Ref NoMS/320
TitleCorrespondence of Henry Prestoe
AdminHistoryHenry Prestoe (1842 - 1923) was a naturalist and English explorer. He worked as a government botanist and superintendent of botanical gardens in Trinidad and collected many specimens.
DescriptionBotanical correspondence of Henry Prestoe (H.P.):
N.B. Unless otherwise stated all letters are addressed to Henry Prestoe

1. Photographer: Norton Bros., of Demarara

2. 1884 Jan 21. (Barbados) Seeks advice on disease that has appeared in two mahogany trees on the island.

3. 1885 Dec 15. (Trinidad) Advises H.P. on the shipment of five tons of logwood to London.

4. 1885 Sep 7. (Port of Spain) Too ill to visit H.P.; hopes H.P. can visit him.

5. 1885 Aug 18. (Port of Spain) Received fruits brought by the "Coolies" [labourers or workers]; botany.
6. 1886 Apr 18. (Port of Spain) Invites H.P and Miss Prestoe to dinner.

7. 1884 Aug 23. (Tobago) On behalf of the Government invites H.P. to "come over and keep us".

8. 1884 Oct 31. (London) Has read H.P.'s paper on Meteorological Summaries; asks for suggestions on Solar Heat.

9. 1877 Feb 12. (Trinidad) List of Birds of Trinidad held in the Council Chamber.

10. 1885 Apr 1. [No location] Encloses H.P.'s report.
11. 1885 Aug 15. [No location] Papers not yet received; his garden and the weather.
12. 1885 Sep 7. [No location] Has sent H.P. papers on Tobacco; not happy at change of Chief.

13. 1885 Nov 27. (Trinidad) Has received new grass from his son; Asks H.P. for a Latin name.

14. 1884 Jan 31. [No location] Ornithology.

FINLAY, Kirkman
15. 1867 Jun 28. [No location] Death of his eldest son; plants.

16. 1885 Apr 14. (Trinidad) Consumption of oil on the island.

FORD, Charles
17. 1884 Nov 24. (Hong Kong) Hopes to arrange exchange of plant seeds.

FOX, Walter
18. 1884 Aug 23. (Singapore) Is despatching two cases of H.P.'s "desiderata".

19. 1884 Jul 16. (Grenada) Seeks H.P.'s advice on the planting of nutmegs.

20. 1884 Aug 28. (London) H.P. asked to distribute annual volume of Proceedings.

21.[No date]. (St. Anne's) H.P. asked to give instructions to send plant.

22. 1884 Jul 31. (Georgetown) H.P asked to be Convenor of Sub-Committee for Trinidad for British Guiana and West Indian Exhibition.

23. 1886 Aug 21. (Trinidad) About the Exhibition and the Governor.
24. 1887 Feb 5. (Trinidad) Personal Chatter.

HINSON, Henry J.
(To Herbert F. Roe)
25. 1884 Apr 15. (Pagets) Description of palm trees that grow in Bermuda.

26. 1886 Mar 4. (London) Asks for information on Essence of Limes sent from Trinidad.

HOOKER, Sir Joseph Dalton
27. 1862, Jan 29. (Kew) Botany.
28. 1864 Jan 16. (Kew) (From W.J.Hooker) Glad of the new Governor's interest in Botanic Garden and in securing Mr Cruger's collections and books for public service.
29. 1865 Apr 29. (Kew) His father's illness; botany.
30. 1865 May 17. (Kew) Sends samples of tobacco from Persia.
66. 1866 Feb 26. (Kew) Thanks H.P for sympathy in bereavement; has been appointed Director; asks H.P. for list of Economic Plants, some of which Kew will want; enclosing seeds from Ceylon.
31. 1867 Dec 23. (Kew) In dire need of "butter nuts" from Guiana.
32. 1868 Jan 13. (Kew) Botany.
33. 1868 May 20. (Kew) About growth in Kew of palms from Trinidad.
34. 1869 Jul 1. (Kew) Demand in England for good tobacco is very great; Asks H.P. for list of palms grown in Trinidad.
35. 1869 Sep 23. (Kew) Sends seeds of Indian "Male Bamboo"; George Cohen; Smith; Rev. Charles Kingsley.
36. 1870 Jan 15. (Kew) Botany.
37. 1871 Aug 31. (Kew) Puzzled about H.P.'s movements; Smith has been expecting him.
38. 1871 Oct 31. (Kew) Together with Smith glad to hear H.P. is coming home; would be happy to hear particulars of the Garden Property.
39. 1871 Dec 8. (Kew) Awaiting mahogany seeds; Garden changes probably not acceptable to H.P.
40. 1872 May 16. (Kew) Botany.
41. 1872 Aug 24. (Kew) Man required for Natal Bot. Garden, salary £130 and house; does H.P. know anyone? Smith in Cornwall.
42. 1872 Dec 30. (Kew) Botany.
43. 1873 Feb 2. (Kew) Botany.
44. 1873 Feb 28. (Kew) Grateful for H.P.'s account of Palm of Trinidad; seeks more tobacco seeds.
45. 1873 May 19. (Kew) Botany.
46. 1873 Aug 28. (Kew) Botany.
47. 1873 Nov 1. (Kew) Through H.P.'s influence Findlay has sent required specimens of plants; nomenclature of plants is dreadful.
48. 1874 Jun 15. (Kew) Plants arrived stone dead, but thanks H.P. for the attempt; still requires ferns.
49. 1874 Aug 11. (Kew) Kew paying both ways for shipping; suggests H.P. refunds £4/1/9.
50. 1874 Sep 16. (Kew) Many requests for W. African coffee; these are referred to H.P.; seeds just received; Smith on holiday in Cornwall.
51. 1874 Nov 29. (Kew) Botany.
52. 1875 Jan 31. (Kew) Botany.
53. 1875 Jun 15. (Kew) Botanical chatter.
54. 1875 Jun 28. (Kew) [Incomplete letter] Ferns and other plants arrived but all dead.
55. 1876 Feb 21. (Kew) Botany.
55a.1877 Jan 30. (Kew) List of plants wanted.
56. 1877 Feb 16. (Kew) Dr Thwaites of Ceylon requires an assistant, £500 annually plus house; would be prepared to recommend H.P..
57. 1877 Nov 25. (Kew) Introduces A. Fendler; hopes H.P. can meet him and perhaps help.
58. 1878 Dec 16. (Kew) Introduces Meyer, who worked at Kew cataloguing books, plants etc. now taking work in Tobago; recommends him if he leaves Tobago and seeks work in Trinidad.
59. 1879 Sep 24. (Kew) Thanks H.P for his kind efforts on behalf of Meyer.
60. 1880 Jul 29. (Kew) Botany.
61. 1882 Jan 11. (Kew) Introducing Mr R. Milne Redhead who is about to visit the island.
62. 1882 Feb 22. (Kew) Botany.
63. 1884 Sep 4. (Kew) Identification of an Orchid. Plenrothallis.
64. 1885 May 1. (Kew) Not well enough to go and see the ferns.
65. 1865 May31. (Kew) (From W.J.Hooker) A nice letter from H.P.'s Governor; sending case of plants; hopes H.P. can send box of ferns.
67. 1888 Oct 5. (Kew) [Recipient not mentioned] Cannot name plant without seeing fruit or flower. See 130 (p.5)

HOOKER, Sir William Jackson
68. [No year] Jul 16.[No location] Enclosing a letter to the Governor of Trinidad; wishes good luck.
69. [No year] Oct 31. (Kew) Urges H.P. to make a list of all native ferns. Thinks little of the manner in which Cruger prepared ferns for transport to London.
70. 1865 Feb 14. (Kew) Botany; he knows nothing of Horne and is not impressed.

71. 1885 Mar 5. (St Anne's) Voucher for repairs returned countersigned.
72. 1885 Mar 23. (St Anne's) Asks H.P. for report on growth of tobacco and ground nuts.
73. 1855 May 12. (St Anne's) H.P. instructed to sell logwood to de Boissiere, not ship it for sale in England or elsewhere.
74. [No year] Sep 7. (St Anne's) H.P. to submit a report on plants from which gunja is made. Hindoos must not be allowed to make cannabis.

75. 1869 May 1. (Kew) Gives estimate for cost of glass jars; asks for photograph or drawing of a Cocoa plantation.
76. 1877 Oct 19. (Kew) Regrets the delay in reporting on the sample of rubber.
77. 1878 Nov 29. (Kew) Introduces Mr Cesar Chantre who is anxious to obtain specimens.
78. 1879 Jan 7. (Kew) Understands difficulty in obtaining walking stick materials; anxious to buy candied rose apples for sale in England.
79. 1884 Jan 25. (Kew) Introduces Mr I. Howell who represents the largest manufacturer of walking sticks in England.

80. 1870 Jan 23. (Chester) Will try to see Mr J.W. Preson.

81. 1885 Aug 4. (P. of Spain) Plants and mangoes received; garden.

LEDGER, George
82. 1885 Oct 16. (London) Encloses Chinchona seeds from Brazil.

83. [No year] Nov 15. (Trinidad) Chatter; "…our country has sunk deeper and deeper into the pits of degradation…"; was the avocado known to the Ancient Egyptians?

84. 1882 May 12 [No location] Forthcoming committee meeting.
85. 1885 May 8. (Trinidad) H.P. requested to attend meeting of Trinidad Agricultural Society.
86. 1885 May 14. (Trinidad) No decision yet about a water Conservation Committee.

87. 1855 May 18. (Barbados) Regrets cannot visit H.P.; asks H.P. to send cane plants.

88. 1885 Jul 6. (Trinidad) Awaiting H.P.'s report on the Colony.

89. 1885 Nov 13. (Antigua) Roses paid for not received; Sir John Gorie promoted to Trinidad.

MOORE, Thomas
90. 1884 Jun 28 (London) Index Filicum.

91. 1884 Apr 25. (Oxford) Zoology (Peripatus).

PADMORE, William
92. 1885 Apr 25 [No location] Botany.

93. 1884 May 19. (Tunbridge Wells) Botany; [Drawings in text]

94. 1885 May 30. (Barbados) H.P. thanked for Letchee fruit.

SAPP, Arkas
95. 1885 Feb 23. (Basingstoke) Sad about the death of H.P.'s father.

SCOTT, William
96. 1884 Jul 5. (Mauritius) Plants from Kew arrived safely.
97. 1884 Jul 22. (Mauritius) Botany.
98. 1885 Jul 24. (Mauritius) Despatch of plants; received and sent.

SMITH, John Donnell
99. 1885 May 6. (Baltimore) William Perot suggested H.P. might help; willing to exchange or purchase specimens of Trinidad or Venezuelan Flora.
100. 1885 Jun 22 (Baltimore) Willing to exchange all kinds of flora and would buy 200 to 500 Trinidad specimens at $10 per hundred. (to R.I. Guppy)
101. 1844? Dec 30. (Kew) Eyesight failing: cannot see ferns; botany. [not J.D. Smith]

102. 1875 Sep 10. (Kew) H.P. asked to communicate with Governor of the Bahamas about the cultivation of Pineapples.
103. 1876 Jan 25. (Kew) Asks for copies of Journal of Applied Science, Jan 1 issue.
104. 1876 Aug 14. (Kew) Improbable that a drug from Cochinchina can cure leprosy.
105. 1876 Sep 14. (Kew) Plant is "determined" by Prof. Oliver as Mouriria.
106. 1877 Aug 18. (Kew) M. Pierre, of Botanic Garden, Saigon, identifies the Chinese remedy for leprosy as a species of Styrychnos.
107. 1877 Sep 14. (Kew) Asks for Herbarium specimens with flowers and fruit of the coffee varieties cultivated in H.P.'s garden. [Letter incomplete]
108. 1878 Aug 1. (Kew) Sending pods of Wagatea Spicata; received huge cargo of diseased sugar canes from Puerto Rico.
109. 1878 Nov 1. (Kew) Prospect of a new Botanic Garden in Georgetown; botany.
110. 1878 Dec 21. (Kew) [Copy of a letter to Colonial Office, London] Acknowledges receipt of letter from the Governor of British Guiana on the subject of a Botanic Garden in Georgetown; Hevea.
111. 1879 Jan 1. (Kew) Botany.
112. 1879 Jul 4. (Kew) Botany.
113. 1879 Aug 29. (Kew) Interchange of plants between Colonial Botanic Gardens.
114. 1879 Sep 27. (Kew) Botany.
115. 1879 Sep 30. (Kew) Botany.
116. 1879 Dec 5. (Kew) Has received Arthrostylidium; General Munro proposes to call it after H.P., Arthrostylidium Prestoei.
117. 1880 Jan 30. (Kew) Botany.
118. 1880 Mar 25. (Kew) Seeds returned as there was no label and must not be grown at Kew without knowing the history.
119. 1880 Jun 5. (Kew) Botany.

120. 1885 Sep 9. (Trinidad) Friends in Barbados asking for seeds of a tree of which they do not know the name but the flowers resemble apple blossom.
121. 1885 Oct 8. (Trinidad) Cassia seeds reached Barbados safely; H.P. thanked.
121a.1885 Dec 27. (Trinidad) Preparing returns for publication by the Planters Association; seeks H.P.'s help.

TUDWAY, Charles C.
122. 1884 Sep 25. (Somerset) Has taken steps to pay what he owes H.P.

WRAY, David [?]
123. 1884 Oct 2. (Pinang) Very detailed C.V. of past experience as a planter; seeks information from H.P. about possibility of setting up as planter in Trinidad.

WHITMAN, Horace F.
124. 1884 Aug 6. (Philadelphia) Seeks information about the cola nut; wants to know if it can survive and grow in Philadelphia latitude.

125. 1885 Jan 27. [No location] Asks unofficially if H.P. can withdraw the charge against Bochard in the Police Court and then bring the case to the notice of the Directors.

126. 1884 Apr 30. (London) Accounts for the sale of eight cases of Spices.
127. 1884 Dec 16. (London) Accounts for the sale of Nutmegs and Mace.
128. 1885 Jul 16. (London) Accounts for the sale of eight boxes of Nutmegs.

129. 1815 Dec 23 (Reigate) Letter signed by 17 girls with thanks for fruit and vegetables sent during the year. [Recipient not mentioned]

HOOKER, Joseph D. & Earl of KIMBERLEY
130. [No date, no location] Circular for the information of Colonial Governments to appoint Superintendents of Botanic Gardens.

OLIVER, Daniel
131. 1861 Aug 28. (Kew) First prize in botany to H.P.

132. 1878 Oct 29. Report of H.P.'s return to England.

133. 1861 [No location] Collection of markings of H.P.'s identifications.

134. List of Trinidad Woods forwarded to the Paris Exhibition.

135. GARDENERS WEEKLY MAGAZINE - including Prestoe Testimonial.

136. 14 letters in envelope; signatures illegible.

The Letters:

136a. Requests greenery for church wreaths.

136b. 1885 Oct 22. (Port of Spain) Requests copy of paper for publication.

GORE, Augustus F.
136c. 1884 Dec 15. (St. Vincent) Coffee growers take no notice of H.P.'s pamphlet.

ROOK [?], J.M.
136d. 1885 Jul 14. [No location] Invites H.P. to confer on expedition plans.
136e. 1885 Mar 23. [No location] Asks H.P.'s advice as to dispersal of wood.
136f. 1885 Mar 23. (Trinidad) Murray's resignation accepted.

136g. [No date; no location] Asks for rainfall records and advice on coffee trees.

136h. 1885 Sep 29. [No location] Insects attacking sugar cane.

136i. 1885 Sep 4. [No location] The Portuguese is suffering from chronic rheumatism.

136j. 1885 Jul 9. (Martinique)
Extent136 letters
NotesListed by C.M.Hutt, and amended by J. Sellick 2011
Creator NamePrestoe, Henry
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