Ref NoMS/323b
TitleCommonplace book 2 - Peter Collinson
AdminHistoryPeter Collinson (1694-1768) was a cloth merchant, botanist, essayist and fellow of the Royal Society. He ran a textile business with his brother and used his resources to transport plants between America and England. He also established connections and correspondences with many notable scientists including Carl Linnaeus, John Bartram and Benjamin Franklin.

Collinson was the son of Peter Collinson (Sr.) and Elizabeth Hall, who both belonged to the Christian denomination of Quakers. They initially lived on the corner of Lombard Street and Clemens Lane, but Collinson was sent to live with his grandmother in Peckham. Whilst living there he would often spend time in the large garden, which fostered his interest in plants and gardening. This interest would lead him to writing essays for the Gentleman's Magazine on subjects relating to natural history as well as writing reports for the Society of Antiquaries and the Royal Society, the latter of which he became a member of at the age of thirty-four. However, his chosen profession was in trading and he took over his father's business with his brother in 1724; the same year he married Mary Russell. Collinson later became the sole proprietor of the business after his brother passed away in 1762.

Using his entrepreneurial skills and enthusiasm for the natural sciences Collinson easily made a network of connections throughout Europe and North America, which allowed him to become involved with many notable scientists and their writings. His involvement with the Library Company of Philadelphia led to him befriending Benjamin Franklin with whom he supplied information for his research on electricity. His friendship with Franklin also brought Collinson into contact with the botanist and explorer John Bartram who sent many seeds in exchange for books and funding for his travels. In this way Collinson was able to introduce new plants into Britain by selling the seeds to lords and noblemen as well as adding plants to his garden. Collinson also extended his patronage to the artist and natural historian Mark Catesby and funded his Natural History of Carolina, Florida and the Bahama Islands.

Other individuals Collinson corresponded with include Carl Linnaeus, Sir Hans Sloane, Sir Charles Wager and the Dukes of Argyll, Bedford and Richmond. Linnaeus is said to have visited Collinson's garden in Peckham and was impressed with his collection. With the connections he made Collinson was able to introduce over two-hundred species of plants into Britain, making many new plants accessible to the British gardener.

Peter Collinson passed away on 11 August 1768.
DescriptionThe file contains Peter Collinson's [P.C.] letters, diary entries, observational notes, newspaper clippings, lists and other miscellaneous papers. Features correspondences with various individuals including Carl Linnaeus, Lord Petre, the Earl of Bute, the Duke and Duchess of Richmond, John Bartram and Emanuel Mendes da Costa. The letters and notes cover a wide range of topics including botany, birds, bird migration, the weather, earthquakes, scientific experiments, America, Native Americans and preparing food.

The initials P.C. within square brackets refer to a page written by Collinson, but lacks his signature.

1. [P.C.]. Copy of a poem by Aaron Hill.

1a. Rev. Gosling. A poem from Lloyds Evening Post. 6 Aug 1759.

1(v). "Earth Quake 8th February 1749".

2. Cooke, Thomas. Has received Tempest's verses. Tribute to Lord Petre who had the "fewest vices of any Nobleman in England". 28 Nov 1744.

3. [P.C.]. Extract from Meyer's 'Work of Animals', published in Nuremberg, 1752.

4. Lawson, Isaac. William Toby will dispose of about £100nin S.S. stock or annuity. About progress of the army. [Note around Lawson's signature: "Died soon after of a malignant fever, a most worthy good man".]

5. [P.C.]. About Meyer and his work published in Nuremberg in 1756.

6. [P.C.]. About the late Mr. Whitworth, Master of the Aurelian Society set up in 1731. Whitworth died in 1749. A new Society was formed in 1764, but did not agree.
[P.C.]. "The first Earth-Quake Feby 8 1749".
[P.C.]. 1724 was an unkind year for grapes.

7. [P.C.]. Dr. Portmouth, who planted a grain of wheat which produced 5,000 grains.

8-9. Bull, jnr. to P.C. Accepts P.C.'s offer and in return will send him laurel trees or seeds. About grapes, cherries, mulberry trees, etc. 7 Apr 1742.

10-11. P.C. to Joseph Hobson. Seeds and the growth of seeds.

12-13. Charles King to P.C. Mrs. King requires two more yards of white damask for her gown. About P.C.'s humming bird. 30 Aug 1735.
[P.C.] Background to Charles King who lived in what once had been Oliver Cromwell's house "that was not pulled down by the Mobb".

14. J. Bradley to P.C. Asks that the bearer be given letter for Bradley from De Lisle. 24 Oct 1743.

15. P.C. Discusses the enlarging of London Bridge and the foundation of the Pier. 1759.

16. Southcote, Phil. to P.C. Has seen the Duke of Bedford. He and P.C. are invited to Thorndon to see and advise on plants grown by the late Lord Petre. Dec 30.

17. [P.C.]. Notes on the births and deaths of the Petre family. 14 Jun 1739.

18. Royal Society. About P.C.'s letter from Mr. Alexander, in New York, suggesting a spot on the Hudson River for measuring magnitude of degrees on the earth. The Royal Society does not consider that such action is at the moment relevant to the figure of the earth. Jan 1740.

19. [P.C.]. Comments on an unknown growth in a ploughed field.

20. Nett, Isaac. About the planting of beans, six of which had been cut into their lobes, six in the middle, and planted with the same number of normal beans. Describes the results.

21. [P.C.]. Notes about Swallows and [Martins] as birds of [passage] and the purchase of a model of the Temple of Solomon by the king. 1708-1758.

22. Gordon, Ja. Has despatched two samples of the split and upper half of the bean.

23. [P.C.]. Freezing of the Thames in 1684, 1708/9, 1715/16, 1739/40. [There is a note signed by M.C. that the Thames was frozen over in 1776.]

24. [P.C.]. Comments on the severe drought in 1731.

25. [P.C.]. Notes on weather and roots.

26. Newspaper clipping, 30 Nov 1758. Robert Haxby had invented a machine for weighing sunken vessels.

26a. Strong criticism of Haxby's invention. 30 Nov 1738.

27. [P.C.]. Note about the cloud berry. The gold coronet or torques worn by Boadicea [Boudica/Boudicca] may be in the possession of Thomas Mogsteen.

28. P.C. to the Duke of Richmond, congratulating him on his safe arrival from the expedition. 9 Oct 1758. [Note below letter: The Duke was with the King at the battle of Dettingen. Had narrow escape.]

29. [P.C.]. Notes about a voyage from Senegal.

30-31. P.C. to the Duke of Bedford. The Duke's plantation of evergreens. The chests of seeds from Pennsylvania. 12 Apr 1759.

30a. Newspaper clipping. 1759: The Pope hears that 5,000 Jews had become Christians.

30b. Newspaper clipping. 30 Sep and 11 Oct 1727: The disgrace of the Prince Menzicof.

32. List of seeds from America. 1723. The mild weather in 1732.

33. List of plants from Dr. Monroe.

34. Massey, W. to P.C. Has translated Hesiod's 'Works and Days for schools'. Describes the short notes he will add. 26 Jul 1749.

35. [P.C.]. Notes about marble from Mount Sinai.

36. Massy, William to P.C. Encloses his translation of Hesiod's 'Works and Days'. Has made very little progress with the Notes. 21 Aug 1749.

37. [P.C.]. About the visit of his nephew, T. Collinson, Dr. Solander ["the most knowing naturalist of this age"] and Mr. Gordon to Thomas Hudyer's house. 16 Jun 1702.

38. Massey, Thomas to P.C. Commiserates on the death of P.C.'s wife [Mary Russell]. 9 Apr 1753.

39. [P.C.] 40,000 Scotch pines belonging to the Duke of Goodwood killed because of cockchafers eating their roots [in 1759].

40. Fothergill, John to P.C. About his illness. 1 Sep 1749.

41. [P.C.]. Memorandum about the Popes. Went to Deal with the Duke of Richmond and Duke of Grafton on 14 Jun 1748.

42. [P.C.]. About trees in Spain. 1752.

43. [P.C.]. It is said that in the reign of Henry VIII, turkeys, carps, pike and bees came into England all in one year.

44-45. [P.C.]. Comments on the purchase of trees from nurseries. Seeds from Pennsylvania. Sep 1759.

46-47. [P.C.]. Reminiscences about friends and planting. 1 Oct 1759.

48. [P.C.]. Extracts from 'Bakers Chronicle'. 1740.

49. [P.C.]. Describes his device for draining a lake. 13 Sep 1759.

50. [P.C.]. About alkaline salts. Diary of visits.

51. [P.C.]. Sir William Gage sold a poplar tree for £25 to make Yarmouth coach. 1759.

51a. To P.C. Returns maps.

51b. Thompson, P. [to P.C.]. About the migration of American birds. The Works of Marcus Aurelius the Emperor. 14 Jul 1759.

52-53. P.C. to Mr. Fox. He is once again enjoying Goodwood. Agreeably surprised at the progress of exotic trees. 1 Oct 1759.

54. Wright, Edward to P.C. Encloses his thoughts on the Cause of Thunder which he hopes can be communicated to the R. Soc. 19 Oct 1755. 5 Dec 1755.
55. [P.C.]. Richard Baker and his Chronicles.

55a. [P.C.]. Wright's conceptions on the Cause of Thunder will be read to the Royal Society.

56-58. Wright, Edward to P.C. Is sending via Sir Thomas Webb a sketch of a curious fossil [Orthoceratite] that he found in a marble table in an inn at Ghent. Describes the fossil at length. Brussels, 10 May 1756.

59. [P.C.]. About the Golden River in Spain and why it is so named. 3 Jun 1756.

60-61. Wright, Edward [to P.C.]. Is sending 24 copies of his Conjecture on the Cause of Thunder. Critical of the Royal Society for not recognizing Franklin's merits. Thinks an abstract of Father Becearia's treatise should be published in the 'Proceedings'. More about Franklin. Brussels, 9 Jul 1756.

62-63. Wright, Edward [to P.C.]. About his trips in Europe. Saw in Utrecht a middle-sized Orthoceratite lodged in a piece of marble the same as that in the description he had previously sent to P.C. His respects to Mr. Franklin. Hague, 19 Oct 1756.

64-65. Wright, Edward [to P.C.]. Will be sending specimens of oak and fir trees. The Bog cannot be made fit for cultivation. Has discovered vegetable impressions in the strata of the coal pits at Elpstone. Would like to join the Royal Society. 13 Nov 1758.

66-67. Wright, Edward [to P.C.]. Will soon be going to Turin and then through Italy. He asks if P.C. had any commission. Discusses the enclosed engravings of two 'bellpolypses'. Rotterdam, 19 Aug 1756.

67a. Berris, I. [to P.C.]. Postcript to letter.

68. Hill, J. [to P.C.]. Encloses a botanical plan and asks for an opinion. 18 Mar 1757.

69. [P.C.]. Diary notes.

70-73. Proposals for publishing the Botany of Linnaeus. Printed prospectus. 10 Apr 1757.

74-76. P.C. to Earl of Kinnoull. Discusses botanical prospects on the Islands of the Azores. Makes suggestions. 29 Sep 1760.

77. [P.C.]. Death of the Earl of Granville, Jan 2 1763.

78-81. [P.C.]. An account of the life and death of John Warner, botanist. Mar 1760.

82. [P.C.]. Had been given venison for his voluntary work in the parks. His connection with the Colonies and love of planting.

83. Polhill, C. [to P.C.]. Will be pleased to receive seeds from America. 17 Mar 1760.

84-85 [P.C.]. Islands, their size and the trees that grow there.

86. [P.C.]. About a roasted bittern and a 51-year-old gander. 22 Mar 1760.

87. P.C. Lord Petre's two plans for gardens. 1733.

88. Lethieullier, Smart. to P.C. Returns borrowed books and stresses how welcome he would be at Aldersbrooke. 12 October 1758.

89. P.C. to Demedoff, Greg. Recommends Mr. Blackbourn for his favour, a "gentleman . . . above the rank of a Merchant". 9 Mar 1760.

89a. Part of recording about Burton-on-Trent. Cheapest living for two people per head for eating. March 1757.

89b. [P.C.] to Duchess of Richmond. About Mr. Harris and his book on English Insects.

89c. [P.C.]. "The bones of a man's skeleton". Copy of the "Original Grasshopper".


91. To P.C. [Part of letter]. Some months ago her husband had written to Miss Petre asking about the family. There had not been any reply. Asks if he can help.

92-93. Hyde to P.C. His gardener has the Swiss Distemper called 'La Maladie du Pais' and is returning to Oxfordshire. Asks if P.C. can recommend a replacement. 31 Aug 1760.
[P.C.]. Edinburgh, 6 May 1766. The wife of Sir William Nicholson has had a daughter. "What is very Singular, Sir William at present is 92 years of age and has a daughter by his first wife aged 66. He married his present lady at 82 by whom he has now Six Children".

94-96. [P.C.] to Arthur Dobb, Governor of North Carolina. About peaches being plentiful in the Colonies. The possible history of the growth of peaches. 10 Aug 1759.

97. [P.C.]. The equinox in 1761. A Wood Lark's nest with two eggs, 1761.

98. [P.C.]. Questions the reported size of an oak tree. Asks that it be confirmed. Mar 1758.

99. [P.C.] to Mr. Leigh. About the young elms. 1757.

99a. Doctor Thomas [Clayloalitter] describes inconvenience of "intense heat".

100-102. Garden, Alexander to [Ellis, J.]. The weather and its effect on nature and individuals Linnaeus may write to him via Ellis; asks that two copies be made and sent to him in South Carolina by different routes. Apr 20 1759.

103. [Blank page.]

104. T.B. [to P.C.]. Describes the villa and gardens of Mr. Braithwaite. 12 Oct 1741.

105. [P.C.]. How warm it was on Christmas Day and Evening. 1760.

105a. Hubor, W.C. [to P.C.]. Asks for return of shark's jaw bone, if he has it. 21 Mar 1739.

105b. [P.C.]. [Part of letter about a Red Panther poised in a tree.]

106. [P.C.]. Gives instances where reindeer could not survive out of Lapland.

107. [P.C.]. Extract from the second volume of [Harris' voyages] about the Indians [Native Americans] who had lived on flesh and fish before they learnt to plant maize and corn.

108. Hales, Stephen [to P.C.]. Encloses an answer to Mr. Elliot. 8 Dec 1763.
[P.C.]. Note that Hales had tried for 30 years to discourage dram drinking. Had had a measure of success.

109. [P.C.]. Note about the "Divine Legation of Moses". And about the high tides in China. Sep 1765 and 20 Jun 1765.

110. P.C. Has published the life of Dr. Hales in 'Gentleman's Magazine', May 1764.

111. [P.C.]. Notes about iron bars and a magnet, ventilation on board ship, the benefits of washing with salt water.

112. P.C. to Duke of Bedford. Grateful to the Duke for sending him Dr. Lloyd's legacy. Can only repay kindness by helping with plantations and gardens. 16 May 1734.

113. [Erased draft].

114. [P.C.]. Mr. Lethieullier, "a great antiquarian and a very curious man". May 1737.

115. [P.C.] to Baron Goldsworthy. Introduces Mr. Lethieullier and Mr. Frederick.

116. Knowlton, Thomas to P.C. The growth of the mistletoe. 20 Jan 1740/1.

117. Logan, James, to P.C. General description of his books in the library he had bequeathed to the City of Philadelphia. 29 Jun 1749.

117a. Franklin's paper on electricity.

117b. Extract of a letter about attacks. Features rough drawings of people and ships.

118. P.C. to Lethieullier, [Smart]. The Bishop of Apamea, who was very intimate with Lord Petrie, would be happy to welcome him when he visited Rome. 2 Jan 1737.

119. [Drawing of ships and soldiers.]

120. P.C. to Kearsley, John. The Society thanks him for his report on inoculation. Also for Dr. Brady's observations on the Transit of the Comet.

121. [Continues from 120.] Hopes he will comment on the Bloody Aurora Borealis which occurred on the 5th December 1737. 7 Feb 1737/8.

122-125. Massey, William [to P.C.]. Describes in detail "some remarkable instances of vegetation in plants". 6 Mar 1752.

126-129. Dobbs, Arthur to P.C. Received seeds and a few trees and shrubs from Philadelphia. Heard that about 10,000 Germans had arrived there from Holland. Botanical details, in Philadelphia and at home. 23 Feb 1749/50.

130-133. Dobbs, Arthur to P.C. Grateful for seeds. Botanical chatter. The Society for the Natural and Present State of Ireland had published accounts of Waterford and Down. Had heard of locusts in Ireland, but had not seen them.

134-135. P.C. to Mr. Parker. Does not think that Lethieuller's collection should be scattered abroad. Makes suggestions. 10 Sep 1760.

136. Ransford, Giles to Henry, Lord Bishop of London. Reports on the conflict with the "Tuscarora Indians" [Native American tribe] in Carolina. His hardships and bad health. Had written three letters to Mr. Chamberlagne but no reply. 13 Jul 1713.

137. [P.C.] to Henry, Lord Bishop of London. Mentions the insurrections of the Indians [Native Americans] in 1713 and 1760, the latter "instigated and assisted by the French".

138-139. Goodrich, Sir Henry [to P.C.]. Will gladly subscribe to a book. Would welcome seeds from Gambia. How the weather had adversely affected his crop. 9 Apr 1726

140-143. Mr. Stocquelin. Detailed description of the great earthquake on the site of Colares [Lisbon]. 1 Nov 1755.

144-145. Dr. Evans to J.F. [Extract of letter]. Gives his reasons for Braddock's defeat. 6 Oct.
[Extract of letter]. The effect of Braddock's defeat. Oct 2.

145a. Cutting from 'Pennsylvania Gazette'. Ebenezer Kinnersley to give a course on electrical experiments. 8 Apr 1762.

146. Extract of a letter from SF to JF. Philadelphia Oct 2.

147. P.C. About a glass tube he sent to Philadelphia to help in the study of electricity.

148-149. Gaertner, F. [to P.C.]. About his trip to Holland and what he found. 20 Aug 1760 [text is written in French].

150-151. Walker, R. to P.C. About his garden. 19 Mar 1761.

152-153. P.C. to Walker, R. Congratulates him on purchasing land and creating a garden.

152 a/b. Newspaper cutting.

154-156. [P.C.]. Written extract from Ray's Travels, 1665.

157. [P.C.]. Has received water grass seed sent him by Dr. Wolf. Recipe for a pudding as made by the natives. 25 Jul 1763.

158. [P.C.]. Notes. The Sect of Armenians, electric whistle wind, births and deaths. 1761.

159. [P.C.]. Notes about the Sect of Armenians.

160. [P.C.]. Notes on the Stone Fly. 26 May 1761.

161-163. [P.C.]. Diary entries about the Italian strawberry, [German catepillars], Lady Lichfield's 40 year old parrot, sightings of swallows near the arctic circle, [ichneumon] flies, instructions on preparing food and the examination of some shells, 1759-1762.

164. [P.C.]. Notes. Houses in Philadelphia. Inhabitants of Maryland, 1755. A new Society, "[Dunkards] in Pennselvania (Pennsylvania)".

165. [P.C.]. Notes on how Lord Leicester entertained Queen Elizabeth in his castle at [Hollingsworth] in July 1575. 17 Oct 1761.

166-167. [P.C.]. Notes on the 'Crustaceous Liverworts'.

168. Hobson, Jas. to P.C. Personal letter. 30 Jun 1761.

169. P.C. Personal note about the "Inconceivable perfection, wisdome & power of the [diety]," signed with P.C.'s initials. 20 Jul 1761.

170. [P.C.]. Commentary about the eating of putrid fish, painting bodies among different tribes around the world at different times and the use of bows and arrows in all nations.

171. [P.C.]. Diary, 14 Nov 1754-1755. [Missing - Photocopy available - See Notes]

171a. [P.C.]. How to protect turnips in "this long hott dry year".

171b. Mr. [Hubner] to P.C. Encloses signed certificate. 23 Jul 1762.

172. Title page of 'Iconologie', Vol. 2, 1677, by Caesar Ripa. [Missing - Photocopy available - See Notes]

173. [P.C.]. Has received from Mr. Edwards four volumes of birds. 30 Mar 1762.

174. Monument of Sir John Hanbury. Engraved copy of drawing by Ashmole in the Ashmolean Museum.

175. [P.C.] List of distances in North America.

176. [P.C.]. Notes about Wm. Hanbury who died in March 1768. Engraving of a monument erected by the wife of Thomas Hanbury [died 24 Jul 1617].

177. [P.C.]. Diary entries about dining with Benjamin Franklin, his son, Mr Canton and Michael Collinson [P.C.'s son] and visiting Michael Collinson's house. 5 Apr 1762 - 24 Aug 1765.

178. P.C. to Lord Lincoln. Grateful for hospitality and grand tour of the Park. 20 Jun 1761.

179. [P.C.]. Advised Lord Lincoln on planting of cedar Lebanon. List of those who had sent him presents of venison in 1761.

180-182. P.C. to Earl of Bute. About the successful interview with the King, Queen and Princess. And the good effect Bute had had on the King whilst still Prince of Wales. 29 Oct 1761.

183. [P.C.]. Note about Mr. Johannes, senior and junior, and the making of the first good writing paper in the Kingdom. 11 Oct 1760.

183a. P.C. to Lady Petrie. Personal letter. 26 Oct 1758. [She died 9 Mar 1760.]

183b. [P.C.]. Note. "Dear Childrens' preservation jams 10:26:1758".

184. Reprint from Lloyds about the French Men of War taken by Admirals Anson and Warren. 16 May 1747 [note by P.C.: Warren [dec'd]. Anson died June 1762.].

185. [P.C.]. Note: Old Lord Petre dead. Young Lord Petre came of age 30 Oct 1762.

185a. Eliot, Ja. [to P.C.]. Best regards to Dr. Franklin. The severe drought. 14 Sep 1762.

185b. ["When you have tryed 4th remedy".]

186. [P.C.]. Lord Petre's recipe for cider. 1760.

187. [P.C.]. Diary. First entry describes a dinner with [Henson] Brown and having an aqueduct to bring water into his garden, 22 Jun 1762. The second entry describes various fruits, 5 Aug 5 1762.

188-190. P.C. to Thompson, Sir Peter. About the care of plants. 15 Mar 1762.

191. [P.C.]. Diary notes about visit to Mr Fox and Lady Holland at Holland House, Kensington and the declaration of peace. [6] Nov 1762.

192. [P.C.]. Description of a mermaid.

193. [P.C.]. Notes about the movements of Persian birds. Diary. 22 Oct 1762.

194. [P.C.]. Diary. Parson's Green: Tulip tree, 2 Jul 1762. Mr. Garbury died, May 1762.

195. [P.C.]. A list of those who, in 1762, had presented him with venison. Draft journal notes about the measurements and price of a dead ox.

196-199. [P.C.]. Diary entries on the Great Water Beetle, Demoiselle Cranes, whale eggs, locusts and a meeting with Don Pedro Maldonado. 5 Apr 1747 - [15 Jul 1763].

200. [P.C.]. Describes uses of the coconut palm tree. 6 Nov 1762.

201. [P.C.]. Notes about Lignum aloes. Diary. 7 Jul - 11 Nov 1762.

202. [P.C.]. Procured items for the Duke of Norfolk and Lord Petre. Bought plants from Lord Petre's nursery.

203. P.C. to Fox, Henry. Wonders whether "a Pointed Iron Rod fixed to the highest point of a House should disarm a Cloud, pregnant with Destruction, ready to burst on some lofty Building or Towering Oake". 2 Aug 1762.

204-205. [P.C.]. List of plants taken from George Wheeler's Travels, 1675.

206. [P.C.]. The Duchess of Portland's plants at Bulstrode. 7 Sep 1762. Draft notes about Reindeer. Notes about the lynx or wild cat. 2 May 1763.

207. [P.C.]. About geese.

208. [P.C.]. Visited Lord Petre's estate at Thorndon. Saw great changes in the nurseries and grounds. 20 Aug 1762.

209. [P.C.]. George Edwards had sold to Lord Bute the drawings of his seven volumes of Birds for £300. 29 Dec 1762.

210. [P.C.]. Notes. Greenland; Epsom. 13 Oct 1762.

211. [P.C.]. About the weather and flooding.

212-215. P.C. to Lords Bute and Grandville. A tribute to the importance of St. Augustine, Florida, together with a memorial. 1 Feb 1762.

216-19. [P.C.]. Describes a trip, with Mr. Jacobson, to and around Leith Hill. 10 Sep 1762.

220-223. [P.C.] to Linnaeus, Carl. The emigration of swallows and the action Linnaeus could take to find out how they know when to emigrate. Aug 1762.

224-227. [P.C.]. Abridgement from [St] Martin's Memoirs, 1732-1744.

228-233. [P.C.]. Extracts from Martin's abridgement of Transactions, Vols. VIII, IX and X.

234-236. P.C. to Dr. Watson. Strongly recommends that Dr. Solander be employed in order to prepare a catalogue of the Natural History exhibits in the British Museum. 25 Sep 1762. [Dr. Solander was in fact appointed by the Curators in March 1763.]

237. [P.C.] Three cures for deafness.

238. Platt, Josa, to P.C. Has been made a Member of the Royal Society. Grateful to P.C. for his help. 26 Dec 1762.

239. [P.C.]. Blossoming and flowering of peaches. Severe winters, 1609-1775/6.

240. [P.C.] to Lord Petre. Congratulations on his marriage. [Petrie's wife, "a most beautiful young lady", died in 1786. Petrie married again in 1787.] 19 May 1762.

241. [P.C.]. His visit to Mr. Allen, Master of Dulwich College, and the general improvement of Dulwich village. 10 Aug 1763.

242. [P.C.]. Extract from Linnaeus' letter, 7 Mar 1738. Experiments on the sex of plants.

243. [P.C.]. Mr. Penn, grandson of William Penn who first settled in Pennsylvania, is going over to govern the Province. A 13-foot saw ordered to cut down a mahogany tree 30 feet in circumference. Death of a peasant in Poland, aged 157 years. 23 Aug 1763.

244-245. [P.C.]. Extracts from Frances Leguat's Voyage to the East Indies.

245a. Newspaper clipping, 23 Jan 1762. Sightings of "swallows and other summer birds".

246-249. P.C. Some remarks on Mr. Forster's Dissertation on Swallows. 10 Feb 1762.

250-251. Bartram, John, to P.C. The yellowish wasp in Pennsylvania

252-253. [P.C.]. Three species of caterpillars. A large alder. Feb 1763.

254-255. Dobbs, Arthur, to P.C. Gives reasons for his long silence and is depressed by what had happened. He wishes to plant almonds, olives and dates. North Carolina, 2 Apr 1759.

256-257. Achard, Jo., [to P.C.]. Tells how he and others sailed down the Rhine. How they obtained martins and swallows and how he warmed his swallow "in my bosom between my skin and shirt" until it was warm and active enough to fly away.

258. Notes about "Emeralds & Hyacinths". 7 Aug 1761.

259-260. Smithurst, Benj., to P.C. Introduces Mr. Cockey, who is "hortengiusly inclined". The weather and his garden. 21 Jun 1742.

261. [P.C.]. Would have answered his letter sooner, but for the death of his dear friend Lord Petre. Tells of Petre and his "vegetable treasures".

262-263. P.C. to Mr. Smithurst. Does not bear any grudge for an accident that could not have been foreseen, nor does he harbour resentment for the loss of Dudley [?]. 10 Dec 1743.

264-265. [P.C.]. Description of a house in Hammersmith owned by the late Mr. Dodington, "who for a few months enjoyed the title of Lord Melmouth, an instance of great vanity as he has no Heirs to enjoy the Title". 7 Jul 1763.

266-267. P.C. to Clayton, Thomas. Pontificates about Clayton's behaviour and gives advice on how he should live his life. 25 Mar 1768.

268. Royal Society. Invitation to dinner on 23 Jun 1763. Signed by Emanuel Mendes da Costa. 20 Jun 1763.

269-271. [P.C.]. Diary. Mentions the castle and Lordship of Aubigny, the inheritance of the Duke of Richmond's great-grandmother the Duchess of Portsmouth - "the Favourite Mistress of K. Charles the Second. He Died in her Arms". Gives names of some of the guests at the Royal Society dinner. 24 Jun - 13 Jul 1763.

272-273. Sale by the Candle at New-York Coffee House, Cornhill. Animal skins. 19 Apr 1764.

273a. [P.C.]. The number of ships that navigated the Baltic in 1762. Swedish, English, Danes, Dutch, Dantzig, Bremen, Lubeck, Rostock, Russian.

273a(v). Blank.

273b. [P.C.]. In August 1763 a grain of wheat planted in July 1762 had produced 2,793 ears containing 92,174 grains. An apple tree was in full blossom on 26 August 1763.

273b(v). [P.C.]. Margaret of Anjou, 2 Vols by Payne.

274-275. Sale of skins. 24 Feb 1763.

276. [P.C.]. Miller's First Edition.

277. [P.C.]. A list of exports from Georgia, 4 Jan 1762-5 Jan 1763.

278. Smithurst, Benj. [Part of letter.] Summer 1740.

279. [P.C.]. Note about the Petrel in County Kerry, Ireland.

280-283. [P.C.]. Extracts from Buffon's Natural History: Lynx, Panther, Leopard, Lion, Tiger and Puma.

284-287. [P.C.]. Extracts from Clarke's 'History of Spain', 1763.

288-289. [P.C.] to Dr. Hawkesworth. About Dr. Eliot and the work he did with Black Iron Sand. 14 Sep 1763.

290-291. [P.C.]. Animals of Africa and Palestine. Marble in Scotland. Various notes.

292-293. P.C. "Two proposals for establishing a lasting peace with the Indians" [Native Americans]. 20 Sep 1763.

294-295. [P.C.]. Anecdotes of the life of Wortley Montague, as told by himself. 1763.

296-299. [P.C.]. The round towers in Ireland.

300-303. Cook, Jo. to P.C. Answers questions about the Belugo Stone. 10 Jun 1744.

304-307. Cook, Jo. to P.C. and Dr. Sanches. How to make caviar. 11 Jul 1744.

305a. Comments on the Beluga.

308-309. Emanuel Mendes da Costa to P.C. About strata, botany and the animal kingdom. [Written from the bottom of a coal pit, 135 feet deep in Derbyshire]. 17 Jul 1747.

310. [P.C.] to Da Costa. Thinks Da Costa is the only man living who could do research from the bottom of a coal pit. The problems that might arise.

311. [P.C.] Notes.

312. [P.C.]. Trade and the East India Company.

313. [Dr. Clark to P.C.]. About ladies who decorate their faces with rouge and cream.

313a. [P.C.] Various notes. [Also part of letter from Dr. Witt about locusts. 16 Sep 1737.]

314. Bartram, J. [to P.C.]. [Extract from letter] Describes the three-leaved pines he saw in Delaware. 25 Sep 1740.

314(v). [P.C.]. How to cure a fever that affects the head.

315. Dale, S. [to P.C.]. Extract from letter about American deer. 19 Nov 1737.

315a. [P.C.]. Invited to Kew by the King and Princess of Wales. 1 Oct 1762.

315a(v). [P.C.]. [Short extract from letter about the "vile attacks on malicious men".]

316. Advert for Cork Wigs and notes about [glass] wigs.

317. [Not listed]

318. [Not listed]

319-322. [P.C.]. Records a conversation he had had with Don Pedro de Maldonado, Governor of the Province of Esmeraldas in South America. The conversation dwelt on vegetation in Peru.

323. [Not listed]

324. [Not listed]

[325-326.] [P.C.]. Diary notes and instructions for preparing venison.

327. [Reprint of the last page of 'Iconologie'.]

327(v). Notes.
Date1702 - 1768
Extent1 ring box
NotesWe recognise that this catalogue entry contains terminology which could be considered offensive. The terminology exists within the original record and has been retained to inform users on viewpoints at the time and to ensure that the record accurately reflects what was written by the record creator. It in no way reflects the attitudes of the cataloguer or the Linnean Society.
CopiesPhotocopies of 171 and 172 are located in the black file (shelf in annexe) containing the original listing by C.M. Hutt as well as photocopies for the whole collection.
Creator NameCollinson, Peter
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