Ref NoMS/273
TitleCorrespondence of William Swainson: R - S
AdminHistoryWilliam Swainson (1789-1855), FLS FRS, naturalist and scientific illustrator was the oldest son of John Timothy Swainson, a founder Fellow of the Linnean Society. William travelled to Sicily, Malta, Greece and mainland Italy where he collected large numbers of specimens. In 1815, he brought his specimen collection to England and became a Fellow of the Linnean Society. Swainson travelled to Brazil with Koster, 1816-1818, and amassed another collection of birds. His published works include Zoological Illustrations (1820-3), eleven volumes in Lardner's Cabinet Cyclopaediam and three volumes in Sir William Jardine's Naturalist's Library. He adopted a quinary system based on the circular system of William Sharp MacLeay [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay]. In 1837 he emigrated to New Zealand and died there.
DescriptionCorrespondence is numbered and arranged in alphabetical order by sender. A dash appears where the summary of the letter is unknown/unrecorded/illegible.


658. RAFFLES, Rev. Thomas., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 5.1.1820. Offers subjects to Liverpool Museum.
659. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, Constantine Samuel., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 3.10.1809. Sends S various minersals; wishes to obtain the Latin names of the species in S's Sicilian collection.
660. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 8.10.1809. Sends S various minersals; wishes to obtain the Latin names of the species in S's Sicilian collection.
660a. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 18.10.1809. List of specimens.
661. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 31.1.1810. Has apparently described the byssus of a shell as Lamaxis glomerulata-asks S to obtain for him a variety of specimens and books.
662. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 24.3.1810. Has apparently described the byssus of a shell as Lamaxis glomerulata-asks S to obtain for him a variety of specimens and books.
663. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 6.5.1810. Communicates to S the nature of some common Sicilian birds.
664. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 20.5.1810. Sends S a number of copies of his "books" (Caratteri?) to sell; offers S books which he has for sale.
665. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 6.7.1810. States that he has described more than 100 new Sicilian fishes; that he knows Bloch and Lacepede-gives a list of the plants found by him.
666. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 22.7.1810. List continued-encourages S to take up the study of Ichthyology, recommending the examination of small Fish (Fragaglia)-on his additions to the Fauna of Sicily-species of Lizards-collects for Lady Amherst-two new plants.
667. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 15.8.1810. 'Statistica di Sicilia'-more new fishes.
668. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 1.9.1810. Receives from S plants and insects, some of the former he considers incorrectly named-is preparing for the Linnean Society a paper on Verbena nudiflora, L, which is a compound of five species- Indice d'Ittiologia'-new genus of Crabs.
668a. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 1.9.1810. A postscript.
669. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 6.9.1810. Wants to purchase 'Encyclop. method'.
670. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 12.9.1810. About shells picked up dead-Crossbill at Palermo-the new genus of Crabs-about spirit-specimens-two new genera of Mollusks-sends S a set of plants with list-new plants-corrects S's determinations of plants-S should not publish R's MS remarks or determinations.
671. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 7.10.1810. List of plants collected by R on an excursion.
672. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 7.1.1811. Referring to mutual disappointments-is engaged on a Catalogue of Sicilian Birds-complaints of S's want of attention to his numerous requests-a new Shrimp. (Appended is S's list of Sicilian plants.)
673a/f12. SWAINSON, to Rafinesque Sc, -, dated 1811. Catalogue of plants.
674. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 7.4.1811. Thanks for S's list; sends him his own in return.
675. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated ..4.1811. Catalogue of plants.
676. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 22.6.1811. On various botanical subjects-on the manifold works he is engaged in at present.
677. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 4.7.1811. On miscellaneous botanical matters-catalogues various classes of the Sicilian Fauna; does not well understand Insects.
678. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 10.7.1811. Sends S plants with list.
679. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 15.10.1811. Sends S American plants and a list of the Crustacea of Sicily comprising 34 "genusses"and 95 species.
680. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 24.11.1811. Sends S American plants and a list of the Crustacea of Sicily comprising 34 "genusses"and 95 species.
681. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 12.12.1811. Reiterates his request for plants.
682. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 7.1.1812. On miscellaneous matters, chiefly botanical, already referred to in previous letters-a new genus of Crabs.
683. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 12.1.1812. On zoological and botanical books useful for S and wanted by himself.
684. SWAINSON, to Rafinesque Sc., Messina, dated 13.1.1812. Letter from S to R descriptive of his entomological collection, and of supposed new fishes-contemplates a 'Fauns sicula'.
685. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 1.2.1812. A cool reply from R to foregoing letter-tells S that S's collection is very incomplete, naming some of his "new" species-will collect fishes in spirit for S.
686. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 7.2.1812. Has collected some 30 fishes for S-gives a list of the insects of Barbary founds also in Sicily.
687. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 7.2.1812. List of insects.
688. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Palermo, dated 24.2.1812. Continues collecting fishes-new crabs.
689. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Palermo, dated 9.3.1812. Continues collecting fishes-new crabs.
690. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Palermo, dated 3.4.1812. Dissatisfied with S as a correspondent-gives S advice as to his journey to Greece.
691. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated -.-.1811. Catalogue of 300 Sicilian birds.
692. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 4.10.1811. Interruption of correspondence partly owing to financial matters, partly to S's absence in Greece-R is a candidate for the chair of Botany in Palermo-sends Prospectus of a new encyclopaedia journal.
693. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 5.11.1813. About the new journal-regrets that S's journey to Greece proved unsatisfactory-has Shaw's works, but not Bloch's-offers sets of plants for sale-Botany in Palermo-would take any post for "a trifling annuity"-has sent four tracts to the Linnean Society-contents of the first number of 'Specchio delle Scienze'-has paid little attention to Entomology-number of Sicilian fishes 420.
694. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 5.11.1813. Letter 693 continued.
695. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Sc. Palermo, dated 1.12.1813. Desires to enlarge S's list of 150 Maltese plants into a Florula melitensis-there are ten Natural Classes of Plants-corresponds with J.E. Smith & J. Banks, but they are scarce of their favours-desires to be an Associate of the Linnean Society and Professor of Agriculture in Palermo.
696. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Palermo, dated 10.6.1815. A characteristic letter, full of commisions which S is expected to execute for R in Naples.
697. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Palermo, dated 18.6.1815. -
698. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, New York, dated 15.1.1816. Is wrecked on his voyage to America-appeals for a new supply of books-is not discouraged and will yet publish great works.
699. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 22.3.1816. Contents and style as of a preceding letter-claims priority for names of North American plants versus P.
700. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 7.5.1816. Like preceding letters-complains of not hearing from S.
701. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, New York, dated 15.7.1816. Engaged in ichthyolog. studies.
702. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, ??, dated 13.3.1818. Promises to send collections to S-Prodromus of American Shells.
703. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Lexington, dated 1.2.1820. Promises to send collections to S-Prodromus of American Shells.
704. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Lexington, dated 10.4.1820. The consignments sent by R and S have failed to reach their destination-the various works R is engaged in at present.
705. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Lexington, dated 30.6.1820. A letter in the usual style-will send plants to Dr. Hooker-Clifford's death.
706. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, ??, dated 1.7.1820. On 18 New Natural Families of plants.
707. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Lexington, dated 15.8.1820. -
708. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Lexington, dated 10.10.1820. One of R's characteristic letters-complains of S not publishing his papers-is engaged in a paper on Meteors-has expended £20 or £30 in shells for S.
709. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Lexington, dated 1.2.1821. Some of the consignments passing between R and S have arrived-R sends plants to Dr. Hooker.
710. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Lexington, dated 20.12.1821. Full of new works on every possible subject-wanted his MSS to be returned by the Linnean Society but is refused-sends descriptions of five new birds.
711. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Lexington, dated ..10.1821. Descriptions of 5 new birds.
712. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 10.9.1839. A long pathetic letter; a mixture of complaints of unjust treatment by Naturalists with descriptions of new fish, and with exposition of a new system of Nature. With 4 fish drawings.
713. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 24.2.1840. Two letters in the usual style; complaints of S's inattention to his requests.
714. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 15.3.1840. Two letters in the usual style; complaints of S's inattention to his requests.
715. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 22.3.1840. Acknowledged receipt of letter from S-recommends him to introduce cotton into Australia.
716. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 10.4.1840. Collects Unios for S.
717. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 12.4.1840. On various shells described by R.
718. RAFINESQUE-SCHMALTZ, C.S., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated -.4.1840. MS remarks on the Unionides of North America.
719/a6. RATHBONE, W., to Swainson, London, dated 26.2.1834. Cannot afford to subscribe to S's works.
720. REDDELL, G.S., to Swainson, London, dated 29.3.1820. Offers his Museum for sale.
721. REES, Dr., to Swainson, London, dated 31.1.1822. Testimonial.
722. RENNIE, James., to Swainson, Lee, dated 18.5.1818. Referring to the Quinary system.
723. RICHARDSON,Sir John., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 18.6.1829. Referring to the expenses of Faun. Bor. Amer.-proposes to S names for new genera.
723a 2. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, -, No date. Bird synonyms.
724. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Dumfries, dated 8.9.1829. Murray complains of the expenses-R is scarcely reimbursed for his own-referring to S's payment.
725. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, London, dated 24.9.1829. Sends S £61-he prepares the descriptions of birds.
726. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, -, No date. On Cinclus pallasii.
727. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, London, dated 5.12.1829. R's notes to be kept distinct from S's-on various names of birds-Kirby's entomolo. contribution to Fauna. Bor. Amer.
728. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 18.12.1829. Meeting with S.
729. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 1.2.1830. Referring to the progress of their joint work on Birds; S's MS rather backward-R obtains for S the loan of the birds in the Chatham Museum.
730. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 24.3.1830. Referring to the progress of their joint work on Birds; S's MS rather backward-R obtains for S the loan of the birds in the Chatham Museum.
731. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 4.4.1830. Referring to the progress of their joint work on Birds; S's MS rather backward-R obtains for S the loan of the birds in the Chatham Museum.
732. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 13.4.1830. Referring to the progress of their joint work on Birds; S's MS rather backward-R obtains for S the loan of the birds in the Chatham Museum.
733. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 25.4.1830. Referring to the progress of their joint work on Birds; S's MS rather backward-R obtains for S the loan of the birds in the Chatham Museum.
734. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 7.5.1830. Referring to the progress of their joint work on Birds; S's MS rather backward-R obtains for S the loan of the birds in the Chatham Museum.
735. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 1.6.1830. Referring to the progress of their joint work on Birds; S's MS rather backward-R obtains for S the loan of the birds in the Chatham Museum.
736. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 13.6.1830. Referring to the progress of their joint work on Birds; S's MS rather backward-R obtains for S the loan of the birds in the Chatham Museum.
737. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, London, dated 5.10.1830. R urges S to get on with MS as by his delay he is endangering the continuation of the whole undertaking, which requires help from Government. Curious statement about Beechey's collection of birds.
738. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 17.10.1830. "Gould, the stuffer to the Zoological Society" has said his Century of Himalayan Birds in hand-about Ward-is still working at the descriptions of the Land-birds.
739. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 24.10.1830. Is not versant in the mode of forming Latin names from the Greek-will take S's advice and abridge his descriptions.
740. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 31.10.1830. S unwell.
741. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 2.11.1830. R is impatient of the continued delay, and reminds S of their mutual relations to the work.
742. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 10.11.1830. R is impatient of the continued delay, and reminds S of their mutual relations to the work.
743. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 16.11.1830. About Finches-referring to the Royal Society.
744. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 21.11.1830. -
745. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 30.11.1830. The new President of the Royal Society-referring to miscellaneous matters.
746a/c6. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 13.12.1830. On Drummond, a collector-slow progress of their work-on the genera of Ducks and Waders.
747. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 2.1.1831. Referring to their joint work.
748. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 20.2.1831. Referring to their joint work.
749. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 13.3.1831. Is mistrustful of French Naturalists.
750. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 16.3.1831. Referring to their joint work.
751. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 22.3.1831. Referring to their joint work.
752. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 25.3.1831. Referring to their joint work.
753. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 5.4.1831. Referring to their joint work.
754. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, London, dated 13.4.1831. Generously offering to S to give S's name as the authority for all new species.
755. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, London, dated 22.4.1831. Can admit S into the Museum of the Zoological Society, but cannot open the cases on account of Vigors's jealously (efr. Vigors's reply in Loud. Mag. N .H. 1831).
756. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 25.4.1831. -
757. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, London, dated 2.5.1831. Scolopax wilsonii, Lestris.
758. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 5.5.1831. Referring to their joint work.
759. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 13.5.1831. Referring to their joint work.
760. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 22.5.1831. Referring to their joint work.
761. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 26.5.1831. Referring to their joint work.
762. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 20.6.1831. Referring to their joint work.
763. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 29.6.1831. Referring to their joint work.
764. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, London, dated 12.7.1831. As to the distribution of the specimens collected by R.
765. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Tunbridge W, dated 31.7.1831. The Treasury decide that one set should go to the Zoological Society, and the duplicates to the Edinburgh Museum and Swainson-none to the British Museum.
766. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Tunbridge W, dated 5.8.1831. The birds of the Faun. Bor.-Am, all but completed.
767. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 14.8.1831. The birds of the Faun. Bor.-Am, all but completed.
768. RICHARDSON, J., to Swainson, Gosport, dated 15.2.1840. Excuses himself for not adopting S's generic names, and bids him farewell.
769. ROGET, Peter Mark Secretary Roy. Soc., to Swainson, London, dated 22.10.1827. Will write his Encyclop. article on Comparative Anatomy conformable to S's views.
770. ROGET, P. M., to Swainson?, London, dated 7.1.1828. About Mexican Mining shares-two encolsures refer to Mexican birds and a Cicada.
771. ROGET, P. M., to Bright, -, No date. -
772. BRIGHT, to Roget, -, No date. -
773. ROGET, P. M., to Swainson, London, dated 3.3.1829. Referring to Captain Phillips's candidature for the Royal Society.
774. ROGET, P. M., to Swainson, London, dated 9.3.1830. Audition to be balloted for at the Royal Society.
775. ROGET, P. M., to Swainson, London, dated 5.12.1830. Affairs of the Royal Society in a critical state.
776. ROGET, P. M., to Swainson, London, dated 2.3.1831. Referring to affiars of the Royal Society-on S's vindication of French Naturalists (cfr. Loud. Mag. N. H. 1831).. Roget, Mary., to Mrs Swainson, London, dated 2.3.1831. About engaging an Assistant Complier.
777. ROGET, P. M., to Swainson, London, dated 12.3.1831. -
778. ROGET, P. M., to Swainson, London, dated 21.12. -
779. ROGET, Mary., to Swainson, London, dated 5.12.1827. To Mrs Bird, Kensington, No date. -
780. ROSCOE, William., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 20.12.1824. On a painting. Part Italian.
781. ROUX, P., to Swainson, Marseille, dated 8.9.1829. Exchange of publications-wants Crustaceans. In French.
782. HUDSON., to Swainson, London, dated 6.11.1830. Summons to a Committee meeting.
783. RUCKER & CO., to Swainson, London, dated 26.10.1819. -
784. RUPPELL, Eduard., to Swainson, Frankfurt, dated 3.4.1837. Although relations with S hitherto not very satisfactory, R proposes exchanges of publications.
785. RUPPELL, E., to Swainson, Frankfurt, dated 26.9.1837. Although relations with S hitherto not very satisfactory, R proposes exchanges of publications.
786. RUPPELL, E., to Swainson, Frankfurt, dated 12.3.1838. On the same subject- about Ehrenberg's collection of fishes-receives collections from the Ohio.
787. RUPPELL, E., to Swainson, Frankfurt, dated 5.9.1838. Referring to exchanges.


788. ST. HILAIRE, Geoffroy., to Swainson, Paris, dated 19.12.1829. Valenciennes visits London-St. H asks for a work on S. African Mammals which he had not seen in London. In French.
789. ST. HILAIRE, G., to Swainson, Paris, No date. Does not understand English-exchanges with the Paris Museum impracticable. In French.
790. St. HILAIRE, G., to Swainson, Paris, dated 4.3.1838. Cannot send S 'Description de 'Egypte' on account of bulk of work, or even arrange for the loan of a copy-gives particulars as to the volume on Fishes. In French.
791. -, to -, -, No date. Translation of 790.
792. SAMOUELLE, George., to Swainson, London, dated 29.2.1820. Names 300 insects for 6 guineas.
793. SAMOUELLE, G., to Swainson, London, dated 16.10.1827. Very few of the Hymenoptera and Diptera in the British Museum are determined
794. SCHOMBURGK, Sir Robert Hermann, to Swainson, no date. List description of bird skins.
795. SCORESBY, William., to Swainson, Birmingham, no date. -
796. SCORSEBY, W., to Swainson, dated 27.11.1818. -
797. SELBY, Prideaux John., to Swainson, Belford, dated 24.11.1828. Sends a pair of Grouse.
798. SELBY, P. J., to Swainson, Belford, dated 28.10.1829. Muscicapa atricapilla.
799. SELBY, P. J., to Swainson, Belford, dated 20.12.1829. Cygnus bewickii-Gold-creats.
800. SELBY, P. J., to Swainson, Belford, dated 27.7.1830. The summer was so unseasonable that migrants left the North two months before the proper time; all their broods destroyed-on the habits of various small birds.
801. SELLON, F., to Swainson, Nazare, dated 15.12.1817. Offer of Brazillian birds-messages from Langsdorff and Freyriss.
802. SHARPLESS, John T., to Swainson, Philadelphia, dated 15.9.1828. Exchange with Maclurian Museum.
803. SWAINSON., to Shaw, Dr George, Malta, dated 20.8.1813. Letter from S to Shaw, offering drawings of Birds and Marine animals, made from life, for 'Naturalists' Miscellany'.
804. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 18.6.1826. An industrious collector of the marine inverebrates occuring near his residence, all of which he sent to L. Guilding. They were principally shells, but also of other classes; many of the specimens were accompanied by remarks. Sheer noticed several varieties of Pentacrinus.
805. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 8.10.1826. Ditto.
806. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 15.1.1827. Ditto.
807. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 27.1.1827. Ditto.
808. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 8.2.1827. Ditto.
809. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 22.5.1827. Ditto.
810. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 7.9.1827. Ditto.
811. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 16.5.1828. Ditto.
812. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 9.8.1828. Ditto.
813. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 5.7.1829. Ditto.
814. SHEER,R., to Guilding, Tortola, dated 11.1.1830. Ditto.
815. SHEER,R., to Swainson, Tortola, dated 24.9.1833. Ditto.
816. SHEPHERD, John., to Swainson, Liverpool, No date. Directions for packing roots.
817. SHEPHERD, J., to Swainson, Liverpool, dated 25.5.1817. Thanks for present of Grasses and Ferns.
818. SHEPHERD, J., to Swainson, Liverpool, No date. -
819. SHUCKARD, William Edward., to Swainson, Chelsea, dated 10.7.1840. Enumerates the entomological publications of the day.
820. SHUCKARD, W,E., to Swainson, London, dated 14.8.1840. Referring to an arrangement with S to write jointly an entomology work, he engagin to correct S's part.
821. SHUCKARD, W,E., to Swainson, London, dated 22.8.1840. Referring to an arrangement with S to write jointly an entomology work, he engagin to correct S's part.
822. SHUCKARD, W,E., to Swainson, London, dated 29.9.1840. Engaged upon the same work.
823. SIMS, John., to Swainson, London, dated 8.5.1820. As to conducting the 'Botanical Magazine'.
824. SKAIFE, J., to Swainson, Blackburn, dated 15.7.1835. About completing his set of S's works.
825. SMITH, Sir Andrew, to Swainson, Cape Town, dated 6.4.1830. Sends S a box of birds-on Fringilalauda.
826. SMITH, A., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 13.12.1837. Referring to some misunderstandings with S-defends the use of native names of species-identifies some of S's species with his.
827. SMITH, A., to Swainson, Chatham, dated 22.12.1837. A continuation of last letter-is not jealous of Burchell.
828. SMITH, Egerton., to Swainson, ??, dated 10.9.1819. -
829. SMITH, JE., to Swainson, Norwich, dated 15.1.1816. Returns thanks for present of plants.
830. SMITH, JE., to Swainson, Norwich, dated 2.2.1819. Referring to plants sent to him by S.
831. SMITH, JE., to Swainson, Norwich, dated 7.3.1819. Smith refers to his own labours in Botany, but recommends Brown.
832. SWAINSON., to Smith, JE, Liverpool, dated ..3.1819. Copy of letter of S to Smith, offering his collection of plants for being worked out by any botanist Smith may select.
833. SOMMER,M.C., to Swainson, Altona, dated 6.11.1819. Entomolog. exchanges.
834/a4. SOMMER,M.C., to Swainson, Altona, dated 6.12.1820. Entomolog. exchanges.
835. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, ??, dated 3.1.1827. A reply to Ss intention of engaging in writing on political subjects, and of living nearer to London.
836. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, ??, dated ..10.1827. Illegible.
837. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, ??, dated 13.11.1827. Illegible.
838. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, ??, dated ..11.1827. About S's idea of engagin an Assistant.
839. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, ??, dated 9.1.1828. Asks for information as to Levaillant.
840. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, ??, dated ..3.1828. Asks for information as to Levaillant.
841. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, Northaw, dated 4.4.1828. -
842. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, London, dated 8.7.1828. About the 'Spectator'.
843. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, London, dated 2.8.1828. S's article on Humming-birds declined by the 'Westminster' - the 'Spectator' - on literary plans.
844. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, Canterbury, dated 22.12.1830. -
845. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, Canterbury, dated 30.1.1831. -
846. SOUTHERN, TH., to Swainson, Canterbury, dated 12.4.1831. Personal about himself.
847. SOWERBY & BRO, J DC, to Swainson, Lambeth, dated 16.1.1824. Referring to a case of fossils for America.
848. SOWERBY, George Brettingham., to Swainson, London, dated 28.12.1821. Referring to some misunderstanding between them.
849. SOWERBY, G.B., to Swainson, London, dated 2.5.1828. Asks for completion of the article on Laniidae-S declines.
850. SWAINSON., to Sowerby, G.B., ??, dated 12.5.1828. -
851. SOWERBY, James., to Swainson, Lambeth, dated 8.11.1820. About illustrations-Clifford's fossils.
852. SPALDING, Lyman., to Swainson, New York, dated 6.6.1820. -
853. Stanley, Edward Smith, 13th Earl of Derby, to Swainson, Knowsley, dated 28.2.1840. Referring to the purchase of S's ornithological collections and drawings offered by S, with draft of S's reply.
854. Swainson, to E. of Derby, Barnet, dated ..3.1840. -
855. Earl of Derby, to Swainson, Knowslev?, no date. -
856. Stanley, Rev.Edward., to Swainson, Knutsford, dated 17.10.1820. -
857. Stanley, Rev.Edward., to Swainson, Knutsford, dated 17.6.1829. -
858. Bp Norwich, to Swainson, Norwich, dated 6.4.1839. Offers a testimonial in reply to S's application for assistance in his endeavours to be placed on the Civil List.
859. Bp of Norwich, to Swainson, Norwich, dated 4.4.1840. -
860. Swainson, to Bp of Norwich, London, dated 1840. -
861. STEPHENS, James Francis., to Swainson, London, dated 7.11.1816. About collecting apparatus.
862. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 22.1.1822. -
863. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 1.5.1822. -
864. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 22.8.1827. Sw subscribes to St's Catalogue.
865. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 22.9.1827. About the plan of his Catalogue.
866. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 6.10.1827. -
867. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 6.11.1827. -
868. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 8.12.1827. Is too much engaged to reply to Sw's enquiry.
869. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 2.2.1828. About the term Lycaendiae.
870. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 7.8.1828. His work costs him as much as it brings in-Sw cannot afford to continue his subscription.
871. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 11.9.1829. St. asks for the amount of subscription due.
872. STEPHENS, J. F., to Swainson, London, dated 19.11.1829. St. asks for the amount of subscription due.
873. STEPHENSON, Dr. J., to Swainson, Portsmouth, dated 27.1.1831. Cannot send his Birds, as he is going abroad.
874. STEWART. C, A., to Swainson, St Vincent, dated 25.9.1833. May be useful as a collector.
875. STEWART, J, to Swainson, New York, dated 7.11.1820. Exchange of Lepidoptera.
876. STUTCHBURY, H&S., to Swainson, London, dated 6.3.1829. -
877. STUTCHBURY, H., to Swainson, London, dated ..12.1830. Offers shells for sale.
878. STUTCHBURY, S., to Swainson, London, dated 23.4.1834. About the Bristol Institution.
879. SYKES, William Henry, Colonel., to Swainson, London, dated 14.5.1839. Referring to the publication of Hodgson's drawings of fish.
Extent1 volume
Related MaterialGB-110/JES/MS273 and GB-110/JES/MS273/1-4
NotesThe letters between William Swainson and Sir James Edward Smith have been cataloged to item level at MS273 as part of the Smith correspondence cataloguing project.
Creator NameSwainson, William
GB/110/1/453Swainson; William (1789-1855); naturalist and artist1789-1855
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