Description | Correspondence of James Murie (M), in 3 parts, dated 1867-1905. Correspondents have been arranged in alphabetical order (excluding letters 1-7).
FELLOWS, R. Coll, of Surgeons 1. Edinburgh. 1873, Apr 21. Recognition of M's memoires.
DAILY NEWS 2. London. 1905, Jul. 11. M's memoires.
ZOO SOC. OF LONDON 3. London. 1879, Mar 20. Dates of Davis Lectures.
NAT. HIST. SOC. GLASGOW 4. Glasgow. 1881, Sep. 27. M made Hon. Member.
MURIE, James 5. [no place name or date]. Draft letter to Council for increased salary. 6. London. 1885, Mar 30. Draft letter of resignation to Lin. President. 7. London. [no date] List of works published by M.
ANON. 8. Edinburgh. 1875, Jul 1. Anon's candidature to Chair of Anatomy, St. Andrews.
ADAMS, A. Leith 9. London. 1880, Jul 31. Invites papers from M for "Kensington".
ALCOCK, R.H. 10. Lancashire. 1880, Nov 15. Lin jnls received. Requests Transactions.
AHRLING, Ewald 11. Arboga. 1882, Jan 2. Thanking for help during working visit.
AITKIN, A. Muirhead 13. London. [no year] June 12. Requests an invitation to Kew. 12. London. [no year] June 16. Whiteford's apoplectic attack. 14. London. [no year] June 22. Whiteford apparently recovered from stroke.
ABBOTT, Helen C. Des 15. London. 1887, Nov 27. Accounts for borrowed library books.
ADAMS, A. Leith 16. London. [no year] Apr 22. Congratulations on M's election to Edinburgh Town Council.
AITCHISON, J.E.T. 17. Menton. 1888, Jan 10. Change of address.
ALLMAN, George J. 18. London. 1874, Nov 1. Apologies for not replying to M's letter. 19. Dorset. 1877, Jul 31. Recommendation for M's post to British Association. 20. London. 1879, Jan 1. Description of last May's Anniversary Address. 21. Dorset. 1880, Jun 9. Enclosure of drawing for woodcut. 26. Dorset. 1884, Jun 10. Encloses address of J.D. Enys who possessed Ray's letters. 22. Dorset. 1880, Jul 21. Approval of woodcut from drawing. 23. Dorset. 1880, Jul 30. Complaint about engraver and woodcut. 24. Dorset. 1880, Aug 1. MSS sent for press. 25 copies requested. ? 25. Dorset. 1880, Nov 14. Request for Transactions due to him. 27. Dorset. 1884, Jun 11. Requesting address of Smithsonian Exchanges. 28. Dorset. 1885, Mar 29. Requesting copies of Jnl. Mic. Soc. of Victoria. 29. Dorset. 1885, May 24. Enclosing £5 towards portrait of Mr. Burke. 30. Dorset. 1885, Jul 30. Requesting prints from three lithographed plates. 31. Dorset. 1888, Jan 25. Surprised to hear of M's retirement from Lin.
ALSTON, Edward R. 32. London. 1878, Oct 11. Complaint that Fellows are called "Esq" and Associates "Mr.", the abominable price of snobbery. 33. London. 1878, Dec 13. Will speak strongly about Parker and Dawkins and their part in Vol II of Cassel. 34. London. [no date]. Giving up his Zoological Notes for the Academy. Suggests that M takes over. 35. London. [no date]. Unaware M was responsible for "M'-ing" absurdities. 36. London. [no date]. Recommends that M takes over notes for Academy. Feels strongly that "Edentala" do not exist. 37. London. [no date]. Unwell and cannot be at BH on Wednesday. 38. London. [no date]. Cannot attend Council or Meeting. 39. Ayr. 1880, Jul 6.Will do what he can to help in M's candidature. 40. London. 1880, Oct 14. Acknowledges receipt of M's application. 41. Hastings. 1881, Jan 15. Well again and will attend Council.
ALSTON, Charles H. 42. London. 1881, Jun 29. Encloses reproduction of Alston's bookplate (after his death).
ALSTON, Margaret 43. Ayr. [no date]. Asks M to accept Alston's Memorial. 44. Ayr. 1881, Jul 10. Confirms postage of registered letter.
ALSTON, John 45. Buenos Aires. 1889, Mai23. Introduces Dr. L.M. de Oca from Buenos Aires.
ANDERSON, John 46. Edinburgh. 1874, Jul 8. Thanks M for letter and possible help in funding £2,000 publication. 47. London. 1880, Oct 23. Request for books. Also for proofs of Carter's paper on Sponges. 48. London. 1887, Jan 27. Acknowledges receipt of postcard. 49. London. 1887, Feb 1. Makes suggestions about the "Animals". 50. Pontresina. 1887. Aug 2. Suggests that information be sent to De Man. 51. London. 1888. Jan 30. Asks about De Man proofs.
ANN, Henry M. 52. Ottawa. 1886, May 18 Thanks M for hosphitality during visit to Europe.
ARCHER-HIND, T.H. 53. Newton Abbot. 1886, Mar 19. Acknowledges receipt of Transactions. 54. Newton Abbot. 1886, Apr 7. Reminds about unanswered letter.
ARCHER, Thomas C. 55. Edinburgh. 1872, Apr 1. Hopes M will be appointed to Chair of Comparative Physiology in R. Vet. Coll.
ARCHIBALD, David 56. St. Andrews. 1881, Jan 21. Asks if M will sit on C'ttee for endowment of Chandros Chair of Med. and Anat., St. Andrews. 57. St. Andrews. 1881, Jan 29. Reminder of unanswered letter about Chandros Chair.
ARMITAGE, Edward 58. Cambridge. 1887, Jan 19. Not heard from his brother re safe arrival of parcel.
B (?), John M. 59. London. 1887, Oct 21. Asking about receipt of a parcel from Capt. Eyres.
BABINGTON, Charles C. 60. Cambridge. 1887, Oct 11. Request to purchase Lin jnls.
ARNOTT, J.M. 61. [no place name or date]. A reference for appointment sought by M.
BOGNALL, James E. 62. Birmingham. 1887, Sep 12. Appreciation of Proceedings, especially paper on Vacciniom Intermedium Ruthe, by Mr. Brown.
BAINSTON, S.D. 63. Cape Colony 1880, Oct 22. Apology for not attending meeting with M.
BAYLEY, Balfour 64. [no place name] 1880, Dec 17. Congratulation on M's appointment and request for books.
BALFOUR, J.H. 65. Edinburgh. 1876, Jul 19. Enclosed form of application for Fellowship of RASE. 66. Edinburgh. 1876, Sep 21. Candidature to RASE will be submitted to Council.
BALL, J. 67. London. 1878, Apr. 27. Complaint about errata in sheets from printer. 68. London. 1878, May 20. Complaint about M's corrections to writer's paper. 69. London. 1878, Apr 26. Request for 100 copies of Flora of Patagonia. 70. London. 1879, Mar 9. Questions re receipts from Transactions. Receipts with letter.
BALY, Joseph S. 71. Warwick. 1886, Jan. 11. Proofs returned. 72. Warwick. 1886, Apr 14. Request for quick publication of paper.
BARFORD, Richard 73. Edgbaston. 1882, Feb 27. Summary of the life of Barford's late brother.
BARR, P. 74. London. 1888, 29 Aug. Description of flowers seen during visit abroad.
BARTLETT, A.D. 75. London. 1883, Jan 5. Invitation to meet and chatter.
BASTION, H. Charlton 76. London. 1872, Apr 4. Reference for M's candidature Chair of Comparative Physiology at the R. Vet Coll. 77. London. 1879, Mar 19. Invitation to meet, walk and dine. BATES, H.W. 78. London. 1872, Apr 2. Reference for M's candidature Chair of Comparative Physiology at the R.Vet Coll. 79. London. 1883, Jun 7. Paper will be published by Entom Soc but Col. Long. of Japan will be available to Lin. 80. London. 1884, May 8. Paper for Col. Longicornia ready for delivery to M. 81. London. 1884, Jun 5. Paper for Col. Longicornia enclosed.
BAXTER, G.I. 82. London. 1887, Aug 29. House at Leigh ready for viewing. 83. Brentwood. 1887, Sep 9. M. asked to confirm purchase of house at Leigh. 84. London. 1888, Oct 12. Asks whether M requires lease or yearly tenancy at Canvey Cottage.
BELL, Alfred 85. London. 1887, Feb 28. Worried about receipt of catalogue and possible loss of letter containing 1/-.
BENNETT, AS.W. 86. Jarrow. 1878, Dec 29. Explanation for corrections to paper.
BERJEAU [?], Charles 87. London. 1881, Apr 4. Description of bad weather. 88. London. 1881, Apr 8. Invitation to M for a sailing weekend. 89. London. 1881, 30 July. About a Sponge Spicular printing plate. 90. London. 1882, Mar 22. Request that Dr. Dobson's plate be given to another artist to draw. 91. London. 1882, Apr 2. Invitation to M for a sailing weekend. 92. London. 1882, Jul 31. Blocks of Mr. Brooke's insects enclosed. 93. London. 1882, Aug 14. Arrangements for a meeting with M. 94. London. 1882, Dec 17. Apologies for not attending meeting with M 95. London. 1884, May 22. Enclosing plate for paper by Mintern and Brooke. 96. London. 1884, May 30. Arrangements for a meeting with M. 97. London. 1888, Apr 9. Chatter that Lin meeting dull as ditchwater. 98. London. 1888, Sep 9. Complaint about lack of payment for work done. 99. London. 1888, Jun 2. General complaint about life and lack of money. 100 London. 1888, Jul 6. To Sir W. Buller about drawings of New Zealand Rail. 101. London. 1888, Aug 18. Sir Walter delighted with Rail plates. 102. London. 1888, Aug 23. Acknowledgement of letter from M. 103. London. 1888, Oct 14. M Thanked for cheque. 104. London. [no date]. Complaint about non-payment by Cassell. 105. London. 1888, Oct 2. Rail plates to be available following week.
BERKELEY, J.W. 106. Mkt Harb. 1888, Sep 29. Request for Mrs Wynne to look at Indian Plates.
BID WELL, Edward 107. London. 1887, Apr 7. Enclosing views of White Stork for Lin exhibition. 108. London. 1887, Nov 24. Requests M to answer letter. 109. London. 1888, May 7. Requests M again to answer letter.
BLAKE, S. Jex. 110. London. [no year] Sep 20. Asks whether M will or will not lecture on physiology this winter. 111. London. [no year] Sep 3. Invitation to view the house.
BLANFORD, W. T. 112. London. 1874, Mar 15. Black margin. Page missing from letter (Ed.).
BOWRICK, John R. 113. London. 1887, Dec 21. General complaint about lack of help for J. Romanis.
BOULGER, G.S. 114. London. 1888, Jan 28. Thanks M for returning notes.
BRADY, George S. 115. Sunderland. 1886, Mar 2. Does not agree with M's opinion of the paper. 116. Sunderland. 1886, Aug 31. Thanks M for letter and enclosures. 117. Sunderland. [no date] M's letter acknowledged. 118. Sunderland. [no date] Sugggests that with agreement of Council he draws two plates on stone.
BROOK, George 119. Huddersfield. 1880, Jul 5. Does M know the genus of Scalopendrella. 120. Huddersfield. 1880, Aug 23. Gossip. Called to see Carrington four times, in vain. 121. Huddersfield. 1881, May 16. Invitation to go dredging. 122. Huddersfield. 1881, Jul 12. Asking what arrangements made with Little. 123. Huddersfield. 1881, Jul 21. Cannot go dredging. Perhaps another time.
BROOK, George, jnr. 124. Huddersfield. 1881, Aug 23. Wishes to join Falstaff Club. M asked to nominate. 125. Huddersfield. 1881, Oct 14. Arriving London. Will visit M on Monday. 126. Huddersfield. 1881, Nov 3. Hopes M is now equal to the work of the Session. 127. Huddersfield. 1881, Dec 14. Will read books M sent him. M to send Lucas. 128. Huddersfield. 1882, Apr 18. Encloses prints of Degeeria. Can subscribe to Darwin portrait. 129. Huddersfield. 1882, Jul 7. Encloses photos of Noctiluca. Dredging at Redcar. 130. Huddersfield. 1884, Nov 28. Will take Edinburgh University course on science or medicine. Asks M's advice on which to take. 131. Huddersfield. 1884, Dec 22. Proofs returned. Serious mistakes by Mr. Carter. 132. Huddersfield. 1884, Dec 29. Thanks M, to whom he owes everything. 133. Huddersfield. 1885, Jan 3. Motella plates lettering returned. Off to Edinburgh. 134. Edinburgh. 1885. Jan 15. Nothing in University in working order, not even reagents for microscopical work. Suggested to him that he lives with the swells north of Princes St. 135. Edinburgh. 1885, Jan 23. Thanks M for Italian journal. Gossip. 136. Edinburgh. 1885, Jan 27. Has grant of £1500. Seeks assistants. Can M Help. 137. Edinburgh. 1885, Feb 1. Has found site for West Coast lab at Tarbert. 138. Edinburgh. 1885, Feb 5. M's advice sought for two assistants, salary £100 p.a. 139. Edinburgh. 1885, Apr 19. General chat. 140. Edinburgh. 1885, Nov 14. Not well. Hopes Katie will come and look after him. 141. Edinburgh. 1886, Jan 5. Books lost in Nat Hist Dept. Prof. Ewart's wife dead. 142. Edinburgh. 1886, Mar 3. Thanks M for paper on Development of Patella. 143. Tarbert. 1886, Aug 12. Asks M to look up articles. 144. Tarbert. 1886, Aug. 23. Thanks M for books and asks for two more. 145. Edinburgh.1886, Nov 4. Father has ordered new yacht. 146. Edinburgh. 1887, Jan 3. Now has own rooms in University in spite of Prof. Ewart's opposition. 147. Edinburgh. 1887, May 11. Would like to hear from M. Asks for three books. 148. Edinburgh. 1887, May 25. M's advice taken. Engaged to be married to a Miss Scott of Newcastle. She is a little sweetheart. 149. Edinburgh. 1887, Jun 3. Asks M for paper on Moulting of the Lobster. New yacht has reached the Tyne. 150. Tobermorey.1887, Jul 20. M not well. Invited north for dredging. 151. Isle of Mull. 1887, Aug 3. Regrets M still unwell. Presses M to travel north. 152. Isle of Mull. 1887, Aug 14. Still hopes M will travel north. 153. Huddersfield. 1887, Dec. 26. Climax at the Lin. Dyer and Co. mean no good. Carruthers (President: Ed.) not a great botanist, never was, never will be. If M resigns the Lin will realise its loss too late. 154. Huddersfield. 1888, Jan 26. Father died. 155. Huddersfield. 1888, Feb 29. Will call at Lin or Leigh. 156. Edinburgh. 1888, Jul 1. Has Challenger's Antipathidoe for identification. Hopes to buy small 30-ton yacht. 157. London. 1888, Jul 12. Hopes to see M. 158. London. 1888, Jul 13. Cannot now meet M but later on if convenient. 159. Isle of Mull. 1888, Jul 29. Back in Isle of Mull. M invited to join. 160. Isle of Mull. 1888, Aug 8. M not well. 32-ton yacht purchased. 161. Edinburgh. 1888, Oct 11. Visiting London. Can M join him. 162. [no place] 1879, Nov 8. Authorizes Hobkirk or Paritt to receive Transactions,
BROOK, Fanny 163. Yardley. 1888, Mar 7. Regret at not seeing M.
BROOK, Agnes 164. Huddersfield. [no year] Mar 29. M's birthday. Looks forward to yacht and shooting Lodge. 165. Huddersfield. 1895, Oct 30. Photographs and brace of grouse on way to M.
BROOKES, Victor (Sir) 166. London. 1872, Apr 3. Congratulations on M's reservoirs of anatomical information.
BROOME, C.E. 167. Bath. 1882, Oct 12. Discussion about plates. 168. Bath. 1882, Oct 16. Two proofs of paper returned. 169. Bath. 1882, Oct 19. Revised sheet returned. 170. Bath. 1882, Dec 31. Continuation of paper on Australian Fungi. 171. Bath. 1886, Jun 7. One name on paper not enough; Berkeley to be added.
BROWN, Robert 172. [No place name or date]. Encloses cheque with suggestions and chatter. 173. Edinburgh. [no date]. Contents of M's letter fruitless. Chatter. 174. [No place name]. Sep 29. Document for signatures enclosed. Election to Chair of Physiology not yet known. 175. Edinburgh. [no date]. Books from and to M plus suggestions. 176. Edinburgh. 1872, Apr 1. Testimonial for M. 177. Edinburgh. 1874. Sep 17. Discussion about problems. 178. Edinburgh. 1874, Sep 24. M thanked for advice. Problems enlarged. 179. Edinburgh. 1874, Nov 6. Happenings in Edinburgh. 180. Edinburgh. 1875, May 11. Making money with Cassells. Science be blowed! 181. Edinburgh. 1875, Jun 9. Discussion about copyright money. Chatter. 182. Edinburgh. 1875, Jul 26. M thanked for letter. Chatter. 183. Edinburgh. 1881, Jul 8. Asks if M can get him out of a difficulty. 183. Edinburgh. 1875, Dec 4. M thanked for letter and best of news. 184. Edinburgh. 1875, Dec 6. Cutting from "Courant" enclosed. Chatter. 185. Edinburgh. [no date]. Scott away for a fortnight. 186. London. 1876, Dec 17. Much chatter. 187. London. [no date]. Much chatter. 188. London. 1880, Oct 2. Cannot recommend Hughes for Lin Librarianship. Favours M. 189. London. 1880, Oct 2. Asks M if all well at the Lin. And what is he about. 190. London. 1881, Jul 28. Asks M to get him out of a serious difficulty. 191. London. Congratulates M on quitting the Lin which is full of treachery and double dealing.
BROWN, T.B.R. 192. London. 1886, Jan 2. M offered a haggis and a dance to a fiddle.
BROWNE, Rev. Edmund 193. Twyford. 1886, Dec 21. Suggests his father's figures go to the BM and his papers to the Lin.
BRYSEN, James M. 194. Edinburgh. [no year] May 24. Requests M's address.
BUCKLAND, Frank 195. London. 1872, Apr 2. Testimony to M.
BULLER, W.L. 196. London. 1887, Sep 15. Asks M to subscribe to "The Birds of New Zealand". 197. London. 1887, Nov 5. Asks where his paper on Ocydromus be can refereed. 198. London. 1888, Apr 21. Requests M to return specimen of hybrid Ocydromus. 199. London. 1888, Jun 11. Complains that M has failed to help. 200. London. 1888, Jul 4. Asks for return of hybrid. Riddard will examine it. 201. London. 1888, Aug 2. M's comments not understood. He has not replied to notes. 202. London. 1888, Oct 3. Distressed at M's failure to keep his promise. 203. London. 1888, Oct 12. M's footnote reduced at request of printer.
BURGESS, E.W. 204. York. 1881, Feb 18. Busy working in theatre and travelling. Studying Diamoceoe. 205. Leeds. 1881, Apr 7. Asks M for introduction to Wright in Dublin.
BURROWS, John H. 206. Southend. 1888, Nov 16. Thanks M for chairing very satisfactory meeting.
BUSK, George 207. Lyme Regis. 1881, Sep 14. Requests M to alter paper before printing. 208. Lyme Regis. 1881, Sep 27. Wants more than usual number of copies of review. 209. London. 1872, Apr 1. Recommendation that M be appointed Prof, of General and Comparative Physiology at R.Vet Coll. 210. Ferrybridge. 1881, Sep 4. Proofs returned.
CARPENTER, William B. 211. London. 1872, Apr 4. (Same as No. 209: Ed.)
CARRUTHERS, William 212. London. 1872, Apr 3. Testimony to M. 213. London. 1884, Jul 22. M asked to sign document and forward to bank. 214. London. 1884, Jul 8. Looking forward to seeing M in Canada. 215. London. 1885, Mar 12. M to give information so that a complaint can be investigated. 216. London. 1887, Mar 15. Letter enclosed to be read at next Lin meeting. 217. London. 1887, Mar 22. Decision of Council re wording on plates. 218. London. 1887, Jul 5. M asked to show coloured plate to Boulenger. 219. London. 1887, Jul 26. M asked to provide a proof of the President's address to the meeting. 220. London. 1887, Oct 26. M-asked about enclosed book. 221. London. 1887, Sep 14. [R'ittner] to be allowed to see a Linnaeus manuscript. 222. London. 1888, Jan 23. Lindenfeld and Hertring to clean rooms when empty and if necessary. |