Ref NoLA/6/1/4
TitleDiary - 'Journal for 1944 - an intermittent record of life in an uncongenial occupation, together with some observations of interest if not importance on life, art, politics and other general subjects, all set down with as much candour, charity, perspicacity as it is in the power of the author to command and with humour but not facetiety, pomposity or undue cynicism', Lindsay Anderson
DescriptionMilitary service in York and Morpeth (with the King's Royal Rifle Corps) and Bedford (with the Intelligence Corps); opinions and reviews of films and plays seen and books read; poetry written by Lindsay Anderson; examination of sexual feelings and friendships made while in army; loose page LA/6/1/4/57 and LA/6/1/4/58 - cartoon drawn by Anderson with title 'Simply heavenly! I'm making an absolute pig of myself!'; loose pages LA/6/1/4/58 - LA/6/1/4/71 - letter from Anderson to Humphrey [Jennings]; loose page LA/6/1/4/72 and LA/6/1/4/73 - short poem (first line: 'Summer is here in April: close your eyes and listen to the drowsy afternoon'); loose page LA/6/1/4/74 - visit to Cambridge to meet friends; loose page LA6/1/4/75 - short poem (first line: 'Now life itself seems baffling as a light'); loose pages LA/6/1/4/75 and LA/6/1/4/76 - notes on a military exercise; loose page LA/6/1/4/77 - page of notes of names and addresses; loose pages LA/6/1/4/78 - LA/6/1/4/85 - rough draft of an article entitled 'The Soldier's Dilemma' discussing similar subjects to those of diary entry of 23/01/1944; loose pages LA/6/1/4/86 - LA/6/1/4/89 - diary entries made in 'young officers' notebook during lectures about Anderson's attitude to military life; loose pages LA/6/1/4/90 and LA/6/1/4/914 - thoughts on friends and army colleagues; loose page LA/6/1/4/92 - thoughts on the deaths of two former pupils of Cheltondale school
Extent85 pages

Show related Persons records.

NameDate of Birth
Jennings; Humphrey (1907-1950)
Lambert; Gavin (1924-2005)
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