LA/1/06/3/2/53 | Letter from Richard Wortley to Lindsay Anderson | Praise for If.... |
LA/1/07/5/16 | Press notes - Rachel Roberts and Peter Jeffrey | Warner Bros promotional press handout for O Lucky Man! (prodced by Fred Hift Associates Ltd) |
LA/1/09/3/9/20 | Draft sent by David Sherwin to Lindsay Anderson | Draft of Sherwin's diary for Britannia Hospital |
LA/2/3/3/4/7 | Letter from Graham Crowden to Lindsay Anderson | Update of future film and stage projects; discussing the filming of The Old Crowd; enquiring... |
LA/5/01/1/45/23 | Letter from Lindsay Anderson to Miroslav Ondricek | Discussing his production of The Old Crowd; reasons he decided not to do a production of Galileo... |