Ref NoMS/338a
TitleIndex Kewensis papers (part 1) - B.D. Jackson
AdminHistoryBenjamin Daydon Jackson (1846-1927) was a botanist, taxonomer and fellow of the Linnean Society.

He was born to Benjamin Daydon Jackson (Sr.) and Elizabeth Gaze on 3 April 1846 in Southwark, Surrey and started his career in secretarial and accountancy work. His interest in botany, however, led to his involvement with Kew and the British Museum where he collected specimens for them. At the age of twenty-two he was elected into the Linnean Society in 1868 and became the Society's Botanical Secretary from 1880 to 1902, the General Secretary from 1902 to 1926 and the Curator of Linnean Collections in 1926. He was well known for his literature and works of reference on the subject of Botany including the 'Guide to the Literature of Botany,' 'Vegetable Technology: a Contribution towards a Bibliography of Economic Botany' and the 'Kew Index,' as well as being an authority on Carl Linnaeus. In 1907 he received an honorary Ph.D. and A.M. from Uppsala University, Sweden, and the Order of Knighthood of the Polar Star in recognition of his achievements. Jackson passed away on 12 October 1927 in Westminster Hospital due to injuries he suffered from being hit by a motor-car on Buckingham Palace Road.

The Index Kewensis was published by Jackson between 1893 and 1895. It was intended to be an index recording all the scientific names of flowering plants from the time of Carl Linnaeus to the year 1885 according to their species and genera. The project was directed by Joseph Dalton Hooker (1817-1911), a fellow botanist and director of the Royal Botanical Gardens in Kew, and funded by Charles Darwin (1809-1882), who had expressed an interest in funding a project devoted to biological science before his death. The first version of the index contained 400,000 names, but further supplements were published to compensate for the addition of new plant names.
DescriptionThe volume contains letters, notes and other memoranda relating to the development and compilation of the Index Kewensis. It features correspondence addressed to Benjamin Daydon Jackson from Von Mueller, J.A. Knapp, Alph De Candolle, A. Cropley, B. Watson, Joseph Dalton Hooker, W. Fawcett, John H. Kirlew, Frederic N. Williams, Florence H. Woolward, James Britten, B. Woodward, Arthur Bennett, Eugene Autran, J.B. Bailey, Michel Gandoger, John William Knapman, Ernest George Harmer, William Carruthers, Maxwell T. Masters, C. Santry, Henry Frowde, Charles Durand, S. Mollet, D. Fahlbruckner, Warren H. Manning, D. Prain, W.E. Darwin, and H.R. Hutchinson. It also includes BDJ's own letters and notes. The volume also contains press cuttings from various newspaper outlets about the Index Kewensis.

Subjects discussed include advertisements, committee meeting minutes, funding payments, calculations, cost estimates, memos, proof pages, reviews, reports, queries, invoices, lists of names, employment references and general chatter.

The numbers to the side of each item correspond to the page of the volume where items have been pasted (starting with page 8). Unless otherwise stated all letters are from Jackson.

8. Reprint of the history of the compilation of "Index Kewensis" from the Journal of the Royal Horticultural Society, Vol. XLIX, Pt 2, 1924.

9. Handwritten regulations in force at the Herbarium.

11. Handwritten rules governing the Kewensis compilation.

13. (To Smith) Herbarium. 1884 Oct 4. Asks for help to move furniture from top floor to bottom floor.
CAPITAL AND COUNTIES BANK, London. 1886 Nov 19. Darwin's cheque returned.
1886 Nov 20. Note from Jackson (to Darwin?) asking that the cheque be endorsed to Thiselton Dyer.

15. MUELLER, Von [?], 1886 Dec 30. Suggests that Knapp, J.A., Vienna, can be of assistance.
KNAPP, J.A., Vienna, 1887 Jan 11, (In Swedish).
KNAPP, J.A., Vienna, 1887 Feb 24, (In Swedish).

17. CANDOLLE, ALPH DE, Geneva, 1887 May 6. (In French) Death of his wife; family notes are arranged alphabetically; will soon provide the information.
Advertisement for Index Generum Phanerogamorum, by Durand.

19. CROPLEY, A., London, 1887 Apr 2. Dates required by Jackson are out of print.
CANDOLLE, ALPH DE, Geneva, 1887 Oct 29. (In French) Has received the Lin. Trans.
A printed copy of the introduction to The New Index of Plant Names.

21. 1888 Jan 24. Minutes of meeting of Nomenclature Committee.
1888 Mar 6. Minutes of Committee meeting.
WATSON, B., Cambridge, Mass., 1888, Apr 2. Confirms that "Lewis and Clark" are General William Clark and Capt. Lewis.
CANDOLLE, ALPH DE, Geneva, 1888 May 10. (In French) Has despatched bibliographical notes.

22. HOOKER, JOSEPH DALTON, 1888, Oct 24. Encloses quarterly cheque from Mrs Darwin.

23. Bibliographical list of plants.

25. Bibliographical list of plants.

26. Accounts.

27. Financial printing estimates.

28. Cash balance (on reverse of request for rent of premises in Boro' High Street, £15/15/0.)

29. Minute of Committee meeting, 1889, Feb 5.
1889 Mar 30. Queries "from our sheets".

30. 1891 Jun 23. Notes of time taken for reading sheets.

31. Arithmetical and financial calculations.

32. Arithmetical calculations.

33. Arithmetical calculations.

34. One page torn from Oxford Univeristy Press (OUP) book catalogue.

35. Estimate of printing costs.

36. Pencilled memo for Jackson; subject matter to be discussed at next meeting with Hooker.

37. Pencilled memo for Jackson; subject matter to be discussed at next meeting with Hooker.

38. Printed geographical abbreviations.

39. Proof page of Index.

40. Printed page from the Saturday Review, 1889 Oct 5; History of Kew, including the Herbarium and Library; "....the Herbarium of Kew is certainly the best in the universe".

41. (To Hooker, J.D.) Kew, 1889 Jun 29. Confirms completion of names in alphabetical lists; encloses quarterly cash statement and summary of year's costs.
(To Hooker, J.D.) Kew, 1889 Sep 30. Remainder of names in species incorporated in list; encloses usual quarterly cash statement.

42. 1889 Oct 8. Hand-pencilled note of number of boxes completed per week.
1889 Dec 10. Minutes of meeting, "Com. on Steudel".
(To Hooker, J.D.) Kew, 1889 Dec 31. Report on progress.

43. (To Hooker, J.D.) Kew, 1889 Dec 31. Report on progress; cash statement enclosed.

44. 1890 Jan 28. Hand-written record of number of sheets.
1890 Jul 1. Minutes of meeting (deleted in pencil).

45. (To Hooker, J.D.) Kew, 1890 Mar 31. Report on progress; cash statement enclosed.

46. (To Hooker, J.D.) Kew, 1890 Jul 15. Report on progress; Jackson's total remuneration £170; can work a fifth day for an additional £30; cash statement enclosed.

47. (To Hooker, J.D.) Kew, 1890 Jun 30. Incorporation of names in Nyman's Conspectus complete; also complete are names from Trautvetter's Increments; cash statement enclosed.
1890 Jul 29. Minute of meeting (deleted in pencil).

48. FAWCETT, W., Cordon Town, 1890 Aug 5. Has found Bancroft's paper; gives contents.
FAWCETT, W., Jamaica, 1890 Sep 8. Forwards original publication by Bancroft Espent.

49. 1890 Sep 12. Proofs of first four pages of Catalogue of all Known Flowering Plants.

50. (To Hooker, J.D.) Kew, 1890 Sep 30. Report on progress; cash statement enclosed.

51. (To Hooker, J.D.) Kew, 1890 Dec 31. Report on progress; cash statement enclosed.
Handwritten note that 400 pp is one-eighth of the whole; printing would be complete in two years, an impossible rate of progress.

52. (To Hooker, J.D.) Kew 1891 Mar 31. Report on progress; cash statement enclosed.
HOOKER, J., Sunningdale, 1891 Jun 7. Encloses Mrs Darwin's cheque.

53. (To Hooker, J.D.) Kew 1891 Jun 30. 38th and final report on progress; some 30,000 volumes consulted; revision under way; normal cash statement enclosed, including total cost of compilation.

54. Shorthand, plus entries for recording costs.

55. Kew, 1891 Jun 2. A reference certificate for Kirlew, John.
KIRLEW, JOHN H., London, 1891 Jul 27. Grateful for reference; has not yet found work.

56. WILLIAMS, FREDERIC N., Brentford, Oct 9. Has sought in vain for a suitable candidate; could not find a boy who had not left school before reaching the age of 14.
Obituary of Philip Lyttleton Gell who died 1926 May 30.

57. 1891 Oct 29. Contract between the Darwin family, Hooker and Clarendon Press for the printing and publication of the Index.

58. WOOLWARD, FLORENCE H., Grantham, 1891 Nov 6. Thanks Jackson for sending additional references for Mardevallia, Zeit. 1873.
WOOLWARD, FLORANCE H., London. Mardevallia auriculigera and aviceps are both in Otia Bot. Hamb.

59. Cash statement.
WOOLWARD, FLORENCE H., London, 1892 Mar 8. About Mardevallia.
WOOLWARD, FLORENCE H., London, 1892 Mar 22. About Mardevallia.

60. 1892 Apr 1. Telegram to Jackson asking him to send proof to Hooker.

61. BRITTEN, JAMES, 1892 Nov 4. Asks about the "Rapports".
(To Britten, J.) Does not know the "Rapports" mentioned.

62. WOODWARD, B. [?], London, 1893 Feb 28. Encloses what had been left behind.
WILLIAMS, F.N., Brentford, 1893 Apr 9. About original reference to Melandryum.
BENNETT, ARTHUR, Croydon, 1893 May 27. Does not remember if Jackson has certain names; listed.

63. AUTRAN, EUGENE, Geneva, 1893 Jun 19. (In French) About names in the Index.
BAILEY, J.B.(?), London, 1893 Jun 20. Asks if Jackson can supply references requested by Mr. Stewart.

64. BRITTEN, JAMES, London, 1893 Jun 22. About Brandegle's onslaught against E.L. Greene, in Zoe for April.
AUTRAN, EUGENE, Geneva, 1893 Jun 26. (In French) Grateful to Jackson for supplying information.

65. Specimen pages of the Index, with application form for subscription (two guineas for each of the four parts).

66. BRITTEN, JAMES, London. Hopes he will be given a presentation copy.
Favourable review of the Index in the Gardeners' Magazine, p.361, 1893 Jun 24.

67. BRITTEN, JAMES, London, 1893 Jun 27. Puzzled that he received circular marked "proof"; to return or keep?
BRITTEN, JAMES, London. Asks where Part I is meant to end.

68. Editorial questions and answers.
Hooker objects to [something] being entered into the Heusel work.
Dipthongs and modified vowels to be spelt out.
Kew. Printed reply. Jackson cannot enter into correspondence.

69. Memo about names.
Printer's errors in spelling.
Natural hybrids retained.

71. Proofs of Index half title, title page and preface, in English and Latin.

73. GANDOGER, MICHEL, Arnas, 1893 Jul 21. (In French) Omissions in the Index.
KNAPMAN, JOHN WILLIAM, London, 1893 Jul 17. Has received Index brochure; asks if any copies will be donated to libraries.

74. WESTMINSTER GAZETTE, London, 1893 Jun 24. Brief history of the Index and its creation by Darwin.

75. THAMES VALLEY TIMES, 1893 Jul 26. Visit to the Herbarium and a description of the method used in compiling the Index.

77. HARMER, ERNEST GEORGE, London, 1893 Sep 5. Would like to comment on the Index to the Brit. Assn.; Asks if Jackson can supply facts, mainly in illustration.
HARMER, ERNEST GEORGE, London, 1893 Sep 7. Grateful for information; will be happy visit the Herbarium.

79. DURRANT'S PRESS CUTTINGS, London, 1893 Sep 7. Will gladly send press cuttings to Jackson.
DURRANT'S PRESS CUTTINGS, London, 1893 Sep 7. Sends cutting, with prices.

81. CARRUTHERS, WILLIAM, London, 1893 Sep 6. Congratulates Jackson on appearance of first part of Index.
BRITTEN, JAMES, London, 1893 Sep 8. Congratulates Jackson on Index; gathers he had some connection with the work but the preface makes this doubtful; will write a long notice for the next J. Bot.

83. GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, London, 1893 Sep 9. Review of the Index.

84/85. MASTERS, MAXWELL T., London, 1893 Sep 13. About errors in the Index.

86. MASTERS, MAXWELL T., London, 1893 Sep 30. Index is good but hopes Jackson will accept information about errors and omissions.
BRITTEN, JAMES, 1893 Sep 12. Surprised that some of his corrections to the Index have not been adopted; nonethesless it is a "w-o-o-onderful work and as interesting as most works are not".

87. DURRANT'S PRESS CUTTINGS, London, 1893 Sep 15 and Sep 18. Press cuttings.

88. DAILY TIMES, London, 1893 Sep 23. Press cutting.
WESTMINSTER CALENDAR, 1893 Sep 23. Press cutting about "St. Darwin".

89. [London], 1893 Sep 25. Asks for a short paper on the Index to be published in Nat. Sc.
[London], 1893 Oct 19. J.B. is not hypercritical; in fact he has the highest regard for the Index.
Zoe, 1893 Oct, Vol. IV. Many errors but the Index is essential to every systematic botanist.

90. BRITTEN, JAMES, London, 1893 Oct 4. Congratulations on the end of Vol. I.

91. LE JARDIN, Paris [?], 1893 Oct 5, (In French) Revue of the Index.

93. SANTRY, C. [?], 1893 Oct 14. About mistakes in the Index.
AUTRAN, UCENE, Chambedy, 1893 Oct 11. (In French) Asks about positioning of Gagea in Index.

94. DURRANT'S PRESS CUTTINGS, London, 1893 Oct 28. Cutting from Science.

95. FROWDE, HENRY, London, O.U.P., 1893 Oct 28. Encloses review from the Athenaeum.

96/97. NATURAL SCIENCE, 1893, Nov. Review of Indexes to Botanical asnd Zoological Nomen.

98/99. FROWDE, HENRY, London, 1893 Nov 29. O.U.P. list of new and recent books, including the Index.

100. DURRANT'S PRESS CUTTINGS, London, 1893 Dec 15. Review from the Times. Handwritten entry: "168. Darwin, Hooker and Jackson...".

101. Specimen pages of the Index, with application form for subscription (two guineas for each of the four parts).

102. GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, London, 1893, Dec 23. Review of the Index.
JOURN. HORT., 1893 Dec 12, Review of the Index.
JOURN. HORT., 1893 Dec 28. Translation of two lines of Latin in the Index.
MORNING POST(?), 1894 Jan 5. Review of the Index.
BDJ will forward communication to Frowde.

103. NATURE, LONDON, 1894 Jan 11. Review of the Index.

104. LE JARDIN, 1894 Feb 20. Review of the Index.

105. THE GUARDIAN, London, 1894 Apr 18.
CANON ELLACOMBE, 1896 Jan 24. Amplification of the Guardian Review in Quarterly Review.

106. Feb 28, 1891 Jun 13, 1894 May 8, 1894 Apr 30. Four paste-ups about Index details.

107. DURAND, CHARLES, Brussels, 1894 Jul 19. (In French) A complaint.
DURAND, CHATLES, Brussels, 1894 Sep 1. (In French).
WILLIAMS, F.N., Brentford, 1894, Sep 16. Points out possible error in a name.

108. Application form for purchase of the Index.
DURAND, CHARLES, Brussels, 1895 Mar 15. (In French).

109. MOLLET, S. Le Jardin, 1895 Apr 5. Review of the Index (highlighted).
HOOKER, J.D., Dawlish, 1895 May 1. Regrets not having sent cheque; will be remedied soon.

110. FAHLBRUCKNER, D. (?), 1895 Aug 31. (In German).
BRITTEN, JAMES, London. Asks Jackson about the latest date for corrections.

111. (To Controller, Clarendon Press) London, 1895 Jun 15. About the delay in publication. Employment reference for H.R. Hutchinson.

112. MANNING, WARREN H., Brookline, Mass., 1895 Jun 25. Encloses subscription to Index; would like to send correction of errors he has found to be included in the Appendix.
FROWDE, HENRY, London, O.U.P., 1895 Jul 8. Encloses Mr Manning's letter.

113. GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, London, 1895 Jul 6. Question about planefora.
PRAIN, D., Silpur, nr. Calcutta, 1895 Sep 4. About the name Crotalana Stacyana.

114. List of plant names.

115. List of plant names.

116. Daily News, London, 1895 Sep 5. Article about improvements and alterations at Kew.

117. Points out an interesting distortion of facts in the Western Mercury.
HOOKER, J.D. 1895 Oct 1. Encloses cheque.
DARWIN, W.E. (typed copy), Ems, 1895 Sep 26. Most grateful for everything that has been done; Jackson should receive balance of Macleay [also spelt McLeay or M'Leay] fund.

118. GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, London, 1895 Oct 19. Review of Index.
CELL, P.L. (typed copy), 1895 Nov 11. (To Hooker, J.D.) Congratulations on completion of work.

119. BRITTEN, JAMES, London, 1895 Oct 12. Just received Index IV; disappointed to find there was no Introduction.
HUTCHINSON, H.R., Kew, 1895 Nov 12. Asks BDJ about the cost of an advertisement for his employment.
ATHENAEUM, 1895 Nov 16. Advertised recommendation to employ Jackson's assistant [highlighted].

120. DURANT, CH., Brussels, 1895 Nov 19. (In French).
GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, London, 1895 Nov 30. Advertised recommendation to employ Jackson assistant.

121. CLARENDON PRESS, London, 1896 Jan. Parts of catalogue pp. 55, 69, 93 showing the Index.

122. Balance sheet for years 1891-1895.

123. Cash statement.

124. Cash statement.

125. Cash statement.
B.D. [?], Littlehampton, Will send cash statement when he returns.

127. (To Hooker, J.D.) London, 1895 Nov 2. Encloses letter from Mr. Palgrave; criticizes his slowness to act.

129. Cover for Vol. I of the Index.

131. Cover for Vol. II of the Index.

133. WESTMINSTER GAZETTE, London, 1896 Jan 15. Clarendon Press advertisement that includes the Index.

135. ATHENAEUM, London, 1896 Feb 8. An error in names made by a reviewer of the Index in the Quarterly Review.
GARDENERS' CHRONICLE, London, 1896. Botanic fiction that occurs in the Quarterly Review.

137. About Kernera bavarica.

139. JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE, 1896 Feb 13. Instability in plant nomenclature.

141. NATURE, London, 1896 May 28. Review of the Index.

143. DURRANT'S PRESS CUTTINGS, London, 1896 May 28. Review in Nature of the Index.

145. HOOKER, J.D., Sunningdale, 1895 Nov 17. Does not like the enclosed letter from Cell suggesting that the price for the complete work be increased to £10/10-.
Handwritten review of the Index by Underwood in Science, 1899 Jul 21.

147. JOURNAL OF BOTANY, London, Reprint, 1896 Jul. Bibliographical Notes, XII.-The Dates of Rees's Cyclopaedia.

Letters A-L [Stored in labelled brown envelope]

(A) SCOTT ELLIOT, G.F., Dumfries, 1896 Oct 3. Suggests there will be 200,000 plant names in the Index. Includes calculations.

(B) SCOTT ELLIOT, C.F., Glasgow, 1896 Oct 13. Letter of thanks.

(C) GURNEYS & Co., Great Yarmouth, 1895 Nov 7. Encloses £135/4/0.

(D) HART, HORACE, Oxford, 1893 Apr 6. Has passed suggestions to OUP Secretary.

(E) HART, HORACE, Oxford, 1895 Jul 5. Has passed on Jackson's request to Secretary.

(F) HOOKER, J.D., Sunningdale, 1891 Oct 31. Storm prevented him from going to Kew; explains enclosed cheque for £7/10/-

(G) JACKSON, B.D., Kew. Has forwarded request to Mr H. Frowde.

(H) (Draft; to Hooker, J.D.) London, 1895 Nov 2. Encloses letter from Mr Palgrave; criticizes his slowness to act.

(I) Kew, 1896 Jan 27. Employment reference for William John Henry Phillips.

(J) Kew, 1896 Jan 27. Employment reference for Thomas William John Phillips.

(K) LEIGH, CHARLES, London, 1893 May 20. Verifies reference and forwards it.

(L) WALT, GEORGE, Calcutta, 189? Apr 22. Apologises for trouble he caused.

Miscellaneous papers [Stored in labelled brown envelope]

1. Photograph of T.W.J. Phillips, Feb 1897.

2. Alphabetical list of plant names (V-Z).

3. Alphabetical list of plant names (A-U).

4. Alphabetical sequence list.

5. FROWDE, HENRY, London, 1 Oct 1896. Encloses a page from the Clarendon Press New and Recent Books list annoucing the publication of the Index Kewensis. Also includes Clarendon Press booklet cover.

6. LE JARDIN, 20 Feb 1894. Review of the Index. [Duplicate of 104 in the volume].

7. Postcard from (BV) to Jackson, [17 Jan 1894]. Thanks him for his reply and provides a reference [in Italian].

8. Postcard from B to Jackson, [26 Jan 1892]. Requests to hear from him about [Erophila inflata].

9. Postcard from Rev. Canon Ellacombe to J.D. Hooker, [8 Jan 1894]. Provides corrections.

10. Postcard from Rev. Canon Ellacombe to J.D. Hooker, [15 Jan 1894]. Provides corrections.

11. Postcard from Rev. Canon Ellacombe to J.D. Hooker, [30 Jan 1894]. Provides corrections.

12. List of the chief botanical works issued by the Clarendon Press. Pages 19-20 relate to the Index Kewensis.

13. Reference for W.B. [Rewsley]'s comments on the close of the Index Kewensis.

14. FROWDE, HENRY, London, 20 Apr 1894. Encloses a copy of the Guardian's review of the Index, dated 18 Apr 1894 [Duplicate of 105 in the volume].

15. Count of Steudel & Mr Kew. Calculations.

16. Miscellaneous calculations.

17. Note about Delphinium napellus.

18. Postcard from J.D. Hooker to Jackson, undated. Mr Darwin returned his copy and it will be sent to the Linnean Society.

19. Note about Jeffersonia sempervirens.

20. List of proofing and revising instructions.

21. FROWDE, HENRY, London, 3 Jun 1896. Encloses a copy of Nature's and the Daily News' reviews of the Index, dated 30 May 1896 and 8 Oct 1986 [Duplicate of p.141 in the volume].

22. DAILY NEWS, 30 Dec 1898, p.3. Obituary for Rev. Bartholomew Price.

23. Notes about the nototriche in the index [both sides].

24. List of plant names.

25. List of plant names beginning with R.

26. List of plant names with reference numbers.

27. List of plant names beginning with L.

28. [JACKSON, B.D.], 22 Mar 1893. Informs of spelling errors and questions citations.

29. List of plant names beginning with O.

30. JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE AND COTTAGE GARDENER, 21 Dec 1893, pp.553-554. Review of the Index.

31. JOURNAL OF HORTICULTURE AND COTTAGE GARDENER, 28 Dec 1893, pp.573-574. A.C. provides a Latin translation of a couplet [Duplicate of p.102 in the volume].

32. Draft note detailing a discrepency over plant names.

33. Draft list of names.

34. Letter [name not discernible], 8 Feb 1885. Letter about election of Dr [Daboon] into the Linnean Society and authorship of an Aitonian plant.

35. List of names and reference numbers.

36. Note about Ganophyllum.

37. BOTANIK, p.5 [clipping]. List of references including the Index Kewensis [marked with X].

38. Proportion sec. Steudel. List of plant names and corresponding page numbers.

39. Draft list of plants.

40. [MILLING, A.W.], Kew Gardens, 2 Nov 1886. Seeks employment.

41. NEWMAN, FRANK, Kew, 19 Feb 1887. Apologises for getting coins mixed up.

42. NEWMAN, [F], 2 Feb 1887. Letter of thanks to Jackson for considering his request.
Extent1 bound volume and 3 brown paper envelopes
Related MaterialJackson, Benjamin Daydon, 1846-1927, and Joseph Dalton, 1817-1911 Hooker. Index Kewensis: An Enumeration of the Genera and Species of Flowering Plants and Their Synonyms From the Time of Linnaeus to the Year 1885 Inclusive, Together with Their Authors' Names, the Works in Which They Were First Published, and Their Native Countries / Compiled at the Expense of Charles Robert Darwin / Under the Direction of Joseph D. Hooker / by B. Daydon Jackson. [and Supplements]. Oxford: Clarendon, 1893-2002. Q 001.4:582.

MS/330, MS/331, MS/332, MS/333, MS/334, MS/335, MS/336, MS/337, MS/338b, MS/339, MS/340, MS/341, MS/342, MS/343, MS/344, MS/345, MS/346, MS/347, MS/348, MS/349, MS/350, MS/351, MS/352, MS/353
Creator NameJackson, Benjamin Daydon
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