -
641. NUTTALL, J., to Swainson, Hevwood, dated 26.11.1819. -


642. OGILBY, W., to Swainson, London, dated 20.11.1837. Message from Ruppell as to missing books.
643. OGILBY, W., to Swainson, London, dated 17.7.1837. -
644. OGLE, James Adey., to Swainson, Oxford, dated 7.11.1827. About dissecting an animal.
645. OGLE, J., to Swainson, Oxford, dated 8.11.1827. About dissecting an animal.
646. OGLE, J., to Swainson, Oxford, dated 22.12.1827. About dissecting an animal.
647. OGLE, J., to Swainson, Oxford, dated 16.4.1828. Catalogue of the Ashmolean Museum.
648. ORD, George., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 18.8.1824. Gives all his specimens to the Philadelphia Academy; will arrange for an exchange of Birds-Wilson's Ornithology-Prince Bonaparte.


649. Parker, C.S., to Swainson, ??, dated 19.3.1824. Sends S three shells from Demerara.
650. Parkinson, J.T., to Swainson, Barbados, dated 20.8.1837. Introduced by Leslie. Wants help in Ornithology for a work on Barbados which he intends to prepare.
651. PARNELL, Richard., to Swainson, Edinburgh, dated ...1.1839. His memoir in Werner. Trans. was originally twice the size in which it was allowed to appear-intends to bring out a history of the fishes of Scotland-on Trigla-has a large collection of fishes-leaves for Jamaica.
652. PEALE, Titian Ramsey., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 22.8.1824. Exchange of Birds with Philadelphia Academy.
652a. SWAINSON, to Peale, ??, No date. List of birds sent
653. PEARSON, J.T., to Swainson, Calcutta, dated 16.3.1837. Sends some fluviatile shells.
654. HAINES, R., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 23.4.1830. S elected Corr. Member.
655. PREVOST., to Swainson, Paris, dated 14.10.1828. In French.
656. SHEPPARD, Literary Society, to Swainson, Quebec, dated 19.11.1836. -
Extent1 volume
Creator NameSwainson, William
GB/110/1/453Swainson; William (1789-1855); naturalist and artist1789-1855
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